Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 565: Lively game

It can be said that many people dream of being able to improve their own identity.

After all, in this world, the fixed class situation is too common.

Especially in Britain, a monarchy country that still has a royal family, the situation of class fixation is even more serious.

In the wizarding world, class fixation also exists, but the status of pure-blood wizards has dropped a lot in the past half a century. Although many people feel incredible that Browder will participate in the competition, it also allows the members to see how reliable the competition is.

Browder has never broken his promise so far!

Coupled with Professor Flitwick's endorsement nearby, everyone was excited. Moreover, as the saying goes, "Nothing is the first, but no second." Everyone in a duel club may be considered competitive and persevering in victory.

The position of the champion president... Although it should not be reached, many pretentious people covet the position of the three vice presidents.

Although more people understand that they should not be able to reach the position of vice president, as long as they fight, they will definitely have a ranking. It is good to know their accurate ranking in the club!

Therefore, after receiving this news, many people are all gearing up... There is still a month left to compete in the club. If you practice for a while before that, you might even improve yourself a little bit more!

In two months, the arrival time of the other two school representatives that happened to coincide with the Triwizard Tournament, can be regarded as a warm-up for the Triwizard Tournament! As a result, although school had just started, one message after another from Hogwarts made this ancient magic school even more lively.

For such a game, some little wizards who have no idea to participate will want to watch it.

Browder really bought tickets this time!

In addition to free for members and free for participants who participated in the competition that day, everyone else who wants to watch the competition... Chenghui 5 copper nats!

The price is not expensive, but only 50 tickets are sold every day!

And reject the scalper party! If you dare to let Browder discover who has become a scalper, he will immediately be exempted from all rights and the member will be expelled directly.

However, after the start of the game, the scalpers did not really exist, but they appeared on the outside, and they were screaming in the game.

Can Browder let go of such a bold person?

Of course!

There is no one who dares to do this except the Weasley twins.

Browder told them directly that they needed to stop such illegal peripheral behaviors, or...after the game, half of the profits should be flushed into the public funds of the duel club.

After hearing Browder's words, the twins really grinned and wanted to bite.

When George and Fred played in the World Cup, they made money in a small perimeter that was not harmed by Browder, and it was a big prize.

That small periphery was opened by Bagman, the director of the Department of Magical Sports. Originally opened this periphery secretly to make money to fill his gambling account, but he did not expect to add the money that the twins won here, so that not only did he not make money in the end, he also lost some money.

So Bagman started to drag and didn't give them money!

The angry twins are collecting debts while thinking about other ways to make money.

The two of them want to open their own stores more and more. Their minds are firm. No matter how Browder tempted them before, they just didn't have the idea of ​​working for Browder, and they still do.

It's just that the twins who were caught driving outside said that they were too bitter! No matter how you make money, there are a lot of situations that hinder you!

Especially Browder, who is so rich, he came to squeeze them...

The two of them were really screaming, grief-stricken...pretending to be, hoping that Browder would show some conscience and let them go.

But... how is this possible?

Browder extended his hand to them, but he never let it go.

Stop or share?

The desperate twins can only agree to hand in half of their profits in the future.

Browder left with satisfaction!

Regarding Browder's arrogant appearance when he left, the twins said they must retaliate back!

Hmm... just get a good result in the internal club competition a month later!

It would be best if one of them could become the vice president... and fight against Browder in the future!

After the twins had made their big ambitions, they immediately... continued to shout.

Oh oh, half of the profit is reduced, and it can only be sold more tightly! Earn enough to have start-up capital!


Compared with the members of the duel club, although there are some good duels outside, more of them are pecking each other!

Two second-year little wizards signed up to participate in the competition, but they cast their spells too slowly. They didn't hit each other with a spell. In the end, they were tired and had no energy to cast the spells, so they were more solid. One party won!

Others are very happy to watch, which is also a rare relaxation time between class and training every day.

But not all the junior wizards are incapable of fighting.

A first-year little witch who had just entered Slytherin had obviously received more systematic combat training at home. With one move, she knocked the magic wand of the opposite second-year Hufflepuff boy into the air and ended the battle directly!

not bad!

However, although the fighting in the lower grades is very interesting, the situation of the higher-level wizards in the higher grades is more passionate.

It is really unfortunate that the two sixth-grade wizards were drawn together in the first round. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin, the two who refused to admit defeat fought for nearly half an hour, and the combat effectiveness was really equal.

In the end, it was the wizard of Gryffindor who had won... knocked the opponent down with his fist.

Very vigorous.

But although one side lost, all those who watched the game gave the two people the warmest applause.

Good games can get such good cheers.

Browder wanted to say that this kind of fighting power could join the dueling club in an exceptional way. But the current rules do not have this rule, so Browder can only give up temporarily and wait for a chance to talk later.

But with such strength, he was eliminated in the first round. This sixth grader got Slytherin his luck is really not bad!


After the first day, Moody never mentioned about experimenting with the Imperius Curse on the little wizard.

It may be that Dumbledore stopped his thoughts after he heard about it that day.

If it succeeds, it's another story, but since the first chance was unsuccessful and the hard top was returned, then there is no second chance.

However, although the experiment is gone, the display of the three unforgivable curses is still on display in the fourth grade and above class... There are many dead spiders!

All the students who have watched the Three Unforgivable Curses were shocked by the power of these three top black magics.

Especially the death curse—Avada Sole!

Whenever Moody showed him, that amazing deterrence can make many little wizards frightened and powerless.

Moody's action is very effective, but the effect is likely to be double effect!

Many young wizards understand its dangers, and many young wizards have developed a pursuit for this powerful force from the bottom of their hearts.

A spell can definitely make a person two points of life and death. Is there a stronger power than this?

Hmm...but there are more!

In the last class that Moody taught, Moody killed the last hapless spider and said something like this, "Until now, it is still known from the attack of Avadaso. Only one wizard survived!"

Everyone in the class looked at Harry Potter, who was sitting right in the middle of the class, staring at the dead spider.

Harry didn't care about other people's gazes, he was thinking back to the feeling that Avadaso gave him just now.

Harry had seen Avada Suo's life! Mainly in memory... the message that Harry recalled from the depths of his mind when he was attacked by a dementor last year.

A green light flashed across, his mother screamed, and then fell to the ground without any injuries.

His father died outside in the same way earlier... just such a curse, one person stopped abruptly.

No matter how much pain and frustration this person has experienced in his life~www.NovelMTL.com~, there is no difference in the final achievements.

To die is to die!

Although it can remain in the memory, there is no way to interfere in the future.

Oh, maybe you can turn into a ghost or leave a portrait? But the odds are too low.

So, if you don't want to die like this meaningless, let's make yourself stronger! Let yourself not be killed so easily!

Harry's expression slowly became more determined, and then... Harry suddenly wanted to throw up.

wrong! This feeling……

Harry suddenly covered his mouth, and then ran out of the classroom as fast as he could.

"Harry..." Ron stood up and wanted to follow Harry, asking him what's wrong.

But Ron just ran into the hallway and found that Harry was missing!

Just as Ron ran from his seat to the door, Harry had already ran out of this corridor, making Ron a little bit confused as to where Harry was going.

But thinking back to the direction Harry disappeared at the door, Ron still chased it out.

Hermione and Draco were shot late, and they were stopped by Moody before they chased them out... it was enough for one person to keep up.

But Ron didn't catch up with Harry, turning a corner, and Ron didn't even know Harry's whereabouts.

Ron could only guess, and ran towards the medical wing.

At this time, Harry actually ran into a hidden classroom, and after making sure that the door had been closed, he couldn't help but vomit!

But what Harry threw up this time was not any dirty vomit, but a big fire! The dragon's breath with the magic power of the fire dragon caused everything in this hidden room to burn.

This is why Harry can't stay in the classroom anymore.

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