Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 342: Really headless Nick, lying?

"Justin!" Harry couldn't help but yelled out...Justin, who had come over to thank him at noon, was now on the ground.

Ron and Hermione were both solemn.

Justin was also petrified, this is the third attack!

Damn, how did they catch up again?

But at this moment, Draco poured cold water on the frowning them again.

"It's not just Justin," Draco said, tilting his head up, "the attack has two victims!"

Two victims?

Harry Ron Hermione looked at Draco at the same time, then followed his upward gaze into the air.

Where are the black legs in the area of ​​the fluorescent flicker?

Mid air? Who was hanged?

Hermione stretched out her arm and launched the light, which bounced on the ceiling and temporarily became a light source.

So they saw a headless black body floating in the air.

No, it's not a corpse... this is a ghost! The ghost was also attacked! It was clearly hurt.

What magic can this be done?

"But..." Draco frowned, looking at the dark ghost. "Are there any ghosts with heads in our school?"

Last time I attended the death banquet of Headless Nick, there was also a situation in which the ghost of the Headless Knights Club came to the party... The headless Nick had always wanted to join the Headless Knights club, but was refused because of his head. Another part is attached to the body.

The headless Nick is very helpless... He is already a ghost, and he can't completely saw off his head!

Because of this, Harry and the others knew that there were no ghosts in Hogwarts who really had no heads.

But now... where did this headless ghost come from?

Harry took a closer look and was suddenly panicked, "This dress should belong to Nick without a head!"

There was no question in Harry's words, and he was very sure...it made others uneasy.

Draco looked around and saw on the ground not far away... the head of Nick's head without a head, the same pitch black, an expression of fear... his expression and Jiasta who died once Exactly the same.

It actually fell. The attack that attacked the headless Nick actually caused damage to his virtual body...what level of black magic is this?

The good news is that the headless Nick has not been completely wiped out and can be recovered.

"I guess Nick can join the Headless Knights Club this time!" Ron took the opportunity to be funny, trying to ease the atmosphere on the scene.

But none of them laughed, and an unknown laugh sounded.

It's Pippi! He jumped out from under the floor.

Pepy Ghost should have been attracted by Ron's words, so he asked, "Potter, what are you doing here?"

But Pippi quickly found Justin lying on the ground and the black headless Nick floating in the sky. When Harry and the others had no time to stop, they screamed, "Assault! Assault! Assault! Assault! People and ghosts are not safe! Run for your life! Attack, attack... attack!!"

Harry and the others were originally on the scene because they were afraid of being seen by others and thought they were the murderers. Pepi Ghost yelled like this, and they even flew up. They couldn't stop them.

At this time, it was useless for them to run, and Pepi Ghost could recognize them.

Sure enough, as Pepy Ghost yelled, Professor McGonagall, who was in the office nearby, and several prefects who helped him work were all attracted.

"God!" Professor McGonagall screamed when he saw the headless Nick's changes.

"Ron! What are you doing here?" Among the several prefects, Percy seemed to come out and asked for granted. The others had no opinion.

"We just passed by!" Ron replied quickly.

"Passing by again?" Percy stared at Justin and Nick, but didn't look at Ron. "What a coincidence!"

"It's such a coincidence! Maybe it's because they just like to run around!" Ron replied very well, meaning that they would not be murderers.

Percy nodded clearly.

Professor McGonagall began to check Justin's condition to confirm whether he was the same as the other petrified ones and did not die.

But there are not many people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Pippi’s eyes rolled in his eye sockets twice, almost flew out, and then suddenly sang, "Oh~ Potter, you guy, why are you doing this? You are killing students, do you think it’s fun? ~"

Harry Ron, Draco, and Hermione dared not say anything...At this time, they shouldn't just stand out.

"Enough, shut up, Pepy Ghost!!" Professor McGonagall roared to Pepy Ghost.

It can be seen that Pepy Ghost was still very afraid of Professor McGonagall, he stuck out his tongue and sank under the floor.

Professor McGonagall quickly determined that Justin had not really died, and he was relieved.

Ask the prefects to take Justin to the medical wing, but Professor McGonagall has nothing to do with the headless Nick... Some ghosts can be fanned away, but now they have no effect on the headless Nick.

Only let him stay here first.

"It seems that this corridor can only be blocked first!" Professor McGonagall said to himself, suddenly looked at Harry and the others.

Professor McGonagall's eyes were like eagles, and Harry and the others looked scared.

Harry said boldly, "Professor, we really just passed by."

"Perhaps!" Professor McGonagall looked at them, "It's just that this is the third incident, and we all need to take it seriously. So...you all come with me!"

Without more words, Professor McGonagall walked directly in one direction.

No way, Harry and the others can only keep up.

But Hermione, who was staying at the end, noticed that after they all came out of that corridor, several knight armors came alive in the corridor and stood in front of the corridor.

Oh, is the corridor blocked like this?

Professor McGonagall's pace is fast, and Harry and the others need to trot to keep up.

Harry didn't know where Professor McGonagall was going. Until they turned left and right, they saw a monster stone statue.

Harry knew it after coming here... this is the principal's office.

They have come to see Dumbledore!


On the table in the auditorium ~www.NovelMTL.com~Qiu and her friends are talking and laughing...mainly her friends are teasing about the upcoming engagement of Qiu.

But Qiu was a little absent-minded.

"Are you looking for Browder?" Luna next to Qiu suddenly whispered.

"Looking for Browder?" Qiu smiled and glanced at Luna, "No, he went to Hagrid! Help him see why the rooster always died suddenly. I was looking for Hermione... she and Harry. Why haven't you come to eat till now?"

Luna looked at Qiu's smiling face, pouted her mouth, and muttered in her heart--Qiu, you shouldn't know that you lied, it was really obvious.

At this moment, a little wizard ran into the auditorium.

He said that the third attack occurred and the victim was Justin Finley.

And Harry Potter and the others were caught on the scene again!

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