634. Chapter 630 end of ball

    Ivan and Hermione returned to the auditorium, Ron and Lavender were still missing, Ginny and Gabrielle sat with a large group of Beauxbatons' girls, Neville and Luna danced together, and Harry and Colin sat at a table away from the dance floor.

    "Have you seen Ron?"Harry asked, looking at Ivan and Hermione who had just returned.

    "He is busy outside!"Hermione said with no anger, looked up and looked around, sure that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation before they lowered their voice and said, "I just heard it with Ivan…"

    She repeated the words that Hagrid said, and Harry and Colin were equally stunned.

    “So, Hagrid is a half-Giant?!”Colin said with amazement.

    "Yes, this thing is very bad!"Ivan and Hermione nodded.

    "I don't understand, how is Hagrid a giant? What's the problem?!"Harry said, watching Maddam Maxime sitting alone at the referee's table, a sullen look, "If Hagrid is half-Giant, then she must be, too, the skeleton is bigger, only the dinosaurs bigger than her skeleton… …"

    "You don't understand, Harry!"Hermione explained, “Hagrid is half-Giant. This is a terrible thing. The book says that giants are dangerous magical creatures and are not recognized by magic circle.”

    Who cares?Harry stubbornly said, "Hagrid is not bad, we like him!"

    "I know so, but…"

    “In a general sense, the giant is considered a very fierce humanoid magical creature!”Seeing Harry and Colin still bewildered, and without realizing the seriousness of the matter, Ivan had to explain, "like troll, They are born to kill, but they are more dangerous than troll, the average height of the giant is 22 feet, almost twice times the Troll. The physical ability to defend them against the vast majority of magic, is simply a humanoid killing machine, in the past dark years, they give magic circle a lot of fear, but now Britain is no giant! ”

    "Why, where did they go?"

    "Probably extinct, there are a large number of people killed by Auror, and a group of mountains that have been hiding abroad. After all, this age is different from the past, not the era when giants can ravage."Ivan continued, “It’s not the key to how they disappeared. The key is that during the reign of Voldemort, many giants have joined his majesty and killed many people.”

    "Even if this is the case, it has nothing to do with Hagrid, he is not dangerous!"

    "People who know him don't think it's okay, because everyone knows that Hagrid is not dangerous, but if you don't know him or someone he is not familiar with…"Ivan shook his head and he saw a lot of people whispering together with them.

    Obviously, this incident has been leaked out, but there are many people around the fountain just around.

    It is not possible to keep concealing, and this is not a long-term solution. It is not a good thing for Hagrid.

    The issue of blood status has always been Hagrid's heart disease, and concealing it only delays the period of conflict.

    Only when it is completely exposed, it is the right thing to let Hagrid realize that everyone is still willing to accept him.

    In this matter, Ivan decided to make some preparations, and could not let the public opinion ferment and develop in the wrong direction.

    In addition, he is a bit curious, Hagrid's father is just an ordinary wizard, listening to Hagrid's description, or a relatively small head, then how did he let Hagrid's mother, a purebred female giant with children? !

    Although wizards and various types of magical creatures are more common, half-Giant has always been a minority.

    Think about it carefully, this thing is actually terrible!

    After seeing Ivan and Hermione return, Ginny and Gabrielle also came together.

    In the rest of the ball, the six of them have been sitting in the corner talking about the giants, not thinking about dancing.

    No matter who came to invite, they were rejected by them!

    Harry looked at the autumn and Zhang from time to time, but when she saw her with Cedric, there was a strong urge to kick things.

    Ivan advised him to invite autumn in the past, and Harry hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head and did not act.

    As for Fleur and Roger Davies, Ron and Lavender, there were other couples who didn't come back until the end.

    At 12 o'clock midnight, The Weird Sisters stopped playing and everyone gave them a warm applause for the last time.

    Then I started walking towards the foyer, and Ivan, Hermione, and Harry sent Gabrielle back to the carriage.

    On the way back, at the door of the public restroom, they saw Ron glaring at Lavender's hand and standing there haha.

    OhHe saw Ivan, Harry, and Hermione and stopped.

    Lavender giggled and embarrassed to run in.

    A moment of silence, Ron seemed to want to explain something, and the last sentence did not say.

    He just looked at them timidly, his eyes were a bit odd, and he seemed to be expecting an outbreak.

    But everyone has nothing to say to Ron, although his progress with Lavender is too fast, but this is Ron's freedom.

    With such a silent stalemate for a while, the four talents went back to their common public areas to sleep, each with their own minds.

    As for Hagrid's things, let Harry tell Ron.

    On the second day of Christmas, everyone got up very late.

    Gryffindor's communal lounge was a lot more quiet than the previous days, and people talked without a hit, and were interrupted by yawns from time to time.

    Hermione's hair became messy again, and she confessed to Ivan that in order to participate in the ball, she sprayed a lot of speed-sliding hair on her hair.

    "But it's too much trouble to do this every day."She actually said that while scratching the roots of Crookshanks, the cat was comfortable.

    Although Hermione was amazing last night, her look is very popular.

    At the very least, Ivan thinks so, this is the real, natural Hermione.

    As for Ron and Lavender, everyone is tacitly aware that they have not seen it.

    The two of them also converge a lot, not so blatantly stick together.

    Harry also told Ron about Hagrid's.

    Ron was even more surprised than he had imagined, and told them a lot of terror rumors about the giants to prove how terrible the news was.

    Instead, Hermione gradually calmed down after flipping through a few books.

    "I have long suspected that Hagrid is a half-Giant!"She told everyone that she raised the magic book inside the raised hand. "I just looked at the history of the giant. I think we can't be so nervous about the giant. They are not all as terrible as rumors. This is a kind of prejudice, just like people's attitude towards the werewolf, just a preconception, isn't it? ! ”

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