Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 197: true betrayer

"I'm useless to you. I've already 'alienated' and can only be put into the 'Ability God'... No! I'm in the arms of the Lord God, and Danates has abandoned me!"

"I respect your choice. If there is a chance, I will harvest your soul without hesitation. Death cannot be blasphemed!" Burres said, his voice calm as if he was talking about what to eat at night.

Mei Shan nodded, and continued to lead people to search in the hall without saying anything.

"Ghost, you really know what to do! You actually bewitched my loyal subordinates..." Boris turned to Bishop Ghost with a light smile.

The ghost said with a smile: "We are each other! Didn't you still bewitch my loyal subordinates... and stole a lot of death bones!"

Speaking of the bones of the **** of death, the statue of Anubis in the hall trembled slightly, but no one noticed such a small movement.

"Haha, if you don't steal the bones of the **** of death, do you watch you blaspheme the **** of death in the past? Are you allowed to use the bones of the gods of death to resurrect a false god?" Skin: "You are the real betrayers! The **** of death has fallen, but you are willing to become the vassals of false gods, and what's more, you brutally killed the 'ghost bride' Mrs. Kyle fifty years ago...

And Mrs. Kyle is Luonan's mother, you should repay this debt than blood! Back then, it was you and Soul Harvest who killed Mrs. Kyle. Now Soul Harvest has died in my hands, and you are the next! "

The ghost bishop laughed wildly, the whole person's emotions gradually became out of control, and finally he even complained with a heart-piercing roar:

"Haha~ Do you think you are performing the Prince's Revenge? Only dramas can have so-called happy endings, and the real world only depends on interests!

Since the fall of Danatos, the Eye of Danatos has been declining day by day. Although there is support from the Welfare Family, without the blessing of God, the Eye of Danatos is destined to be abandoned by you high-ranking people!

I am saving my friends and my subordinates. Believing in the Lord God has given us new hope, so that we will not end up in a confused and confused life like our parents!

Ha ha ha ha! In fact, we are not traitors! Welfare home is the one who betrayed your faith! You're even going to slaughter us all..."

Sixty years ago, in the dark underground of the secret church, at the head of the long stone table sat a sad-faced old man, and a sad-faced young man stood beside him.

It is not difficult to see from the boy's eyebrows that this is the ghost bishop when he was young.

Sixty years ago, the ghost bishop was a little less gloomy and a little more energetic. At this moment, he was standing beside the old man with a sad face.

"Father, you'll be fine~"

The old man shook his head: "...my body, I know...I'm running out of time..."

"No! I'll go to the Welfare Family, and I'll go to the old Marquis. He will definitely have a way to prolong your life! I know that there is an 'immortal medicine' in the family!"

Southampton, Foley Castle.

The continuous rain is a characteristic of the UK, and today the rain in Southampton is more and more majestic.

Under the heavy rain, a teenager stood on one knee in front of the gate of Foley Castle.

The gate of the castle was closed, and this young man was destined to be left alone.

Above the castle tower, a majestic elderly man stood in front of the window, looking coldly at the boy shivering in the heavy rain.

After a long time, the man said, "Kyle!"

"Mr. Marquis, what are your orders?"

"Drive him away! Tell him that the Eye of Danates is only a vassal of the Welfare family. If the leaders of each vassal organization ask the family to provide 'immortal medicine' to continue their lives when their time is running out, then the Welfare family will be Hasn't it become a welfare institution?"

"Bishop Shen Mian, he has indeed paid a lot for the organization and the family..."

Mr. Marquis glared at Kyle coldly: "It's just a group of inferior people! It's their honor to pay for the family... Go down and tell the boy, let him stop wasting his efforts, the Eye of Danates will be disbanded at most in ten years. They no longer need to exist! Kyle, you are in charge of this matter, and gradually let the Eye of Danath separate from the family!"

"Mr. Marquis, the Eyes of Danath are all fanatical believers. You are so... I'm afraid that their beliefs will collapse, and maybe something will go wrong!" Kyle stated calmly.

"So I asked you to take over the Eye of Danath and minimize the losses!"

"Are we really going to give up?" Mrs. Kyle asked unwillingly.

The Marquis sighed.

"The family has been fighting for it for more than 500 years, but without a 'godhead', he is destined to never come back! The era of the gods is over, and now the family's continuation should be considered!" Mr. Marquis looked at the ghost bishop in the rain: "They are already abandoned children, and there is no need to exist! If they can be disbanded safely, let them go. If anyone does not know whether to live or die, then they will be directly suppressed by thunder, and none of them will be left!"

"Hey~" Mrs. Kyle sighed and continued, "Got it, Mr. Marquis! I'll do it!"

Having said that, Mr. Marquis turned and left, returned to the study and played with his three sons, while Mrs. Kyle helplessly shook her head and walked downstairs.

And neither of them noticed, just as they were talking, a black figure in the armor of the medieval knight behind them was watching them all the time.

This is an ability of the ghost bishop. It splits the soul into a ghost-like spirit body that can pass through any building. It is because of this ability that the ghost bishop has the title of 'ghost', and it is also destined that he will be in charge of the future. Intelligence work of the Eye of Natus.

"... Do you still think we are betrayers now? Welfare family is the biggest betrayal!" Bishop Ghost said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com paused, as if recalling some experience, his eyes were red. Burres:

"Do you know what Kyle did back then? During her ten years in office, she has been destroying the beliefs of all of us! My sister chose suicide because of the collapse of her beliefs... She died in the belief that death is embracing death. , she just wants to use death to prove that her faith has not collapsed!

The father who collected the soul was also one of the priests. When his faith collapsed, he locked himself in the secret room for five years. When we finally found him, the walls of the entire secret room were covered with blood books with only one sentence. 'Death is with me', the father who collected the soul was alive and drained his blood and died!

We believe in the **** of death, and we even believe that the Welfare family will lead us to follow in the footsteps of the **** of death, but in exchange, you have destroyed our belief! You betrayed your belief in the **** of death, yet let us be buried with you!

Do you know what happened to those who were unwilling to deviate from their beliefs? They were all brutally murdered! A total of 671 people, 671 lives, 671 staunch believers of Death!

Are you still embarrassed to say that we are traitors? Welfare home is the real betrayal! Just wait, when we resurrect the Lord God, the welfare home will feel the punishment of God for the first time! "


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