Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 160: home tom

"Harry Potter's Hello Dark Lord (!

Qin Weijie looked at Tom's inner pocket, the whole person was about to be Spartan!

Tom has everything in his inner pocket...

Most of the jar of Sands of Time, although not as much as the Sands of Time collected by Roland, is not much less!

No wonder the French Ministry of Magic was furious. Not only was the Sands of Time taken away by Roland, but a large part of the rest fell into Tom's pocket.

In addition to the Sands of Time, there are many other things in Tom's pocket. Two German-made 98k should have been taken at the Maginot line. There are more than a dozen bottles of potion with the logo of Hogwarts on them, and a large amount of herbal medicine. Looks like a Hogwarts Greenhouse...

"What's in your pocket!?"

Tom shrugged and admitted quite calmly: "The potion in Professor Slughorn's warehouse, the mature herbs in Professor Katie's greenhouse, the weapons in the Maginot line's arsenal, the sands of time under the shooting range... There are also the emblems on the cultists, the broken bones of the dead, and some unknown things, I just thought they looked special and collected them."

"Didn't I remember that you entered the mirror space when the Sands of Time exploded?" Qin Weijie looked bewildered.

"I came out once in the middle, and when I saw a lot of Sands of Time, I just pretended to go away!" Tom opened his innocent eyes, and the chicken thief smiled.

What else can Qin Weijie say, but a big compliment to our collector Tom!

Although he knew early on that Tom had a habit of collecting, otherwise he would not have absorbed the key of the tomb of the **** of death on himself, but Qin Weijie really did not expect that Nima Tom is such a thief that he can even get away with the sand of time. Away, it can only be said that it is 666666!

Tom began to explain to Qin Weijie how to use the Sands of Time: "This Sands of Time is amazing. I have done several experiments. He can change the flow of time and isolate an independent space. I have tested that I can speed up time twice or Twice as slow..."

"Stop, stop! I'm familiar with this thing, let me come! With the sand of time, I promise to take you away!"

Said that Qin Weijie had grabbed a handful of the Sands of Time from Tom, at least there were hundreds of them.

Qin Weijie took Tom and a few people to the edge of the ancient ruins, and then took out a dozen grains of sand of time from it, and used the secret method to activate, the entire ancient ruins were isolated by different time flow rates in the next second.

"Five hundred times the slow speed, it can last for five minutes, let's hurry up! The few cultists inside saw us leave, so they could only watch helplessly. When they caught up, we ran away!"

Qin Weijie said very naturally and put the rest of the sand of time into his pocket.

Tom rolled his eyes at Qin Weijie: "It took less than a tenth of it. You took so much of the sand of my time!"

"Hee hee, what are we going to divide between you and me! I've seen it outside, isn't it..." Qin Weijie put his arms around Tom and the two walked away.

"Meow~" The black cat cheese on Elena's shoulders called out.

Annie: "Why do you feel that their relationship is weird~ Good friends? They only see each other in their eyes, and they turn a blind eye to beautiful women like us!"

"That's right, they are buddies! I'm the single dog..." Elena shook her head with a wry smile.


Half an hour later, the ancient ruins from which Qin Weijie and others had fled were far away.

Qin Weijie was still wondering what was in Tom's pocket.

"Let me see and share!..." Qin Weijie persuaded bitterly

Tom is like a stingy old rich man, looking at Qin Weijie's ghostly and ghostly rolling his eyes, Tom suddenly felt bad, and sharply interrupted Qin Weijie's next Xiaozhi and emotional: "No! From your look, I just have to start choreographing and fooling me again! I know you too well!"

Seeing that Tom was so stubborn, Qin Weijie simply put away his wretched expression and looked at Tom with a gentle face.

Seeing Qin Weijie's warm smile at this moment, Tom felt a chill on the back of his neck and couldn't help shivering.

Elena shook her head and whispered to Annie who was beside her: "Every time Vijay shows this expression, he never holds back his fart! This is what Tom said..."

Perhaps thinking her language was a bit vulgar, Elena hurriedly explained that Tom had spoken to him.

Annie didn't believe Elena's assertion at first, but after a few seconds, Annie was convinced of this experience!

"Hee hee~ Tom, I'll teach you another trick! Sometimes we can't do it if we can do it!"

Qin Weijie said and grabbed Tom. Under the 'magic enchantment', Qin Weijie's arm was amazing. He picked up Tom with one hand, and took Tom's weapon. Qin Weijie started to go up and down with Tom.

"Vijay~ You're so rude! Don't... Where are you touching?!...Hey!~ Don't pick up my pants!..."

"Who knew that you didn't put an interlayer in your underwear..." Qin Weijie vowed.

Tom: "You think I'm you, sew all the Galleons in the inner pockets of your underwear~"

Hearing Tom's words, Qin Weijie suddenly stopped and looked at Tom with a puzzled expression: "I'm going, how did you know!? I won't take advantage of my sleep..."

Annie looked at the indescribable Qin Weijie and Tom, and said weakly, "There is so much information!"

"Just get used to it!" Elena teased Ergou and Cheese to herself. Now Ergou and Cheese have all become the size of a slap and look cute.

A few minutes later, Qin Weijie almost stripped Tom off. Tom only had a vest and a pair of pants left. He shivered in the cold wind, and cursed with resentment in his heart: "What kind of monster is this guy! Why for a few days? I don't see how strong it is!"

"Tom, you're absolutely amazing too~ Ten kilograms of glutinous rice, are you afraid of going hungry?" Qin Weijie said looking at the various things he found in Tom's pocket.

"Your glutinous rice worked wonders at the Xijiao Cemetery during the summer vacation, so I just brought some on my body~"

"Then explain, what are these twenty pounds of garlic for?"

"What if we meet a vampire~"

"It makes sense, then can you tell me what the dozen bundles of wood in your inner pocket are for?" Qin Weijie pointed to a few bundles of wood

Tom explained with oath: "That bundle is peach wood, you said it can ward off evil spirits; that bundle is birch wood, you said it can block evil; that bundle of sunken wood, I also forgot what function you said... Anyway, you said before. I have prepared all those magical woods..."

"Hahaha~" Qin Weijie was almost laughed to death by Tom: "Brother, Shenmu is used as a coffin board... It's not bad for you to carry it!"

Even Annie and Irina couldn't help but get interested in the various items on the ground, and they gathered to observe it carefully.

"Hey, that's disgusting! The corpse of the slug..."

"Ghoul toes!!"

"This is Boginbok's cursed mask!? Didn't it say that it was lost, so why is it here with Tom?" Annie pointed at a mask in surprise.

Tom shrugged: "I wanted to buy it before, but that guy Bock is a liar! I gave him five Galleons, and he told me to pick it up the next day, but the next day he refused! Just take it yourself! I paid for it anyway!"

"You **** genius!" Qin Weijie sighed.

There is a lot of garbage in Tom's collection~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There are also a lot of treasures!

Not to mention anything else, let's talk about the undead bones that Tom collected. Among them, Qin Weijie saw at least two bones of the **** of death, which looked like half tibias and a broken bone that could not be seen anywhere.

"Why did you collect these two bones?" Qin Weijie asked.

Tom squinted his eyes, put away the bones of the **** of death, and quietly pulled Qin Weijie aside: "Vijay! I think you should know something, I have the power of the **** of death inexplicably! And it belongs to the power of the **** of death from the very ancient times. I don't know why these two bones, I can feel the power of death on them! So I collected them secretly, the old guy named Burles doesn't know!"

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