663. Chapter 659 Kreshkov's speculation

    Ivan understands Kreshkov's meaning, and there are contradictions and struggles inside Vampire.

    Although he is the nominal leader, he can't control the thoughts of all the tribes, plus Voldemort is bewildered…

    It seems that the Vampire clan is likely to split so much that one side completely falls to Voldemort.

    No wonder Voldemort let Kreshkov sneak into Hogwarts, probably wanting to put him on hold for a while and take the opportunity to fix other Vampire.

    It’s really like Kreshkov said, bad news one by one.

    Vampire is very strong, not weaker than the Death Eater, and Voldemort, who is loyal to them, is stronger and harder to deal with.

    "If they really trust Voldemort, what are you going to do?"Ivan asked.

    "To be completely loyal to the Dark Lord, they just made another choice and tried to solve the problem from another angle. Although I don't approve of it, I can't blame them and have no right to stop them."Kreshkov shook his head and said, "Ivan, you still don't understand what our family is facing. Remember, the guy you saw in my memory clip before! ”

    "Of course I do."Ivan nodded, his brow wrinkled, and he remembered the monster.

    In the first section of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he used Shield Charm to bounce back the other Legilimency and saw a hidden memory in the depths of Kreshkov's mind. The old picture reappeared in Ivan's mind.

    It was an endless abyss, and the surrounding stones were all black.

    The black rocks are unevenly stacked, and at the highest point is the darkness that can't be seen at the end.

    In the infinite darkness, there is a huge alien monster hidden like a mixture of the world's most terrifying creatures.

    Its flesh appears dark purple and is made up of piles of rotten meat.

    The center position is a humanoid creature. It can't be seen really. It can only be faintly identified as the dense linen on the top of the barnacle-like thing.

    One by one, irregularly sized holes, make people look numb.

    Further up, it is a colorful orange-red hair, like the texture of a poisonous spider.

    A sturdy, white-bone spine extends downward, centering on it, and the twisted grotesque torso extends all around.

    Among them, you can see many features of Ivan's familiar magical creatures, such as Dragon, basilisk, Manticore, etc., but these magical creatures are all plausible, just like someone who mixes hundreds of magical creatures together and smash them, then These pieces of meat are combined indiscriminately in everything.

    This kind of horror is like a nightmare monster. As long as you look at it, you will never forget it in your life.

    Ivan has speculated that this is probably a kind of evil god.

    He still remembers Kreshkov saying that the monster is the fate that he and his people need to face, a fate that there is no way to escape.

    "As you can see, the guy and the evil god above the statue are the same creature!"Kreshkov said slowly, "But they are not the same, there is a fundamental difference…If I didn't guess wrong, it might be what the Dark Lord wants to be. ”

    "What?"Ivan was surprised that Voldemort wanted to be the monster. Why did Kreshkov say that? !

    Wait a moment, think about it from another angle. That is to say, the scary monster in Kreshkov's memory is what a human being has become.

    It is not purely an evil god born from the chaotic void, but a product created by the wizard.

    How was this possible?

    This fact is too shocking, human beings can actually become evil god!

    But everything seems impossible. From the depths of the school, in the remains of Slytherin left behind, Ivan knows that Herpo the Foul was once transformed into an evil god with the evil dark magic, and finally divided into three by Salazar Slytherin. Parts.

    The eyes, the brain and the body, respectively, have been partially destroyed by Ivan, and the brain and body are still missing.

    So, is the monster in Kreshkov's memory the body of Herpo the Foul? !

    Still, combined with the clues in Kreshkov's words, Ivan thought of a more terrible possibility…

    "You are very smart, Ivan, but too weak, and some things are not suitable for telling you!"Kreshkov said that he did not explain the question in Ivan's mind. "You just need to know what the enemy you might have to face if Voldemort succeeds." In the face of such a terrible monster, are you confident that you can overcome it? ! ”

    Ivan shook his head, and I am afraid that no one can defeat the evil god. It can't be done like a powerful warlock.

    All they can do is seal, and at the expense of self-destruction, seal the evil god in the void.

    "If that is really Voldemort's goal, we can stop him."Ivan said.

    "You still don't understand. Some things can be stopped without stopping. Unless you can kill the Dark Lord now! ”Kreshkov continued to shake his head and close his eyes. "But this is impossible. In this case, my family and I need his help. From the current situation, only he can help us to get rid of that terrible fate." Some people say that it is the curse of Salazar Slytherin left behind, but some people think that it is a blessing…"

    After a moment of silence, Ivan did not continue to ask, although he did not understand.

    Obviously, Kreshkov does not intend to tell him all the secrets.

    Through this conversation, Ivan knows a lot, but it also raises more questions.

    "Choose it, Ivan!"Kreshkov opened his eyes and said firmly, "Tell me, what do you plan to do after you know this?" Is it to restore Voldemort's strength according to the original plan, or to stop him. Your answer will determine whether we will continue to cooperate…"

    Blocking Voldemort is just stopping him from returning to the plan this time, delaying the time and not solving the problem fundamentally.

    As long as Horcrux still exists, he will not die.

    Ivan couldn't possibly destroy all the Horcrux, the piece in Harry's head, and he couldn't help it.

    Besides, if Voldemort is willing, he can continue to split the soul to make Horcrux. Anyway, he is now a madman.

    Voldemort, who already knows the secret of evil god, will become even more terrible when he returns.

    And by that time, Ivan will have no defenses and all the advantages will be lost.

    But if you don't stop Voldemort and let him return successfully, he will definitely use the evil god to do something.

    From Kreshkov's words, he may turn himself into an evil god and gain a powerful force beyond the limit.

    Faced with that fearful monster, Ivan thinks no one can beat it!

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