Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 491: Magic place and food

During the rest of the Christmas holiday, Harry often saw Ginny running to meet Lena.

Harry couldn't stop it, after all, they were teaching normally.

It's just that Harry's heart would twitch every time he saw it, and Harry couldn't adapt to the extremely guilty feeling.

All this affected Harry's job of searching for Sirius on the map of the spot during the holidays.

And because of the situation with Lena, Harry had never told Ron, so naturally he couldn't talk to him.

This really suffocated Harry, so he could only write to Browder, and it was not so convenient because it was half the world apart.

Fortunately, such a tormented Christmas holiday is finally over.

Harry really felt very cordial when he saw Browder returning!

I wanted to talk to Browder about the situation, but Browder gave him some souvenirs before Harry could say anything.

It is a feast of magical creatures from Japan.

Browder gave Harry three types: fried goblin horns, explosive red bean bread, and Japanese cherry shrimp.

Each taste is very special.

Deep-fried devil horns are four crispy sharp horns that have been fried. Harry tasted it... After eating, he felt full of power.

The appearance of the explosive red bean bread is no different from ordinary red bean bread, but when you eat it, every time you chew it will have an explosive spiciness, which is mixed with the sweetness of the fresh red beans washed by the original bean washing demon. It is really ... Harry didn't expect that he would eat so fast.

On the other hand, the Japanese-style Sakura Shrimp gave off a very fragrant smell as soon as the box was opened... Harry was hooked just by sniffing it.

But before Harry could eat it, suddenly a silver figure passed by Harry.

Harry just felt that his hands were cold, and when he turned his head and looked over, he saw Sir Nicholas's memorable look.

This scent attracted all the ghosts, and it could make them feel it.

Sir Nicholas felt that today was the happiest day of his centuries as a ghost, so he thanked Harry.

However, before Harry could react, there were a lot of ghosts around him, coveting the food in Harry's hands.

Although Harry wanted to eat this delicacy in his stomach now, he could only sigh as he looked at the expressions of these ghosts and asked Browder if he could handle the Japanese cherry shrimp.

Browder said that since he had given it to Harry, it was naturally his own decision.

Harry nodded, then put his share of Japanese Sakura Shrimp on the table in a nearby room.

Then, let all the ghosts who want to feel the taste of Japanese cherry shrimp line up to feel it.

Of course the ghosts were very happy and thanked Harry again and again.

Browder smiled and shook his head when he saw Harry's natural actions.

Really kind enough. But kindness alone is not enough!


Many people have a good holiday. On the first day of returning to school, the little wizards who went out to travel really talked about all kinds of holiday situations.

Qiu is no exception. After Hermione had talked about the situation of the Boothbat's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in France, she also talked about her experience in Japan, including her and Browder's visit to the Japanese Witchcraft School-the Magic School.

The name of this school is called "Magic School", and it is the only magic school known by Qiu to have a day school system.

The teaching building of the Magic Institute is called the Magic Palace, which is a palace located on the highest point of the southern Iwo Jima, a volcanic island in Japan. The palace was built with mutton jade and looks like a gorgeous and delicate pagoda. To Muggle, the island and the palace are uninhabited.

The Magic Institute enrolls students over seven years old in Japan, but they do not start boarding until they are eleven. During day time, the wizard children would ride on the back of the giant petrel to and from home and school every day.

The giant petrel is a mysterious creature that lives on many islands in Japan. It was originally said that such giant petrels existed all over the world, but due to various in situ, giant petrels in other places have become extinct. Only the climate and food in the Japanese archipelago are left to ensure that the number of giant petrels will no longer decrease.

Giant petrel eggs are larger than ostrich eggs, and it takes a full year to hatch to adulthood.

An adult giant petrel can easily fly an adult wizard to every island in the Japanese archipelago.

Although countries are different, specific rules and regulations still exist.

For example, the trace silk in the United Kingdom can detect whether the little wizard uses magic outside the school.

The Japanese wizards’ supervisory methods are much higher than this.

Because every sorcerer in Japan starts from enrolling in the magic school, he wears a robe with magic from the school. It can change size as students age, and change color as the wearer's knowledge increases.

At the beginning, this school gown was light pink, but at the end, if students can get the best grades in all magic subjects, then it can turn golden.

If the robe turns white, it means that the student has betrayed the Japanese wizarding standards, committed an illegal act, or violated the International Secrecy Law.

"Albino" is a terrible shame, which will cause students to be expelled from school and subject to trial by the Japanese Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, many adult wizards still wear that body for long-distance running after leaving the magic house to represent their profound knowledge.

However, because of this situation, Japanese wizards dislike white very much. The wizards in white clothes that Browder saw when he was shopping in Japan were not surprised. They were all wizards from other countries.

Others listened to what Qiu saw and heard with gusto... But the topics that Qiu said next made them really drool.

Because Qiu talked about the food she had eaten with Browder in Japan these days~www.NovelMTL.com~ is the food made with magical creatures.

Like fried muling, kappa fresh pot, hundred eyes bibimbap, sea hare syrup, deep-fried kapok, long steaming hands, udon hanging from the patio, shaved ice from Yunwaijing, Tengu black tea...

Because of Browder, almost every kind of food in every store, two people have tried it.

Of course, Qiu still cannot accept some foods.

For example, the tempura of the son weeping... it is a kind of magical creature that looks like a cicada. It is obtained after frying... When it is fried, this kind of magical creature looks like the face of the grandfather. Make a cry like a baby.

Qiu didn't even dare to eat this kind of food...In fact, he didn't even dare to look at it.

And this food is also the one that Browder eats the least that Qiu knows.

Just ate one piece!

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