697. Chapter 693 begins

    Ivan naturally can't sleep with autumn, and Polyjuice Potion has only one hour of efficacy.

    This means that he will definitely get back when he sleeps at night, and Ivan can't get up every hour to take medicine.

    After dinner with house elf, he refused the invitation to fall and didn't want to play the wizard flag with Harry.

    Ivan returned to the room on the second floor of the castle, locked the door, blown out the candle, and went to bed early.

    He lay down, thought about it, climbed up and took off all his clothes, and then fell heavily on the bed…

    After the transformation, Gabrielle clothes are definitely not suitable, Polyjuice Potion is really troublesome.

    In the dark, Ivan sighed hard, and today's experience is really special!

    Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, not to mention Ivan, a person lying in bed can not sleep.

    Hermione and Gabrielle have been talking late in the Gryffindor common room.

    After waiting until there was no one around the night, the two of them realized that they should go to sleep and could not continue to drag on.

    "Come on, they should all fall asleep, let's whisper!"Hermione said that her face was red and red.

    The strange feelings rise in the body, and although she knows that Gabrielle is opposite, she is now Ivan's.

    I personally took "Ivan" to my bed, and Hermione had a blank inside.

    "I still stay here, if it is discovered…"Gabrielle is worried.

    "No, just pay attention to it and there is no problem!"Hermione took the initiative to pull Gabrielle to the bedroom and said, "Come on, I can't leave you alone, you can't sleep for one night."

    She repeatedly told herself that this is Gabrielle, not Ivan, nothing is too shy.

    In this kind of thing, her courage must be bigger and give Gabrielle a model!

    The defensive magic at the entrance of the girls’ dormitory was not triggered, and both of them were relieved.

    The two of them were on the tiptoe and went black into Hermione's bedroom, where there was no sound at all.

    At this time, everyone is asleep!

    Hermione and Gabrielle looked at each other for a while, then with the help of Hermione's, blackened Gabrielle's clothes.

    They did not wear pajamas and climbed into bed at the fastest speed.

    Hermione put the credit on the four-poster bed and let Gabrielle lie inside.

    I can't tell why, the original big bed, a little more suddenly became smaller.

    Both of them were thoughtful and turned over and over again for a long time before finally falling asleep.

    None of them noticed, and did not know when to hold Hermione's Gabrielle and return to the cost.

    At four o'clock the next morning, Ivan woke up with his eyes open.

    He took out the bottle and took a bite of Polyjuice Potion before he put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

    At the end of the corridor, Dumbledore was waiting outside, and he seemed to expect Ivan to wake up in the first place.

    "Good morning, professor!"Ivan said that he noticed that the Moody station was standing in the dark shadow of the corner.

    In the dim light, his incomplete face was extraordinarily gloomy, and his eyes stared at Ivan.

    Today is a crucial day, and his plan will be realized!

    He will personally bring Harry Potter to the Dark Lord, who will prove his loyalty to the great Dark Lord.

    This is his dream and his greatest wish.

    Despite a lot of changes in the middle, he did not follow his original plan, let go of the sly Vampire, kill his father himself, and even be sent to Azkaban or die again…

    But he doesn't care at all, as long as he can help the Dark Lord return, everything is worth it.

    Think of it here, Barty Jr.
· Crouch exudes a crazy atmosphere.

    "Hello, Gabrielle!"Dumbledore smiled and said, "You look tired and didn't sleep well last night?"

    YesIvan nodded and swept Moody. "It may be too nervous. I feel bad when I think about going under the huge lake…You know, I can't swim! ”

    "Don't worry, you won't be in danger."Dumbledore said calmly, patted his shoulder gently. "We have prepared everything, believe me, you will return safely, I wish you good luck!"

    Thank you!Ivan nodded and stood beside Dumbledore.

    After a while, Fudge, Bagman, Madam Maxime, Karkaroff, Sirius, Snape, Professor McGonagall and those Auror also came to the corridor on the second floor of the castle, and Harry and Autumn came out of the room.

    The two of them did not seem to sleep well, and there was a deep shadow under the eyes.

    Everyone whispered, and Sirius pulled Harry to the side and hugged something. Harry nodded from time to time.

    Ivan sneaked a sneak peek at Polyjuice Potion, and he had to drink a few times when he was under the lake.

    It’s been more than five o'clock, Poliakoff hasn't come out yet, this guy is sleeping very dead, everyone is waiting for him.

    "Get up, Poliakoff, you nasty boy!"Karkaroff knocked at the door impatiently, and the action was often rude.

    Five minutes later, Dumbledore began to cast spells on everyone after he swayed out.

    A blue glow flashed, Ivan lost consciousness and entered the endless darkness…


    At the same time, Hermione woke up early.

    Feeling someone holding her body, she slammed openly and saw that it was a small Gabrielle before she relaxed.

    She had a strange dream last night, dreaming of herself and Ivan in her own bed…

    Hermione hurriedly moved his thoughts elsewhere, and Ivan should now go to the bottom of the lake, hoping that everything will go smoothly.

    She was thinking about it for a while before she woke up Gabrielle and handed her the bottle with Polyjuice Potion and Ivan's clothes. When she changed back to Ivan's, they both went to the common room as fast as they could. Noticed.

    There are more and more people in the common room, and everyone is excited to discuss the upcoming game.

    At dinner yesterday, Dumbledore announced that today's game will be held in the lake in front of the castle, which is really exciting.

    All the Hogwarts' young wizards know the depth of the lake, and there are terrible giant squid and Kelpie.

    Being able to breathe under the water is an amazing achievement in itself.

    These arguments made Hermione upset, she didn't want to stay here, and took Gabrielle to the auditorium for breakfast.

    They deliberately chose a corner of no one, probably at 8 o'clock, they waited until Ron came out.

    He put the wand in the trouser pocket and the other pocketed Gillyweed.

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