653. Chapter 649, The Man on The Marauder's Map

    Ron is still digesting this shocking news and can't believe he is going to the lake.

    “Myrtle, what animals are living in the lake besides giant squid?”Harry continued to ask.

    "Hey, there are so many things, there are so many kinds, far beyond your imagination!"She said, it seems a bit unhappy. "I sometimes go to the lake to hang out, sometimes I have no choice. Someone rushed to my toilet when I was not prepared…"

    Harry refrained from thinking about Myrtle. It must be interesting to see the stolen goods in the toilet rushing into the sewer and into the lake.

    He also wants to try it if he can.

    "So, where is anything going to make people's voices?"Harry asked, "Slow…"

    His gaze fell on the picture of the sleeping beautiful Merpeople on the wall and hurriedly pushed Ron.

    “Merpeople, Ron, definitely Merpeople!”He said quickly, "Myrtle, there is Merpeople, is there?"

    "Great."She said that the thick lens shines like starlight, looking at Harry satisfactorily, "Diggory took much longer, and she was still awake!"

    She pointed her finger at Merin, her face with a very disgusted expression.

    "Hey, giggling as usual, like a student who came to take a bath and show off her fins…"She is dissatisfied.

    "Harry, you mean…"Ron's eyes also fell on the portrait of Merpeople.

    "It must be like this. The second project is to go to the lake to find the beautiful Merpeople, then, then…"Harry couldn't stop, suddenly reacting to what he was saying, and the excitement that just discovered the secret suddenly slipped away from his heart.

    He remembered that the lake was very wide and deep, and Merpeople must have lived in the deepest part of the water…

    This is not going to swim, how can Ron breathe inside? !

    Obviously, Ron also thought of this. He didn't break the golden egg at all, and he was ashamed.

    "Myrtle, do you know how to breathe under the water?"He asked with hope.

    After listening to this, Myrtle suddenly burst into tears in his eyes.

    "stupid!"She muttered, groping for a handkerchief in the robe, "exploring breathing in front of me!"

    There was more and more tears in her eyes and she jumped from the faucet.

    "You know that I can't!"She screamed, and the voice made a loud echo in the bathroom. "I know clearly, I haven’t lived for a long time…"

    She buried her face in the handkerchief and snorted her nose.

    Harry remembered that Myrtle had been very sensitive to the fact that he was dead, and that the other ghosts he knew were not so fussed.

    Ron also thought of this, but he didn't want to comfort Myrtle at all, just wanted to get out of here.

    He is about to drown in the lake, but now he needs to apologize with an annoying ghost? !

    "I'm afraid!"Finally, Harry said impatiently, "We didn't mean it, just forgot!"

    "Oh, yeah, it's easy to forget that Myrtle is dead," Myrtle said, groaning and staring at them with red eyes. "Even when I was alive, no one was concerned about me." It took them a long time to discover my body, I know, because I was sitting there waiting for them. Oliver Humbewa walked into the bathroom and said to me, 'Are you sulking here again, Myrtle? Professor Dipet told me to come to you…'At this time, she suddenly saw my body. Oh, she couldn't forget the scene until she died. I can guarantee that I will follow her and remind her. I remember, at her brother's wedding…Of course, she later found the Ministry of Magic, preventing me from following her again, I had to go back here and live in my toilet! ”

    This is really an unpleasant memory, and Myrtle seems to be an imaginary vengeance.

    Harry and Ron didn't even listen at all, and the two of them didn't even care about being seen by the other side.

    Two people picked up the golden egg from the bottom of the bath, climbed up, dried the body as quickly as possible, and put on the clothes again.

    "Fred and George must know this, knowing that Myrtle will come over and peek, tell me the password to enter here!"Ron said angrily, "Go visit her?! Unless all the toilets in the castle are sealed by the earth, I will never be near that place again. ”

    “Myrtle is really bad, but she gave us help after all!”Harry said, "Sneak into the water, what are you going to do?"

    "I don't know, go back and ask Ivan and Hermione, they know for sure!"Ron said weakly.

    Although he does not want to admit it, he does not have any means for the current situation.

    He had thought that this time could not rely on Ivan's help, but not.

    After seeing Hermione like that from the ball, Ron has been very uncomfortable recently, always thinking of the pictures of Ivan and Hermione dancing, and seeing the parchment of Ivan's scary patterns in the pub this morning. …..

    Now is not the time to conflict with Ivan, Ron reminds himself that this is the lesson he has learned in the past few years.

    Ivan's is very strong, far beyond his imagination, he needs the help of the other side.

    "Ron, we have to go back a little faster!"Harry said, put Invisibility Cloak on top of the two people and double-checked it. "It's already late, come on, I am holding golden egg, you are responsible for viewing The Marauder's Map."

    The two of them came to the dark corridor outside, and Ron checked the Marauder's Map absently.

    Picture on Filch and his cat Mrs. The two small points of Norris, An An steadily stayed in their office.

    The castle was quiet, only Peeves was at the event, but he was in the upstairs prize showroom.

    "Let's go."Ron said, suddenly stopped.

    More than Peeves, he saw Ivan and Hermione suddenly appear at the castle gate.

    What are the two of them going out to do, is it a date? !

    Thinking of it, I felt uncomfortable when I thought of the pictures of Ivan and Hermione kissing.

    Ron recently went out with Lavender to date, and finally knew what boys and girls were doing alone.

    Think of it this way, Ivan and Hermione have been together for a long time, they must be the same…

    "What's wrong, Ron?"Harry got together and saw Ivan and Hermione at the gate. "Strange, how are the two of them going there, we are!"

    He pulled Ron's sleeve and Ron returned.

    "Oh ?"He was ready to take the Marauder's Map and his eyes suddenly stopped.

    Because he saw, there was a small point moving in a room on the bottom left hand corner.

    That's the office of Professor Snape, but the name of the small margin is not "Severus · Snape."

    But Kreshkov Slytherin! ! !

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