Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 648: Stole something

【Sorry! 】

Ron really didn't know when he was under the Imperius Curse!

He thinks he has all his memories of this time! There is no clear consciousness as Ginny described before, but it can't control the situation of the body.

Obviously not long after being given Veritaserum in the same place last time, now it is going to happen again... Ron is about to cry.

But now that Browder confirmed that he was controlled by someone else with the Imperius Curse, Ron also had to believe it.

However, Ron also treated Percy differently because of this... he could even verify the Imperius Curse.

Moreover, even after daring to tie up the whole family, I came to verify if I was cursed!

Percy, I admire you!

But... can Browder come with hypnotic things?

Even with Bill added, Ron was still afraid of Percy!


Ron soon went into hypnosis with the efforts of Bill and Percy.

This was the result of Ron's willingness to accept hypnosis after swallowing Veritaserum. Otherwise, their poor hypnotism is really not easy to successfully hypnotize others.

It's just that, even if they enter a hypnotic state, Percy and others will not dig into other people's subconscious memories, but will repeatedly ask Ron some information back and forth.

And these messages were all given by Ron when he was sober.

The effect was not reached.

This made Percy very angry.

Browder waited for a while, then took two steps forward, "Or am I coming?"

Percy and Bill looked at each other, then stepped back silently.

Come on!

Percy feels hurt... still unsuccessful!

Browder stood in front of Ron and began to describe the scene for him.

"Ron, there is a sea of ​​flowers in front of you, the scenery is pleasant, and the fragrance is so fragrant... if you smell it, that is the smell of flowers!"

Browder used magic to conjure a bunch of flowers, shaking them back and forth under Ron's nose, making Ron's somewhat dumb expression very enjoyable.

"Turn around, Ron! Your family, friends, and people you like are all having fun here. Everyone is very satisfied with this place, because you found this place...you are proud of yourself."

Ron's expression was really happy because of it.

"It's just that at this moment, discordant sounds are making noise in your ears, and you found a bee! You don't like bees appearing at this time!"

Ron's expression became disgusting.

"You want to get rid of it, so you used the spell to fly it. You are very happy! Because you helped your family and friends and did not disturb their fun."

Ron's expression became very happy again.

"But the bees that you beat were also very angry, so they gathered a large swarm of bees and flew back here again, covering the sky."

Ron's expression became very frightened.

"Even though you worked hard and eliminated most of the bees, some of your friends were stung by bees... It's so serious that only by calling his name can he wake him up..."

"Ron, call it! Call his name! Hurry!"

Ron, in a hypnotic state, has already shed tears and opened his mouth...


Oh, what Ron did to Harry that made him feel very guilty...

It's also a shame that Harry isn't here now, otherwise it might be very embarrassing.

Everyone on the scene was watching Ron, expecting him to continue talking.

"Ron, Harry woke up! But after waking up for a while, he passed out."

"The St. Mungo's doctor told you that as long as he can tell him the most guilty things to Harry, Harry will be able to fully recover."

"Ron, speak quickly! Ron, speak quickly..."

Browder's shout made Ron open his mouth!

"Sorry, Harry... I'm sorry, Harry..."

Ron's tears flowed again, "I, I threw your map of the spot out of the window! I don't know why I did it! But I suddenly wanted to do it that night!"

"Harry, sorry! I shouldn't have done that. That is your father's relic!"


After Ron had finished saying what he was going to say, everyone fell into discussion.

Scrimgeour is the part that doesn't understand.

It should be Browder's failure to push to sleep! Although Ron did dig out the subconscious memory, what's the point?

Little children, quarreling with each other, you break my pen, I tear off a few sheets of your paper, it's no big deal.

Isn't it just a map? Although it is the relic of Harry Potter's father, this is a bit too much! Is it just for a map?

"It's probably for such a map! It's a very effective magic item, not just as simple as a map." Browder said to Scrimgeour, "Well, you don't know what I say now. What's the reason. Or invite Harry Potter over and let him explain!"

Scrimgeour nodded.

But just when Scrimgeour was about to send someone to find Harry Potter, Harry followed Sirius into the room.

Everyone glanced at Harry.

Harry was very strange about this.

"Uh... can't you listen to it now?"


【Sorry! Please wait another hour! Sorry! 】

Such a weird style of painting made a lot of associations in the heads of the remaining students.

The more I think about this, the more I feel wrong.

From the sudden discovery of extinct passenger pigeons, to the discovery that they were raised in captivity just now, to now the professor and two other students fainted...

All these unite, too much like a conspiracy.

It's even like a curse... the anger from the extinct passenger pigeon!


Suddenly a thin male student among the remaining few classmates screamed.

Others were angry at his yelling, but following his gaze, several others also yelled out.

Because there were only two of the three passenger pigeons in the original cage... and then under their eyes, the other two disappeared like a puff of smoke!


Stop talking nonsense! Just pack your things and go home!

Otherwise, what if they disappear suddenly like these passenger pigeons?

Even if they don't disappear, fainting like a professor is not what they want!

Who knows if they can wake up!


In Boston, a man painting an oil painting at home suddenly stopped his movements.

"Strange, the monster summoning was automatically cancelled! Was this trapped somewhere? Or was it attacked?"

The man put down the paintbrush and paint tray in his hand, stretched out his hand to draw a circle, black and gold light wafted from his hands, and a holy emblem appeared out of thin air.

Then... the three passenger pigeons also appeared on the holy emblem out of thin air, flapping their wings, flying back and forth in a room that was not too small.

The man summoned the three passenger pigeons to his arm, and then checked his condition one by one.

"Judging from the traces on the body, they are still the three wandering birds that I have been summoning. If we can rule out the messenger who will be resurrected by the gods, then they should not have been fatally injured before. By the way, believe!"

The man looked up the letter box he had tied to the foot of the wandering bird, and the letter inside was gone.

It seems that they were discovered.

This is not a good thing.

This man is called Tai, a believer in the [God of the Dead and Newborn], and a senior believer who has been able to use part of the second-level magic arts!

However, unlike other people who used the [Level 1 Monster Summoning Art], they summoned a very strange and magical Purongrong. The monsters he summoned are these wandering birds that have been extinct for a hundred years...

Hmm... it matches well with the [God of the Dead and Newborn]!

There is no fighting power, but it is very obedient. Tai used them as carrier pigeons to contact believers everywhere.

Although he is already a devout believer of the [God of the Dead and the Newborn], what all the believers should do or do... After all, they have finally had a new life, so naturally they have to take good care of it.

This is also the meaning of the gods they believe in... Usually pray after getting up in the morning and before going to bed at night, and you can save the rest until Sunday.

It's just that every believer who has regained a new life knows that they are not likely to live like the past, nor will they live like other ordinary people.

After all, they have mastered the magic arts and developed another group of believers, and their normal lives have been disrupted.

They all regret turning their relatives and friends into believers now.

Convenience is convenient, but it seems to be easier to expose!

And they also learned from another male believer who didn't show up very often that there are still institutions in the world that supervise such extraordinary things.

So they are also more low-key, if not necessary, they will not appeal to the gods... if they have to contact, they use passenger pigeons to convey information.

Anyone who calls online is easy to be monitored! Still use the old way to be safer.

And even if the passenger pigeon is used to deliver the message, the content of the letter cannot be written in ordinary text.

Their method is to use the holy emblem!

This was discovered by Tai himself! Writing the holy emblem on paper with divine art will have some special effects.

Although they are all holy emblems, these believers can attach their own ideas to them when drawing holy emblems. When other believers watch it, they will fully receive the information inside, and the holy emblem will disappear after receiving the information.

But now, this method is not safe anymore.

After all, wandering birds are not ordinary species, and ordinary people with a little knowledge can recognize them.

Then someone will want to catch them, and the letters with the holy emblem will be found by ordinary people.

If the holy emblem is seen directly by ordinary people... it is likely to confuse them!

Moreover, if an ordinary person looks at the holy emblem and faints, it should be difficult to receive all the information into his head... it may take three or four talents!

Even if there is a high probability that these people will not remember anything after waking up, it is easy to attract police and even FBI investigations.

It seems that the contact method needs to be changed!

Tai is thinking... Is there any believer who can make a website?


Hermione and her parents were finally leaving here after traveling in New York for a few days.

To be honest, this trip in New York gave Hermione a bad impression of the city.

Although it may be a preconceived notion that she encountered fraud when she first arrived, Hermione really felt a little unnatural in this city.

Of course it's not that it's not pretty here. From Times Square to St. Patrick's Church, from Rockefeller Center to the Empire State Building, from the Statue of Liberty to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, every landscape can be prosperous.

But how to put it...maybe because the degree of modernization is too high? Hermione felt that the magic of her whole body was incompatible with this place.

With a little more magic power, there will be a sense of fatigue.

Hermione contacted Agent Scarlett and asked what was going on.

But Agent Scarlett said that she didn't feel that way... She rarely used spells, and she was not as powerful as Hermione.

However, after Hermione inquired carefully, she learned that most wizards in the United States don't like to live in New York, or that there are no wizards in large modern cities. Most of them are scattered in the vast central and southern parts of the United States.

On the east side, most wizards gathered in Boston.

But the strange thing is that although the United States is very big ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can catch up with the whole of Europe, but there are not many wizards in this country!

Only one third of the total population of wizards in Europe.

Hermione was confused again.

After the New York part was over, the Hermione family moved.

The original plan was to go to Washington, but after accepting the invitation of Agent Scarlett, Hermione chose to go to Boston.

After all, Agent Scarlett said he could serve as a tour guide for their family.

It’s not easy to make a friend when you’re away from home!

And Agent Scarlett came to pick them up!

"Granger, here!"

As soon as she got off the bus, Hermione heard Agent Scarlett's voice.

Hermione and her parents saw Agent Scarlett and another woman standing beside her.

The two parties exchanged for a while, and Hermione learned that the other party was Agent Scarlett's best friend, named Katerina...Well, look at the name and look like a beauty of Slavic blood.

Agent Scarlett arranged today's travel plan for the Hermione family... The first stop was to eat Boston's famous Boston Lobster.

Hermione couldn't stop her tongue when she heard it.

Alas, maybe I have known Browder for a long time, and even Hermione has inevitably developed into a foodie direction.

congratulations! congratulations!


This day's travel made Hermione finally feel comfortable.

After the Grangers returned to their room to rest, Hermione and Scarlett Katerina discussed where to go tomorrow.

Their plan is to visit Harvard, MIT and Boston University during the day.

"Why don't you go to Harvard!" Katerina said, "I haven't been either. Scarlett, have you dealt with things several times!"

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