Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 468: Hermione first tried time converter

According to Eddie's suggestion, Hermione first took arithmetic and divination class.

Since it was not the same class as Harry and Ron, Hermione left before they were paying attention.

Anyway, I will be back "in a while".

Arithmetic divination class, there is little known information about these courses. Its main content is to learn how to "use numbers to predict the future", and will also learn part of digital divination.

However, according to current guesses, arithmetic divination was originally born out of the astrological predictions of some ancient civilizations, and can use numbers to achieve very wonderful purposes.

For example, people thousands of years ago knew that a year is 365 days a little more...

Compared to other courses, this course is similar to some Muggle courses.

Therefore, for Hermione, the class of arithmetic and divination is the easiest lesson she has learned.

And it's really the same as Eddie said, after this class, I really have a very strange feeling. It seems that everything in the future can really be predicted by numbers.

As long as she follows the content of the book, she can easily get the answer.

Although I don't know if this is really going to happen, Hermione can feel a sense of trust.

However, arithmetic divination may be really easy for Hermione, but for other little wizards, it is just a bunch of numbers that make your scalp numb.

A lot of little wizards are lamenting...Whether to do math problems in the course of the magic school, why not kill me!

To sum up, Hermione's impression of arithmetic divination is really very good.

Then it's Eddie's turn, a very, very unreliable divination lesson.

Being so bad as described by Eddie, Hermione's first impression of the class was not so good.

At this time, the fortune-telling class should actually be over, and Hermione can ask the little wizard who has already taken this class.

But if you do this, Hermione has a chance to meet her in this time and space... This is a taboo of using the time converter.

So after thinking about it, Hermione still didn't dare.

According to the original plan, Hermione rushed to a secret room near the empty hall. Here, Hermione took out the time converter she was wearing around her neck.

It has been nearly two hours, so it should be two turns!

Hermione was really excited when using the time converter for the first time.

After reading the usage rules again, Hermione turned the **** on the time converter twice.

According to the rules of use, what happened in front of Hermione should be what happened in these two short periods of fast retreat near her.

But in fact, Hermione saw nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, Hermione suddenly realized...because no one has ever entered this secret room, and there are no windows here, so that Hermione will not be able to see the angle of sunlight changing over time.

In these two times, the changes in this room...does it count as dust flying?

If so, Hermione could not tell if the time converter was used correctly, so all Hermione could do was walk out of this room.

See if two hours have actually passed outside.

Walking out of the secret room cautiously, Hermione heard the noise outside directly.

In Hermione's feelings, the auditorium that was empty just now really seemed to have changed a lot of people out of thin air.

Hermione took a deep breath.

Magic, really amazing!

Whenever I think I have a clear understanding of it, it will show itself a very different charm!


Watching Hermione who came back sit down and continue eating, Harry and Ron didn't respond at all, and they continued to discuss the fortune-telling class they were going to take a while.

They wouldn't know that Hermione next to her was no longer the Hermione just now.

After dinner, Harry Ron Hermione walked to the fortune-telling classroom together.

The divination classroom is in the North Tower of Hogwarts, the farthest place from the auditorium. In the first two years of class, Harry and the others had never been here.

So, relying on Ron holding the simple map that the twins sold (brothers clearly settled) gave him, Harry and the three of them were still lost.

Ron said he must teach George and Fred a lesson when he returned.

Without directions, I can only ask for directions. The portraits in Hogwarts are all alive, they all know the location!

But it should be said that they were unlucky. They met a particularly hospitable knight... He "personally" rode a very fat horse, then went through many portraits and took them to the North Tower.

Harry and the others thanked him for sending him away, but... they just felt tired.

After they climbed the last few steps, a small stairwell appeared. But there is no door in this stairwell.

Ron pushed Harry lightly with his elbow, and pointed to the ceiling with a round floor door and a brass plaque.

"Professor Sybil Trelawney..." Harry read, "I think it should be here, right?"

As if answering his question, the door suddenly opened and a silver staircase descended at Harry's feet.

Everyone fell silent.

"I'm behind you." Ron smiled.

So Harbin rate climbed the stairs first.

He entered a classroom that looked rather strange and looked around. In fact, it doesn't look like a classroom at all. It's more like someone's attic or an old tea shop. There are fewer than twenty round tables full of it, all surrounded by chintz chairs and armchairs.

Everything shone crimson in the dim; the curtains on the windows were all drawn and many lamps were covered with dark red curtains. The flames burning in the fireplace felt a bit sultry. A large copper teapot that is heating has an uncomfortable fragrance. On the shelf around the circular wall, there are many dusty feathers, broken candles, and many sets of tattered game cards with countless silver crystal **** and a large stack of tea cups.

As Harry patrolled the classroom, Ron appeared behind Harry's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Where is she?"

Almost at the same time, a sound suddenly appeared from an image, a sound soft as fog.

"Welcome! It's a great honor to see you in the ultimate real world."

Harry's first impression was that it was a huge, colorful insect. Professor Sybil Trelawney walked into the fire. When they saw her, they thought she was very thin; her big glasses made her eyes look like she was magnified several times, and she was covered by a golden shawl like a tulle Covered.

Countless beaded necklaces hung around her spindle-shaped neck and her arms and wrists wore bracelets and clinked.

"Sit down, my child sits down." She said that they all crawled into the chair of the armchair awkwardly. Harry, Ron, and Miao Li were sitting around the same round table.

"Welcome to the divination class!" said Professor Trelawney sitting in a winged armchair in front of the fire. "My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find it too often. Falling into the disturbing Hogwarts main tower will cover my mind."

No one responded to this strange declaration.

Professor Trelawney once again laced her shawl carefully and elegantly and continued, "Since you have chosen to learn the most difficult art of all magic, I must warn you in advance if you do not see through the future vision then I can teach you. Only a very small part...that is, to lead you within the reach of books."

After hearing these words, Harry and Ron glanced at each other and grinned, turning their heads to look at Hermione.

For Hermione, the news that this is just reading but not much help to this subject should shock her.

"Many magicians and wizards, although their talents have extraordinary achievements in other fields, still can't penetrate the mysterious future." Professor Trelawney continued her huge eyes flashing nerves. The nervous light moved across everyone's face.

She also asked Neville's grandmother on the spot whether she was well, which made Neville even more frightened.

Professor Trelawney continued calmly. "We will learn basic divination this year. In the first lesson, we will learn to read tea leaves. In the next lesson, we will progress to palmistry. By the way, my dear..." Her eyes suddenly shot towards Parvati. A Gryffindor girl of Indian descent, "You have to be careful of a man with a red head."

Parvati gave Ron a shocked look... Ron was on the back right edge of her chair.

But Ron felt very innocent.

"In the summer," Professor Trelawney continued, "we will progress to the crystal ball... if we can complete the other parts alive. But unfortunately in February our class will be hit by a cold. I will lose my voice myself. And one of us will stay forever before Easter."

This declaration was accompanied by a very tense silence, but Professor Trelawney didn't seem to know.

But Hermione in this room knew it. According to Eddie's words, let's talk, who did you see dead again.

"Now I want the two of you to be divided into a group. Take a teacup from the shelf to me and I will fill it up. Then you sit down and drink it. After drinking the tea, only the scum is left. Use your left hand to rinse around the cup three times Then put the cup upside down on its saucer and wait until the remaining tea juice is drained before taking your cup to your partner for interpretation. You can use the example on page 6 of "Pull the Clouds and See the Future". I will Move between you to teach and help you."

Harry and Ron teamed up, and the two looked at each other's dregs of tea.

But what they both interpreted was funny.

When Harry couldn't help laughing, Professor Trelawney walked nearby.

"Let me see my dear," she said to Ron reproachfully, and snatched Harry's glass. Everyone watched quietly.

Professor Trelawney watched the inside of the teacup and turned it counterclockwise.

"Falcon... honey you have a deadly natural enemy." Trelawney said, looking directly at Harry.

"Everyone knows this." Sitting behind Harry, Hermione, who was in the group with Neville, whispered loudly.

Professor Trelawney turned to stare at her. See her opinion.

"They all know it!" Hermione said unhurriedly. "Everyone knows the relationship between Harry and YouKnowWho."

The other little wizards were stunned by Hermione's sudden mention of that person, but after thinking about it, it was indeed the case.

And Harry and Ron looked at her with a mixture of consternation and admiration.

They had never heard Hermione speak to a teacher like this before.

Professor Trelawney chose not to answer Hermione's words.

She took Harry's cup again and looked at it with her huge eyes and continued to spin it.

"The plum blossom...symbolizes attack. Dear dear, this is not a cup that makes people happy..."

"I think it's a bowler hat," Ron replied.

"The skull...your future is full of danger, my dear...ah!!!"

Before Ron could say anything else, Professor Trelawney suddenly screamed.

Everyone is watching Professor Trelawney.

"My dear child... my poor child... no... it is beyond words... no... don't ask me..." Professor Trelawney seemed shocked.

"What professor is it?"

Everyone moved their feet and slowly squeezed near Harry and Ron's table, next to Professor Trelawney's chair, looking for a good angle to see Harry's cup.

"My dear..." Professor Trelawney's big eyes opened dramatically. "That is an unknown."

"What?" Harry said.

He is not the only person who doesn't understand ~www.NovelMTL.com~ but almost everyone from a wizard family has their hands over their mouths in horror.

Including Ron.

"Unknown, my dear is unknown!" Professor Trelawney cried, "Giant black dogs often go to the cemetery! My dear boy, it is a sign...the worst sign...a sign of death!"

Speaking louder and louder, it was almost like concluding Harry's death.

Harry got a little stomachache from this atmosphere

Everyone looked at Harry...except for Hermione. She stood up and walked behind Professor Trelawney's chair.

"I don't think it looks like a Graham." Hermione said flatly.

Professor Trelawney looked at Hermione in disgust, "You have to forgive me for saying this, dear, but I feel that your surroundings have very little resonance for the future."

"Professor, I also think... if you look at it this way, it looks like unknown," Harry's roommate said, the little prince Seamo, squinting his eyes, "but from this angle it looks more like a donkey."

"Have you decided whether I should die or not?" Harry joked about him. But nobody cares about him now.

Hermione and Seamer broke the atmosphere just now, and more and more people are discussing whether the teacup is unknown or not.

"I think we will end get out of class here today." Professor Trelawney said in her vague voice again, "Yes... please leave with your things..."

The classmates silently returned their teacups to Professor Trelawney, picked up their books and closed their bags.

"Until we meet again," Professor Trelawney said weakly: "Infinite wealth belongs to you.

God stick!

Hermione, who walked out of the divination classroom, defined Professor Trelawney in this way.

It's really a magic stick full of nonsense!

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