Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 484: I will kill him myself!

relationship? What is the relationship between me and Blake?

Shouldn't it be Browder and Draco who are related to Black? Even Ron and the Blacks can get involved in some relatives.

Harry, who was eavesdropping, couldn't figure out what was going on.

As for the people on the scene, they all knew that Sirius Black escaped because of Harry Potter, so there was nothing to stop him.

"You know, I still can't believe this," Ms. Rosmerta said thoughtfully. "Among all the people who have fallen into the bad guys, Sirius Black is the one I never expected to do. I mean, I remember when he was a kid at Hogwarts, if you told me at that time what he would become, then I would say you drank too much."

"You don't know half of the truth about the matter, Rose." Kingsley shook his head. "Very few people know the worst thing he has ever done."

"The worst?" Ms. Rosmerta asked, her voice full of curiosity, "You mean, is it worse than killing so many poor people?"

Sirius's biggest crime to the outside world is not only Voldemort's spying, but also killing many innocent Muggles.

"Of course!" Kingsley drank his alcoholic beverage, "more than a hundred times."

Listening to Kingsley's words, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid on the side were silent.

"I can't believe it. What could be worse than this?" Rosmerta

"You said you remember him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta," Professor McGonagall murmured, "Then do you remember who his best friend is?"

"Of course I remember," Ms. Rosmerta said, with a small smile. "The two are inseparable, don't they? The number of times I saw them here—oh, they always make me laugh. A good pair, little Sirius Black and James Potter!"

Harry dropped the big cup in his hand with a clam.

Hermione was also shocked and almost nearly touched the cup in her hand.

Ron was the coolest now. He kicked Harry, but Harry didn't respond at all.

"It's not bad," Professor McGonagall continued, "Black and Potter. The leaders of their small group. Both of them are smart, of course... to be honest, they are very smart. But I think we never Have encountered such a pair of people who can cause trouble!"

"I don't know," Hagrid said with a chuckle, "if Fred and George should be able to compete fiercely with them."

"Anyone would think that Black and Potter are brothers!" Professor Flitwick interjected in agreement, "They are inseparable!"

"Of course they are inseparable," Kingsley said. "Potter trusted Blake. This trust surpassed all his other friends. They were like this when they graduated and left school. When James and Lily got married, Blake was Best man. Then they called Blake to be Harry's godfather. Of course Harry didn't know. You can imagine how much it would torture him to know this."

Ron and Hermione, who were also eavesdropping, simultaneously covered their mouths in shock.

This situation... exceeded their expectations.

Sirius Black turned out to be Harry's godfather?

Harry listened beside him, still motionless.

But why don’t many people know about this now?

"Is it because Black later formed a gang with the mysterious man?" Rosmerta asked in a low voice.

"It's worse than that, Rose," Kingsley lowered his voice and continued in a low voice, "I don't know why, that person will suddenly be caught for a while or even kill the Potters. The Potters also quickly learned about it, and the mysterious man was arresting them. Dumbledore naturally has been tirelessly opposed to the mysterious man. He has many capable spies. One of the spies told the matter. Dumbledore, Dumbledore told James and Lily immediately. He persuaded them to hide. Dumbledore told them that their best way was to use the Bold Faithful Curse."

"How does the game work?" Ms. Rosmerta asked, breathless because of interest.

Professor Flitwick, a professor of spells, cleared his throat and replied, "A very complicated spell involving the use of magic to hide a secret in the soul of a living person. The secret is hidden in the chosen person, or rather From now on, it’s impossible for the secret person to discover this secret...Of course, unless the secret person deliberately leaks it. As long as the secret person refuses to speak, even if the mysterious person searches the village where the Potters have lived for many years, I will never reach them, even if He flattened his nose on the glass window outside their couple's living room and couldn't find it!"

"So Black is the secret of the Potters?" Mrs. Rosmerta already understood.

"Naturally," said Professor McGonagall, "James Potter told Dumbledore that Black would rather die than tell where they are, and that Black himself intends to hide... That's it, Dumbledore is still worried . I remember he offered to be the secret of the Potters."

"Dumbledore can't believe Blake?" Ms. Rosmerta asked, panting.

"Dumbledore is sure that among those close to the Porters must have been telling the mysterious people their whereabouts," said Professor McGonagall gloomily. "Indeed, he suspected that there was someone on our side for a long time. Became a traitor and told a lot of information to mysterious people."

"But James insists on using Black?"

"Yes," Kingsley said gravely, "however, it hasn't been a week since the Curse of Bold Loyalty..."

"Did Black betray them?" Rosmerta asked.

"He really betrayed them! Blake is tired of double-faced roles. He is ready to publicly announce that he supports the mysterious man, as if intending to do so at the moment of Potter's death. But, as we all know. The mysterious man is in Little Harry Potter He lost his hand there. He lost his mana and was extremely weak and had to run away. This made Blake a dilemma. Just as Blake revealed his traitor’s true face, his master fell. He had no choice but to run. Escape!"

How miserable... but a pleasing punishment! Many people felt very happy at the time.

Thinking that Sirius Black deserved his sins, Professor McGonagall talked about another poor man. That was Peter Perdiro, another friend of James Potter and Sirius Black... He went after the Potters and his wife after the death of Sirius Black, but was killed by the other side.

But Sirius was also caught because of this.

But Peter's mother also lost her son. All she got was a cold first-class Merlin Medal... Oh, there was only one severed finger left.

After sighing, the cocktail party during the break was over, and Professor McGonagall left one after another.


Ron and Hermione called Harry's name, but received no response.

They all stared at him, unable to say a word.

"Let me be quiet!"

A hoarse voice rang from Harry's mouth, and then he stood up and walked out of the shop.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, and then quickly followed.

Outside the three broomsticks, the snow that had already stopped began to fall again. But this doesn't seem to affect Harry at all.

All snowflakes disappear automatically within a certain range close to him. Even where Harry walked, the snow on the ground had melted.

However, this also made it easy for Ron and Hermione to find the direction where Harry was leaving when they came out, and hurried to catch up.

Harry now understood why Mr. Weasley wouldn't let him go to Black at the nine and three-quarters station... He must have known how Black had betrayed his parents.

Then Hagrid...he suffered a terrible loss in the tavern just now!

And Dumbledore...

His parents were betrayed to death by his best friend. Why has no one ever told him about this?

Harry couldn't imagine how he would feel if Ron or Draco betrayed him one day.

Maybe even if not dead, it looks like death?

When he walked over to a big rock and sat down, Harry lost his thoughts.

When Ron and Hermione caught up with Harry, they saw the weird situation here...only the place around Harry was free of snow.

"Harry, are you okay, Harry?" Ron asked boldly.

Harry still reacted to Ron's words... After looking at Ron, he nodded.

"You really look bad, do you know?" Hermione said, looking anxiously at his face.

Harry shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Harry~www.NovelMTL.com~Listen," Hermione said, and exchanged glances with Ron. "You must be upset about what we just heard. But what matters is that you must not do it. Stupid thing."

"For example?" Harry asked.

"Like chasing Black." Ron said sharply.

Ron and Hermione also understood why Mr. Weasley had said this to Harry before.

They are all worried about this happening now.

"You wouldn't do that, would you, Harry?" Hermione said.

"It's not worth dying for Black," Ron said.

Harry was silent and did not answer.

But his attitude made Hermione and Ron even more panic...especially Harry still had such a strange sight next to him.

"Harry..." Ron guessed nervously, "Do you think there are other plans to kill Black?"

"Don't be stupid," Hermione said, with a panic in her voice, "Harry didn't want to kill anyone, did he, Harry?"

Harry didn't answer.

Because he didn't know what he wanted to do. He only knew that when Blake was at large, he had nothing to do, and this thought almost made him unbearable.

After a long time, Harry finally made up his mind.

"I won't chase him, Hermione!" Harry's voice was quiet... quiet and terrifying, "Because my life is inherited by my mother with her life, I will not take the initiative to get involved in danger !"

"But..." Harry closed his eyes, "If one day Sirius Black himself appears in front of me..."

Harry opened his eyes in an instant, and both Hermione and Ron saw that Harry's beautiful emerald green eyes suddenly turned fiery red, and their pupils turned into snake-like vertical pupils.

"I will kill him myself!"

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