644. Chapter 640 Practice and Mastery

    “Good, concentrate, Ivan!”Sirius said slowly, "The next step is to take the space you want, and let the desire to get in the least part of your body."

    Harry and Hermione also did what Sirius' demanded, and they were squeezing their eyes on the wooden ring, and their faces rose red.

    Ivan's line of sight is also concentrated in the wood ring, trying to figure out where he is going to get there.

    Step 3.Sirius shouted. "When I order, you start to rotate in place, let yourself enter the void state, and move calmly!" Listen to my password now, three, two, one…"

    Sirius's voice just fell, Ivan immediately launched the magic, a strong sense of vertigo rose in his body.

    His body is spinning up in place and will soon enter the void.

    At this moment, he suddenly lost his balance, almost fell, and swayed down.

    "Failed, I just didn't know the speed of rotation, and I used a little more magic power!"Ivan said.

    "It doesn't matter, you have done a good job. Many wizards haven't reacted for the first time. Let's practice it again!"Sirius comforted him and said, "Attention to the rotating motion, your body can be relaxed, not so tight."

    "I remember!"Ivan nodded and recalled the feeling of being rotated in place.

    Before entering the void, the rotation of the body is on the one hand, and the key lies in the trajectory of magic power.

    Ivan has measured it on paper many times before, as long as it is used according to the optimal route.

    "Don't worry, Ivan, even if I am physically separated, I can do it quickly."Sirius said.

    Got itIvan didn't feel anything to hear him.

    Under the influence of magic, the Apparition fails and the body splits the wizard and does not die immediately.

    There is a period of protection that is enough for the people around you to be treated.

    Of course, if there are no other wizards around, or if the wizard doesn't use the curse, then you can only wait until you die!

    Sirius is naturally ready, and there are many potions for treatment in the Ivan bag. He doesn't need to worry at all.

    Hermione suddenly got nervous and looked at Ivan with concern. ”

    She simply couldn't think of the terrible picture of Ivan's body split into two halves.

    "Sirius, you just said that the body is separated?"

    "Separation, the separation of a part of the body, is an accident that is often common in Apparition!"Sirius said faintly, waving his hand to indicate Hermione's peace of mind. "This situation mainly occurs when the determination is not firm enough, so you must always focus on the target, don't doubt, remember: "Destination, this is Apparition Key points! ”

    DestinationIvan repeated it again.

    Although Apparition is extremely deep magic, there is no difficulty for him.

    Ivan's second attempt was significantly better than the first attempt, and after a spin, he successfully entered the void state.

    After entering the void, his surroundings suddenly became dark, and time and space lost meaning.

    With a strong sense of suffocation, Ivan felt that all parts of his body were being squeezed, the eyeballs were squeezed back into his head, and the eardrum was pressed deep into the skull, as if it had been ruined into a very narrow Inside the rubber tube.

    He has had this feeling many times before, but this time it came in with his own strength.

    His body has entered the void, as if he felt strong "quiet" magic in a silent temple.

    Perhaps the evil god lives in this horrible space.

    Before Ivan looked around, his body appeared from the void and his feet fell back to the ground.

    Fresh air is re-infused into the body and he appears in the wood ring without any errors.

    Harry and Hermione didn't experience the feeling of Ivan's oppressive suffocation. They only saw Ivan open his arms and gracefully rotate in place. He disappeared in the robe's wandering, and the next second appeared in a few steps. Going up is amazing!

    And it worked!Ivan said that trying to level the breath, the vertigo in the brain is gradually disappearing!

    "Congratulations, Ivan!"Hermione sighed with relief and put the heart down.

    "What you did is great!"Harry followed.

    "Perfect" Destination! ”Sirius smiled and said, "You are very talented in this respect. The number of wizards that have successfully moved the second time is not much. Let's contact the slightly longer distance!"

    With a bang, his body disappeared in place and appeared under a big tree in the distance.

    Very far away, from here, you can only see a blurred figure.

    Sirius placed the hoop and waved to Ivan to signal him to come.

    Same as before, but this time Ivan's action is much more skilled.

    His eyes fell in the wood circle in the distance, and the thoughts in his mind just rose into the void and quickly entered the void.

    After a harsh voice, he appeared beside Sirius.

    "How am I doing, Sirius?"Ivan asked with delight, the feeling of suffocation was much smaller than before.

    "Great, you have mastered the skills of the shape-shifting. What you need to do next is a lot of practice. When this spell becomes part of your body, you can use it in the battle for teleport at any time. It is completely successful. !"Sirius said, “Don’t let go, it’s hard to do this, it’s much harder than learning this spell. In the battle, the enemy will not give you reaction time! ”

    Ivan nodded and said something to Sirius was very similar.

    Unlike other spell magic, the shape does not require much magic power. The key is the control of magic power, which requires extremely fine use techniques.

    This is a bit like the precise control of the refining potion, which is not possible with many powerful wizards.

    "Come on, Ivan, you practice it again!"Sirius said, “Then we started learning the long-distance Apparition.”

    After practicing it a few more times, Sirius let Ivan Apparition go to The Shrieking Shack.

    The main points and spells are the same as before, but this time the Apparition's target position is not in Ivan's vision.

    He needs to do two more things, determine the position and distance, and the surroundings where you want to go.

    Apparition takes more time and magic power than shifting, but the difficulty is reduced.

    Just know where you are going, grasp the position and distance…

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