Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 213: yemengard

"Harry Potter's Hello Dark Lord (!

Although everyone was surprised by Professor Slughorn's guesses, they all felt that Professor Slughorn's guesses were very close to the truth. Using souls to store knowledge is indeed more efficient than ordinary paper books. many.

It's just that this method is too unbelievable and too cruel...

Although the soul is very mysterious, almost everyone knows the importance of the soul, and these souls are imprisoned in the so-called 'Library of the Undead' by the **** of death just because they have mastered a certain field of knowledge during their lifetime. Everything was so cruel and terrifying that the three students who were not yet experienced in the world suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Hey~ there... there seems to be a statue there!" Buck, who had been taciturn, pointed to a statue on the edge of the platform that had almost disappeared into the gray mist and shouted.

It was only at this time that everyone noticed that there was actually a statue on the edge of the gray fog. After their encounter in the pyramid, several people present were extremely vigilant about the statue. Although they saw the statue, no one acted rashly at this time. Even Professor Slughorn was silently squinting at the statue in the distance.

"Come~" A cold and strange voice suddenly came from the gray fog. It sounded like a female, but at this time it sounded more like a female ghost.

Everyone couldn't help shivering and sweating, obviously all four of them were taken aback.

Kraken, who was lying on Ergou's head, suddenly called out in a hoarse and slow voice: "Hai...la?"

The statue on the edge of the gray fog shook slightly, then moved, and walked towards several people.

When the statue came out of the fog, the four talents could see the appearance of the statue. It was a tall woman, wearing a brown cloak, her long black hair naturally fell to her waist, and her thin face was slightly cold and majestic. , his eyes are dull and cold, his lips are purple, and his tall and straight twin peaks show his proud career line...

However, looking down at his lower body, what the hell! ? Her lower body is a pair of ferocious legs that have been rotted, and black dark green pus flows on the road where she travels.

The upper body is a normal woman, and the lower body is a rotten corpse, which actually matches the description in Norse mythology.

Hela looked at Kraken, and the cold voice sounded again: "I heard Anubis say, you are free! You are free from the **** of that thing..."

"Shards of that sword... were taken..."

"My brother, how is Yemenga?" Hela suddenly changed the subject and asked,

Everyone present also looked at Hela and Kraken with an expression of eating melons and watching a play.

At this time, Kraken seemed to be very excited. He waved his tentacles with his teeth and claws, and accidentally hit Ergou several times, making Ergou aggrieved for a while!

It took twenty minutes for everyone to figure out what Hela and Kraken were discussing.

As we all know, Kraken is a legendary sea monster who lives in the seas near Norway and Greenland. In Norse mythology, there is an equally well-known sea monster Yemengard, who is also rumored to live in those seas.

In those days, Kraken and Yemengarde were considered good friends. The two... No, not rigorous. It should be an octopus and a sea snake who established a deep friendship with each other.

However, nine hundred years ago, that brother named Sol, the big muscle tyrant, suddenly killed him on the North Sea without knowing which sinew turned wrong. He couldn't help but beat Kraken and then exiled Kraken. to the 'old world'.

The real goal of Sol's trip to the North Sea is not Kraken, but Yemengarde, a good friend who sleeps on the bottom of the North Sea and is brother-in-law with Kraken.

Kraken was exiled and woke up the sleeping Yermengard. Needless to say what happened next? Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, you chop off my siblings, and I tear your clothes!

However, the reality is that Yemengade is a snake and has no siblings, and Sol is a big brother and a big muscle tyrant. What do you want? If the above formula does not hold, then we can only go back to the most primitive disagreement resolution mechanism, **** it!

The final result of that battle is unknown. Anyway, Kraken has been exiled into the 'Old World', and Hela, at that time, was forced to surrender the authority of the **** of death and was forcibly forced by a guy with bird wings. Captured the godhead.

"Well, that, can I say a word?" Professor Slughorn interrupted the conversation between Kraken and Hela embarrassedly.

Hela looked at Slughorn. Although her eyes were blank, it was not difficult to see that Hela was a little angry and someone interrupted her.

Slughorn said hastily: "I seem to know a little about the end of that Yermengard..."

A hint of emotion appeared in Hela's godless eyes. She didn't say much, just motioned for Slughorn to continue.

"We don't know much about the ancients, or about the gods, but I found a diary of the founder Salazar Slytherin in the Hogwarts school history. One thing was recorded.

When Salazar Slytherin was young, he went out to sea with his long-time friend Godric Gryffindor. However, it was recorded in his diary that one day the two happened to encounter a storm at sea, and the storm rolled With this thunder and lightning, the whole world seems to be plunged into darkness, only the occasional flash of thunder can be seen, and the deafening thunder can be heard.

In the darkness, Mr. Salazar Slytherin saw an unforgettable scene in his life. At that time, through the light of thunder and lightning, he once saw the dark shadow of a giant snake with a length of more than several hundred meters. A Viking warrior with a giant hammer could be seen vaguely above the snake's head.

The diary only recorded that they encountered a storm, and the next few pages were torn away. If you look down, you will find the diary three days later. Three days later Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor held a funeral for a Dane named Thor, and Salazar Slytherin remembered one thing after the funeral, He buried the bones of a new friend in the sea and got a basilisk egg from the new friend, while Godric Gryffindor got a rare piece from the Dane Metal.

Soon after, the two returned to Scotland and founded Hogwarts with Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff in the depths of the Highlands.

Afterwards, I remember a few more words in Godric Gryffindor's Codex..."

After speaking, Professor Slughorn began to repeat the contents of Godric Gryffindor's Codex:

"'The Dan named Thor gave me a piece of hard metal, and I found the goblin's best craftsman to forge it into a fine sword, because that encounter with Thor was too It's too unbelievable, so I lied that the sword was bought from the goblin...'

'Salazar is still insisting on his bloodline theory~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He had a disagreement with us, and then he left, although Hogwarts still retains the house he created, but what he said before leaving It still worries me...he secretly built a chamber at Hogwarts and put that snake in...everyone else thought it was just a normal basilisk, and only I knew...'"

"The rest of the content is gone. Godric Gryffindor's Codex is only recorded here..." Professor Slughorn said: "Well, so I speculate that the two founders should have witnessed Thor. The battle with Yermengard, in the end both sides perished, Salazar Slytherin was 'Parseltongue' so he called Yermengard a 'new friend' He buried Yermengard at sea, and from Yermengard Got a basilisk's egg...it's most likely the child of Yemengard."

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