Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Chapter 37: History of Magic 1689 (Part 1),! !

After the dungeon confinement, Qin Weijie had been at Hogwarts for four or five days in the blink of an eye.

Today is Tuesday. On the way to the Magic History Classroom, Qin Weijie couldn't help but think of yesterday's pleasant class.

In Qin Weijie's opinion, Monday's class was very interesting. In the morning, it was Professor Dumbledore's Transfiguration class, and the students laughed from beginning to end.

Professor Dumbledore is very interesting, an interesting little old man.

"Don't be deceived by him, this bad old man is very bad, especially black!" Although he was very happy in class, Qin Weijie has been making psychological suggestions in his heart.

In Dumbledore's class, Qin Weijie performed very well and finally added 5 points for Ravenclaw.

But Qin Weijie was very dissatisfied, and kept secretly slandering Old Deng Tou that he was reluctant to give him extra points!

Monday afternoon was Defense Against the Dark Arts. The teacher was a retired Auror in his forties. His name was Gerati, whose surname was Qin Weijie.

Grati's class is not as good as Old Deng Tou's Happy Transformation class, which is quite satisfactory, but fortunately, he has learned a lot of magical black magic creatures.

When Qin Weijie took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he had a general guess that the so-called black magic probably refers to classical magic that is easy to 'out of control' or already 'out of control'.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Qin Weijie got another 3 extra points.

It's better than nothing.

"Vijie, what are you thinking?" Tom asked Qin Weijie, absentmindedly.

Slytherin and Ravenclaw took the course of History of Magic together. In fact, it is not accurate to say that. The entire Tuesday class should be taken by the two academies together.

The flight lesson originally scheduled for this morning did not start as scheduled.

The main reason is that the previous flight teacher had ended the employment relationship with Hogwarts, and the school has not yet found a suitable teacher.

However, the school also issued a notice that the first-year freshmen should have their own flying lessons within a month, and when there is no class, students can only stay in the common room or the library for self-study.

"It's okay, I'm just looking forward to what the history of magic will say..."

Qin Weijie came back to his senses and said that Tom and Qin Weijie entered the magic history classroom.

Not long after that, the bell rang for the class.

The history of magic is very interesting to Qin Weijie, a big reason is because the teacher of the history of magic is a ghost - Professor Binns Cuthbert, an old wizard figure, I heard that he is also the oldest in the castle. one of the ghosts.

Of course, except for Qin Weijie, most of the others found Binns's class to be very boring.

That unfortunate little fat Karl, sitting behind Qin Weijie, was half asleep and half awake, complaining about the history of magic class:

"It's like an elderly old man talking about trivial matters."

Other people's complaints have nothing to do with Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie listened very seriously in the history of magic class. In his opinion, this old man may be the most respectable person at Hogwarts. Others use their lives to educate, but he uses everything he has to complete his education.

Many of the things he talked about were boring and meaningless to others, but in Qin Weijie's view, it was most likely the professor's experience and life for nearly a thousand years.

Ten years can be seen from spring to autumn, a hundred years can prove birth, old age, sickness and death, and a thousand years can be a lamentable change of dynasties. This old man is teaching knowledge from the dimension of a thousand years, which is respectable and lamentable.

Qin Weijie treats the courses taught by Binns as a treasure without hesitation, which also gained him a friendship from Professor Binns and added 10 points to Ravenclaw.

After class, Qin Weijie kept it for a while, he wanted to ask Professor Binns some questions.

Farewell to Tom and Elena, only Qin Weijie and Professor Binns were left in the classroom.

Seeing that Qin Weijie did not leave, Professor Binns looked at Qin Weijie curiously.

"Oh, my child, what's the matter?"

Professor Binns obviously had a very good impression of Qin Weijie.

"Professor Binns, I want to ask you for some knowledge."

"Haha, then ask, if I remember this old man, I will tell you!" Professor Binns said with a strong vigour.

Qin Weijie lowered his head to think for a moment, organized his language and began to ask:

"Professor, I know from the history of magic that in ancient times Muggles and wizards could actually get along well, wizards didn't have to hide, they lived in the sun, and even Muggles had a little bit of respect for wizards. Is that correct? "

Professor Binns nodded:

"Yes, I think you have heard the story of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, right?"

Qin Weijie nodded noncommittally.

Seeing this, Professor Binns continued to tell the story, as if recalling the past: "In the fifth century AD, almost everyone knew that there were magicians, and King Arthur was raised by the great magician Merlin Buenrosius. , that guy Merlin was like a saint in the eyes of the people at the time. If they knew that Merlin was an old alcoholic, they didn't know what to say."

Qin Weijie's face was horrified. Professor Binns actually called the legendary sage-like great magician Merlin 'that guy' and 'old alcoholic', which sounded familiar.

Counting the time, it has been at least 1,400 years since the fifth century AD. I used to think that Professor Binns was a person from the same era as the founder of the academy. I wonder how long he lived...

Qin Weijie suppressed his curiosity and gossip, and continued to ask: "Professor, then why did Muggles hate wizards so much in the end, and even began to slaughter wizards. This led to the 'Glorious Revolution' in the Muggle world in 1689, and the signing of the "Glorious Revolution" in the Muggle world. International Secrecy Act?"

As Qin Weijie asked questions, he recalled the collection of 'classical magic', 'taboo', 'out of control', and Grindelwald during this period of time.

After learning more about Grindelwald during this period, Qin Weijie found that when he brought up Grindelwald, he had to mention a bill, and that was the International Secrecy Act.

However, in all official documents, the description of the International Secrecy Act is always ambiguous. uukanshu. com only knows that after the International Statute of Secrecy was signed into effect in 1689, wizards went completely into secrecy. The area far away from Muggle life is hidden under the steam technology civilization of Muggles.

The reason why Grindelwald can gather so many followers is largely because he is committed to overturning the International Statute of Secrecy, so that wizards can live in the sun instead of hiding in Muggle civilization.

But the more he understood, the more difficult Qin Weijie felt.

He always felt that there should be a secret behind the International Statute of Secrecy that could affect the direction of the entire magical world. This secret is likely to be related to 'classical magic', 'taboo' and 'out of control'.

Because, the modern magic theory system appeared in 1690. Since 1690, the magic world began to move to 'classical magic', which has a profound impact on the magic world, and even overturned it to a certain extent. Most of the previous magic theories.

Professor Binns didn't expect Qin Weijie to ask this question at all. He hesitated again and again, and finally touched Qin Weijie's head with a fictional spirit body and explained:

"My child, this is a very deep question and shouldn't be approached at your age. All I can tell you is that during the millennia-long Middle Ages, especially in the middle and late Middle Ages, 'for many reasons' Muggles began to hate wizards and would Wizards are seen as synonymous with evil, terror, chaos, disease, and death. This has set off a 'wizard persecution' that has lasted for thousands of years."

Professor Binns explained very vaguely, Qin Weijie kept thinking about the words 'for many reasons' in his mind.

"For what reason? Who is the reason? Muggle or wizard?" Qin Weijie didn't dare to ask these questions, but just stood there thinking.

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