Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 150: old world

"Harry Potter's Hello Dark Lord (!

In the space of ashes, wars are raging. Although the tragic war 20 years ago was only seen in written words or photos, Qin Weijie has become a witness to history in this place today.

The Buddha said, only when you have had obsessions can you let go of them, and only when you have suffered can you know the suffering of sentient beings.

Only by witnessing the tragic war can we understand the meaning of anti-war. There have been countless wars in human history. Unfortunately, the only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history.

The war 20 years ago is still vivid in my mind, but now someone has started a war, a protracted war that covers the whole world, and has even spread to the extremely closed magical world.

"A little sentimental?" Roland saw the regret in Qin Weijie's eyes.

"It will pass! The war will pass! I believe peace is in the near future!"

"Childish! The main theme of civilization is war and conflict, and peace is temporary! Being able to live in a peaceful age is an extravagant hope that can never be imagined!"

Qin Weijie looked at Roland. He didn't want to refute anything, because he knew that the era Roland lived in was completely different from his previous life. Qin Weijie couldn't convince her to believe in a peaceful and prosperous world. Even Qin Weijie himself couldn't imagine that if in his previous life, he didn't Born in the great country of China, it is estimated that he will not see the dawn of peace.

"Stop talking about this, how long will it take to leave this illusion?" Qin Weijie changed the subject and said, "You said that the entire ruin has five floors, how did you know that? Isn't it your first time here?"

"There is a limit to the folding of space. You can judge how many layers of space this relic has compressed according to the overflow of magic power. According to my judgment, there should be five layers of space compression here, so it can be judged that this relic has five layers up and down. In the first floor, I can't say where the remains of the God of Death and the sword of the twelfth knight are on the floor, but what is certain is that the aura of the sword of the twelfth knight is not felt in the first floor."

Qin Weijie: "Space compression? Folding? Can I temporarily regard the real world as a piece of white paper, and the compression and folding of space is to fold the paper in half?"

"It's understandable, you just asked here, and I just happened to tell you about this world." Roland said, and lowered the speed of the horse.

"There is no need to say more about the real world, we live in this space. But based on the real world, on the back...let's call it that, anyway, it is another world opposite to it, a more real and cruel world."

Qin Weijie: "'Upstairs'?"

"The 'upper layer' is only a part of that world, the part that seals the spirit and spirit, and there is a wider space in addition. We call that world the 'old world', although that world is opposite to the real world , but there are all kinds of monsters living in it... In fact, humans occasionally enter the 'Old World', but they do not enter the 'Old World', but enter the 'Old World' through a dream state with a blurred mental state.

Think of the world in your dream, where it came from nowhere, where it went, wild and twisted, the 'old world' had no concept of time, no definition of space, whatever was known to man, whether magic or scientific theories, were in the 'old world' Disrupted, there is no fixed basic theory, the whole world is chaotic and twisted, and there are many kinds of monsters living in it! "

"Monster? Is it so exaggerated?" Qin Weijie was full of curiosity about the so-called 'old world'.

"Do you usually read novels? Horror novels or strange novels..."

"I don't read it very much. You also know that I lived in Huaxia before, and I basically didn't read Western literature... In Huaxia, I read a few fragrant Liaozhai, but I was hung up by the old cow's nose and beaten... "Zibuyu" was read. Several times!"

"Although I don't understand what you're talking about, as long as you've read those ghost novels, it's easy to understand! Many of the monsters and monsters in those novels don't exist in the real world, but humans can create them. Most writers are more spiritual than ordinary people. They often draw inspiration from dreams, and a large part of the inspiration in dreams comes from the 'old world', so many times, monster images in the real world, maybe you It can also be found in the 'Old World'."

"It means another world, that is, the old world and the real world are actually linked to each other, and the dream is an entrance to consciousness... Will the monsters in the old world affect the real world, or even come to the real world? "Qin Weijie asked

"Of course it can affect the real world. 'Taboo' is a creature of the old world, and it can affect the real world. Of course, it affects the real world through conscious channels. As for whether the creatures of the old world can come to the real world , this is really possible.

Just like 'relic', the relic is a space independent of the real world and the old world. In terms of image, it is like bubbles will appear where two plastic films are spliced, and the relic is like a bubble, and the plastic film is two. world borders.

The formation of the bubble must be the entry of matter from the two worlds into it, thereby expanding it into a bubble, so the relic is equivalent to the weakest boundary between the two worlds. There are many times in history that the creatures of the old world broke into the real world through the relic. case. In addition to preventing the 'taboo' invasion and resurrection, we prisoners of the gods also need to close the 'remains' in time to ensure that the creatures of the old world will not invade the real world. "

After Roland's explanation, Qin Weijie had a whole-hearted understanding of the world, one with two sides, one being the real world and the other the old world.

The "taboo" is banned in the old world, but the old world can be accidentally entered through spiritual awareness. If you want to physically enter the old world, you can only go through ruins or tear space.

The appearance of relics is often caused by some items or things that exceed the energy level of the real world. Under the condition of no master control, they absorb the energy of the current world and the old world independently, and finally form a singularity that is independent between the current world and the old world. Space, certain nodes in this space allow creatures from the present world or from the old world to enter another world.

The God Prisoner exists to prevent the invasion of the old world creatures, and the old world creatures here also contain extremely terrifying and evil "taboos".

"This is about the essence of this world. The so-called space folding is like the example I gave you just now. The 'bubble' is composed of the matter of the present world and the old world, and the matter of the present world and the old world are mutually exclusive. The phenomenon of forcible fusion will tear and squeeze, and finally form a layer-by-layer state, which is the multi-layer space we face after the ruins.”

Qin Weijie nodded and said, "Almost understand!"

"By the way, didn't you ask me about the 'two-layer domain' before! When the Maginot line of defense was talking, Patrick used the 'two-layer domain' to change the attributes in the space, as if he could control a space In fact, the second-layer domain can be regarded as a synthetic 'relic'. We can't do multi-layer space, but we can forcibly superimpose two layers of space, so it is called the second-layer domain.

Because it is artificially synthesized, you are the master in the space, you can change the attributes of people with lower strength than you, and even affect the laws of physics. This is also a powerful technology mastered by our prisoners, and it is also why the prisoners are stronger than ordinary wizards, alchemists, and druids. "

Roland explained patiently, and Qin Weijie's eyes flashed with joy.

If Xiaoye masters this secret technique, Nima will be invincible! Although it is impossible to change the attributes of people who are stronger than you, but you can't beat the people who are trapped in the second-layer domain, and then find a way to escape and delay the time!

Qin Weijie rubbed his hands together: "Hey, you can teach me such a powerful secret technique..."

Roland rolled his eyes at Qin Weijie: "I don't have to teach it! Do you think the second-level domain is an ordinary magic spell? I told you that this is a technique! It is similar to the formation of ruins, and some items need to be arranged in advance! Last time Patrick created the space of the second-level domain by taking the 'crystal ball of the goddess of fate'. Without similar mythical items, it is impossible to extradite the power of the old world! Also, know how much it cost for Patrick to set up the second-level domain. How long? A full six hours! Will the enemy give you six hours to prepare when you face the enemy?"

"Um... I knew that there is no free breakfast, lunch and dinner in the world..."

"That kind of mythical item is fine! The people from the Royal Court of Arthur looked at me like a prisoner, and didn't let me touch the mythical item at all! For fear that I would steal them... I seem to be that kind of person! "

"You're not that kind of person you said. A 25-year-old boy who is about to go against the water still blames others for taking you seriously!"

Qin Weijie murmured, Roland wanted to refute but suddenly frowned, as if listening to something, and then Roland looked at Qin Weijie and said, "Stop talking nonsense! The entrance to the next floor is ahead! After entering, we will be separated for a while. Look, you are in charge of finding the sword of the twelfth knight, there is something wrong with Burles, I need to go there! I am afraid this ruin is not as simple as we imagined!"

"Damn it! You know it's not easy and you dare to let me act alone! Didn't you say it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The next floor is full of monsters!" Qin Weijie panicked.

"You have the power of death to protect your body, and the undead creatures in the ruins can't hurt you! You need to be careful not those monsters, but those who entered here in advance! Burres met those guys..."

Qin Weijie wanted to ask more questions, but Roland directly sealed Qin Weijie's mouth, and then rushed forward. After a while, Roland passed through a hail of bullets and finally came to the boundary of space.

At first glance, there is no scenery in the distance, some are just endless darkness and gloom, and there is a swirl of faint light on the dark background plate.

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