Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 187: Not a vet, let me see

On the first day of class officially started, Browder had a long-lost experience of the relaxed atmosphere in the class.

After worrying too much, let’s realize that campus life is really good for physical and mental health.

Only after class was over, Browder was suddenly very surprised.

Because Browder saw Draco holding a cat teasing.

Isn't this picture a bit contrary to harmony?

Draco could still have such a patient cat playing scene, Browder really didn't expect it.

As he approached, Browder realized that Draco was holding a tailless cat.

Browder’s grandfather’s estate has been divided. All the real estate on the Isle of Man and the group of cats have been given to Aunt Narcissa. Browder only wants his grandfather’s tens of thousands of gold gallon deposits in Gringotts. ...Many of them were honored to him by Browder.

So it wasn't an accident that Draco suddenly had a tail cat as a pet.

After all, a tailless cat is a symbol of pure blood, and it fits the Malfoy family well.

Especially the hair color of this tailless cat is naturally pure white.

It was just when Browder was about to take the opportunity to play the cat, but suddenly he saw Harry and Ron running by him.

Harry didn't even have time to say hello to Browder, so he ran over.

It's just that when he was passing by, the silver velvet on Harry's head suddenly jumped down and jumped into Browder's arms.

Harry glanced at it and ran on.

Harry was relieved that the silver velvet was with Browder.

But what do you run so fast?

Of course Browder, who didn't know what happened, wanted to ask the little guy in his hand.

The high-IQ silver Purongrong Servin turned away from the usual appearance in front of Harry, using its body language to tell Browder what had happened.

Marcos and Eddie watched it for a long time without knowing what it was performing, but Browder understood.

So Browder just felt a little dumbfounded.

"You naughty little guy!"

Rubbing Servin's head, Browder then laughed, "But it's a good job! Traitor, he should be taught a lesson."

Servin was very happy "raising his head up."

But it is still a ball.


I heard that creatures like humans can easily become emotionally attached to things like "names."

Not to mention that pets such as cats and dogs can be regarded as family members after they are named. Even if it is a sofa, dining table and other furniture, if they are named in an emotional outburst, they may not be discarded for a long time.

Everything that is completely broken must be repaired.

In fact, Browder is similar.

After calling the flame for so long, can he really use him as a spare food?

Hmm... It's actually possible.

So this is why Browder doesn't name his puffers very much.

Because he didn't know when he would lose it, Browder didn't want his feelings to be wasted.

Or fear of losing.

That's Ron's feelings for Shaban now. After all, I've been raising Scabbers for so many years, even if they were Bill and Percy's pets for so long before, Ron is reluctant now.

After class was over, Ron returned to the dormitory and took the splattered cage, and ran to the medical wing with Harry.

I heard that in the medical wing of Hogwarts, anyone's disease can be cured, then...should it be possible to cure the disease of rats?

So they went.

Then they were driven out by Madame Pomfrey.

"This is a place for people to see a doctor, unless you turn this mouse into a human, otherwise I won't treat it!" Madam Pomfrey directly threw Harry and Ron out.

As the hidden boss in Hogwarts, Madam Pomfrey is actually not that good.

Look at this on the first day of school. Three students were lying on the hospital bed just after the first lesson. You can see why.

Among the rumors of Hogwarts, the most convincing is the "never empty medical wing", and Madam Pomfrey actually has no time to rest.

Magic is actually very dangerous. Little wizards can easily hurt themselves no matter what they do.

There really is a day when no one will use the medical wing for treatment, that is when Hogwarts is closed.

"Harry, what should I do? What should Shaban do?"

Outside the medical wing, Ron was very low.

The spots in the cage in his arms were still jumping up and down.

Now Harry sees that Scab is so active and thinks that it might really have a brain problem, otherwise, where does the twelve-year-old mouse get so much energy?

"Let me take a look?" Browder just came over, "I have kept a pet for so many years, and it is easy to see if it is sick."

Buttoning Servin on Harry's head, Browder took the cage out of Ron's arms and looked at the mouse inside.

Looking at it, Browder wanted to laugh.

Wormtail! You really look alike!

How timid is this person to become a mouse and hide for more than ten years?

Is this a kind of "brave"? Anyway, Browder asked himself, even if he committed suicide, he wouldn't want to know what it was like.

After watching for a while, Browder said thoughtfully, "I didn't see any mental problems with Scab, am I still very energetic now?"

"But too energetic!" Ron didn't believe Browder's words very much. "Scaly hasn't been so active in years."

"Perhaps because its tail is broken!" Browder didn't know why Wormtail suddenly became so active. "It didn't break its tail a few years ago, didn't it?"

Looking at the tail that has automatically stopped bleeding, Browder stabbed it with a magic wand. "Although the tail will not be fatal, it must be painful."

This made Harry and Ron think it was possible. If their bodies were broken, they would definitely jump up and down in pain.

"Can it be cured?" Ron felt better if it wasn't a mental problem, but it was painful.

"Very simple!" Browder chanted a spell and stabbed his wand accurately on the wound on his tail.

The tail that had already stopped bleeding spewed blood again, UU reading www. uukanshu.com got on Browder's wand.

Without waiting for Harry and Ron to be surprised, their tails grew from thinner to thicker sections of the wound.

Except for the traces on the cross section, the whole tail is no different from before it was broken.

"Wow!!" Harry and Ron were both eye-openers.

Wormtail looked at his new tail that had suddenly grown, and his surprise was higher than Harry and Ron.

Simply repairing a broken limb with a spell, this is a very deep spell! This young Lestrange had this ability.

Maybe... the rumor is true? Is he really the child of the Dark Lord and Bellatrix?

Wormtail's eyes really seemed to see the savior.

But Wormtail didn't see it. After Browder wiped off his blood on his wand, he put it away.


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