Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 154: Lies in series, punishment for mistakes

On the same day, Regulus was urged by Browder to use an owl to send a letter to Principal Dumbledore, saying that he would go to Hogwarts later to explain what happened today and why Browder left Hogwarts without permission. Gwarts.

But not these two days, because Browder's grandfather passed away, so the family funeral will be held.

"So what excuse did you think of to fool Principal Dumbledore?"

Still facing the double-sided mirror, Browder asked Regulus exactly what lies made up.

"I'm in a mess now, where can I have time to think about lies." Regulus is not easy to take the time to look at the double-sided mirror. "However, Jenny has helped me think about it, and now I have to think about it. What is wrong."

"Oh?" Browder became even more disappointed. "You finally told your wife about these things? Right, if you don't even trust your wife, what did you do with her at the time?"

Browder is now eating a large table of rice and is digging out the crystal jelly spoon by spoon.

Regulus has never told his wife Jenny about something.

As the name says, I don't want her to participate, but in fact it is the machismo hidden in my heart. I always want to solve all the problems alone.

But Browder always felt that Regulus should also have a harbor he could trust, a beacon that illuminates the way home.

Sharing secrets with others is not such a bad thing.

Now that all the elders in the Black family have passed away, Regulus' persistence is finally unnecessary.

Thinking about the situation that was almost attacked by Regulus's wife today, Browder once again felt that Regulus' vision was really good.

"But then, Regulus, did you tell your wife about me?" Browder cared more about this.

"No!" As Regulus' last insurance, Regulus didn't tell anyone about Browder's unreasonable things.

What he said to Jenny was that he himself knew a very powerful dragon trainer with two adult fire dragons.

Because he likes dragons, Browder also knows him. What happened today is that after Regulus's irrational attack, Browder felt bad, so he came out of Hogwarts and notified the dragon trainer to help Regulus.

This kind of statement, Browder just thinks... this nonsense is actually okay.

Regulus said he wouldn't make up lies...what a joke.

"That's right!" Browder took the last bite of the crystal jelly, and asked the liver and liver for a serving of blood ice cream cake, "Regulus, you haven't told me what the lie Jenny thought about it was!"

Regulus corrected her words, "Jenny’s idea is that Signus was attacked at his manor at noon today, but because his manor is too tightly protected, it prevented me as a rescuer from entering. , So I asked Cobb to bring you out in the race against time."

"You are his grandson, so your magic power is the key to unlock the manor's protection."

"But even with this race against time, it is still one step too late. Even if I kill the dark wizard who attacked Signus, Signus will not be able to survive."

This series of words really looks like a very beautiful story.

It's just that there are too many ingredients, and there are loopholes at the first listen.

But it is okay to have loopholes, and it was not believed by everyone who listened.

Just as an excuse is enough.

It's just that Browder still has nothing to figure out.

"How come you have become a dark wizard? Even if you don't say the total number of six, it's okay to say two or three?"

Browder happily ate the blood ice cream cake... He didn't even think about it.

"Originally, I thought so too. But when I think about these corpses today, it feels bad."

The key idea here is that Regulus came up with... In this attack, there were six murderers' corpses, but how many of them can really be brought out for inspection by the Ministry of Magic?

The answer was that there was only one, and it was barely enough.

Of the remaining five corpses, two were completely petrified. If they were inspected by the Ministry of Magic, they would definitely ask Regulus what magic was used to retreat from the enemy?

In this case, the Hovenia dulcis may be exposed.

In the same way, the three corpses that were scorched by the dragon fire no matter how they died would not work.

Even though there are Voldemort dolls inside.

Originally, the traces sprayed by the fire dragon's flames were more conspicuous, not to mention that Hogwarts' investigation of the super huge fire dragon burning and destroying the white forest of the eight-eyed giant spider habitat is not over.

If these corpses were handed over, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that the dragon at Hogwarts had something to do with him?

As long as you are not stupid, you know you should hide.

Browder wasn't stupid, just didn't think about it.

After eating all the plates containing the blood ice cream cake, Browder continued to order a glass of gem champagne, "Well, I have no problem, don't forget to pick me up for the funeral the day after tomorrow!"

Browder didn't want to leave the house in these two days.

Regulus agreed and hung up the double-sided mirror.

Browder looked at the double-sided mirror again and threw it back into his pocket.

The champagne he had just received was just boring, and Browder jumped off the seat.

Although he was lazy to say that he was coming back, after a great battle, Browder couldn't calm down even if he wanted to be quiet.

All said that actual combat is the best way to experience his own combat effectiveness. After Browder hurriedly challenged Voldemort's puppet this time, he saw that his current combat effectiveness was seriously insufficient.

Mainly in terms of mobility.

He who can't apparate himself is too slow.

Browder can't let Cobb stick to his own back!

And Cobb must have a time to cast magic.

Throwing troops is better than Phantom Shift, but it is not as easy to use as Phantom Shift when used in combat.

The transfer magic of the house elves is still not as fast as the apparition ~www.NovelMTL.com~ so Browder began to wonder if there is a way to use the spell on the examiner in charge of the apparition of the Ministry of Magic.

After a confusion spell is over, just send yourself a Phantom Transformation Certificate!

Of course, if Browder really dared to do this, then he was crazy.

Now... do you want to try?

The way to learn the magic of Apparition is not difficult, it is to move with the power of the Floo network.

This requires the user to be proficient in knowing all three hundred prohibitions in use.

Having failed, the lightest is also the separation of the body.

Although the Floo network still protects against the mistake of using Phantom Shift, if the body is separated for too long without receiving help, the wizard will also die.

For example, Bellatrix!

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