Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Do you remember that **** that fell from the sky

"Harry Potter's Hello Dark Lord (!

If it weren't for the fact that he had a strong body and a lot of life-saving means, Qin Weijie would have been strangled by the hurricane long ago, but even so, Qin Weijie was extremely embarrassed at this time. guard in hand.

There are shocking scars and bloodstains on his body. Fortunately, Qin Weijie devoured Kraken's life force for thousands of years before, awakening his talent for rapid recovery of severed limb regeneration. At this time, the bloodstains all over his body are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for why Qin Weijie protects that piece of clothing, this is mainly because Qin Weijie's stretch pocket is above this piece of clothing. This is all of Qin Weijie's family. If it is crushed, Qin Weijie doesn't know who to cry .

Qin Weijie was dizzy, as if he had a feeling of motion sickness from too much roller coaster. In fact, he didn't know what was going on, and just now he was thrown out by the hurricane inexplicably.

Because of his dizziness, Qin Weijie was unable to control his body, so he could only let the inertia thrown by the hurricane make him perform a free-fall parabolic motion.

"I hope it won't hurt too much~" Qin Weijie thought to himself.

However, after a few seconds, Qin Weijie landed smoothly. To his surprise, he was not injured, and the force of the impact was much lighter than he thought.

Could it be that the land in the wasteland is somewhat loose?

Qin Weijie shook his head, looked down, and saw an ugly lizard face reflected in front of Qin Weijie.

"I'm so ugly!"

Qin Weijie cursed, then looked at the huge 'lizard'.

The condition of the 'lizard' doesn't seem to be very good. The whole body slumps to the ground, and the tongue sticks out without any image. Qin Weijie has only seen this kind of expression on Ergou's stupid face.

Looking at the huge head of the 'lizard', which is nearly ten meters, I saw an obvious depression on the head of the 'lizard'. The shape of the depression seems to be the same size as Qin Weijie's butt.

A purple soul fire burns in the eye socket of the 'lizard'. It is obviously an undead creature, but it is a little strange that the soul fire in the eye socket of this big 'lizard' is on and off, flickering, and then Coupled with the everted tongue, no matter how you look at it, it looks like someone knocked out.

Suddenly at this moment, Qin Weijie vaguely heard exclamations coming from beside him, and one of them howled very sharply: "The tyrant Kuntu was killed by a human being!"

In the eyes of countless undead beasts, the plot is like this...

The mighty tyrant Kuntu just suppressed them with his own strength, and then the punishment appeared.

A strange voice rang in their ears, and then a **** fell from the sky and sat on the head of the tyrant Kuntu. Half of his head was deformed, and Kuntu passed out.

Since then, a legend has spread among these ferocious beasts: Have you ever heard of a **** that fell from the sky, the kind that can sit on a giant dragon.

The tyrant Kuntu was killed by his butt, which made Qin Weijie even more unfathomable in the eyes of these beasts.

Although the undead beasts are fierce, they don't dare to attack Qin Weijie at this time. This kind of terrifying existence that can sit on the buttocks of a giant dragon, only if you have a hole in your head, you can provoke it.

Uh... I looked back at the tyrant Kuntu, and sure enough, there was a hole in his head.

Looking around for a week, Qin Weijie saw the undead beasts around him clearly, all of them were ferocious and terrifying, and the shortest height was more than ten meters. Qin Weijie looked at the undead beasts with a dazed expression. At this time, he panicked.

"Speaking of which, what should I do if I suddenly fall into the pile of beasts? Waiting online, I'm in a hurry!"

Looking at Kuntu, the black giant dragon that had fainted under his feet, Qin Weijie was in a cold sweat: "I'm dying! I just sat on my **** and killed a giant dragon?"

However, Qin Weijie had no time to pay attention to these small details at this time, and the doomsday hurricane in the distance had already swept in.

As someone who had just survived the hurricane, Qin Weijie knew the horror of the hurricane. If it weren't for his anti-human recovery ability and the "magic enchantment" that enhanced his physical strength, Qin Weijie would not have survived.

"There's no time! I have to quickly set up a defensive formation to save my life!"

Saying that, Qin Weijie turned over and jumped off Kuntu's head, gathered his strength and transformed into an octopus monster, grabbed Kuntu's tail with the power of transformation, and threw Kuntu far away like a shot put. .

The other undead beasts didn't know how many chins fell off when they saw this scene. Is this Nima a human? If this monster is human, we will resurrect it on the spot for you to see!

After clearing the field, Qin Weijie did not dare to delay, and quickly took out countless defensive spells from his retractable pocket and arranged them around.

However, the spell is far from enough. Qin Weijie once again took out a series of items such as cinnabar, gold powder, spirit ink and so on, and began to describe the most powerful defensive formation he knew, the "Liang Yi Hua Jin Da Formation" on the earth.

Although the formation is not difficult, Qin Weijie is a cultivator of the bewildering way, and his mastery of the formation master is not as good as that of the formation master.

"If I had known this, I might as well have chosen Fu Dao back then! In the later stage of Fu Dao, there is the formation road, the formation speed is fast, and it has bonus effects. It is the most suitable for this kind of positional warfare... Hey, I knew that the urinal was earlier. I’m still sleeping on the sieve! Nima, I’m really Zhuge Liang after the fact, like a pig beforehand!!”

Qin Weijie slandered himself a few words, and continued to arrange the formation.

The doomsday storm is about to sweep the edge area, and Qin Weijie's formation has not yet been completed.

"Nima! It's too long! What should I do? Is there any way to resist it for a while?"

Qin Weijie pondered, and looked at the countless beasts beside him with bewildered faces, his eyes were hot.

Seeing this little monster look at him, the back of the necks of countless beasts froze, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

Qin Weijie knew that these beasts had the ability to act, and he could not persuade them to delay the time in a short period of time. Forcibly recruiting would probably lead to conflicts. After all, no one wanted to be cannon fodder, and the current time did not allow Qin Weijie to forcibly recruit~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Suddenly Qin Weijie saw the black giant dragon that passed out not far away, rolled his eyes, and thought of a good idea.

As soon as he said it, Qin Weijie temporarily put down the half-arranged formation, rushed forward, grabbed the dragon's tail, and dragged it to the front of the formation.

Placing the giant dragon Kuntu in front of the formation, Qin Weijie was worried that the giant dragon would be blown away when the hurricane arrived, so he cast an immobilization spell and enchanted the giant dragon with a 'wind spell' with the blessing of elemental will. Don't worry, Qin Weijie used the magic wand to cast a few fixed spells again. He felt that it was not safe. Qin Weijie took out a few treasured spells 'Taishan Talisman' and stuck them on the dragon's body, and then he was satisfied.

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