Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Chapter 41: Elemental Will (Part 1), ask for attention

"#¥%...&*, get up!"

With a humiliating spell, Qin Weijie finally shouted out the last two words in a clear voice.


The broom bounced up, and when Qin Weijie wasn't ready, he slapped him in the face.


There was warm laughter all around.

"Dear child, you don't need to be so excited, are you going to carry a broom to the battlefield? Your spell is so emotional!" The muscular man looked at Qin Weijie with a foolish expression on his face.

Dig the groove! Don't you teach me to be passionate! ?

Qin Weijie murmured to himself and started trying again.

This time, the broom came steadily into his hands.

Tom also performed well and succeeded once.

As for Elena, it can only be described as appalling.

Her broom rolled on the ground disobediently, splashing a lot of muddy water, and it took half an hour to reluctantly come to her hand.

The classes that followed were fairly simple. The muscular men only asked them to practice aerial and descending exercises, and did not teach anything about other complex movements.

"Very well, you guys are more obedient and smarter than Gryffindor **** and Hufflepuff bastards. Thinking about yesterday's class, it was hell..."

For the next ten minutes, the muscular man was like a resentful woman complaining about the violation of discipline in Gryffindor yesterday, and Hufflepuff was sluggish in class, and did not hesitate to give Ravenclaw and Slytherin. 5 points each.

"Look at the time. There is still nearly half an hour. You can practice freely. Students with basic skills can try to do simple flying, but remember! Don't exceed a height of five meters!"

"is teacher!"

Afterwards, Qin Weijie and Tom tried to fly a little higher, but they both ensured that it was between three and four meters, and tried to control the broom forward and backward little by little.

"Haha, it's easier than I thought..." Qin Weijie said happily.

Tom nodded noncommittally, while Elena on the side disagreed. Even after practicing for a class, Elena was still unfamiliar with flying and descending, and she was still practicing tremblingly.

"Would you like to try to raise it a little higher?"

Qin Weijie suggested it, and Tom immediately agreed to Qin Weijie's good idea.

The two of them rose little by little, reaching a height of about five meters.

"It's already at the level that Mr. Luth asked for!" Tom reminded.

But at this time, Qin Weijie closed his eyes as if he didn't realize it. He continued to lift off, slowly rising into the sky in the dense drizzle.

8 meters, 10 meters, 15 meters

Qin Weijie was still rising. At this time, Mr. Luth, a muscular man, had already noticed something was wrong with Qin Weijie, and hurriedly shouted on the ground.

"Merlin's beard! God, what are you doing!? Come down, you'll turn into meat sauce if you fall!"

Qin Weijie, as if possessed by a demon, continued to close his eyes and let himself ascend.

Seeing that Qin Weijie had risen to a height of nearly forty meters, Qin Weijie's figure had become blurred in the wind and rain from below.

Finally, the muscular man Mr. Luth couldn't bear it anymore, he hurriedly picked up a broom and chased after Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie continued to ascend, reaching a height of nearly fifty meters.

Suddenly, Qin Weijie suddenly opened his eyes, and then turned over and jumped off the broom in full view, posing as a leap of faith.

"Wind~ The wind soars to the wind of ninety thousand miles; the long wind breaks the waves and hangs the wind of the cloud sail; what is the wind? The good wind relies on its strength to send me to the blue sky!"

"What is the wind!? Like the wind, it is free and free; what is free? There is nothing to wait for and endless travel! There is no self, no merit, no name, no all things. There is no all things in the heart, and the heart accepts all things, free and free, free and free when walking, free and free in the heart. ... getaway, hahaha~"

Qin Weijie laughed wildly in the wind and rain, completely ignoring his crazy whereabouts at the moment.

The wind and rain suddenly picked up, the gloomy black cloud seemed to be lowered a little bit, the thunder burst, the wind howled, and the rain poured down.

Qin Weijie, who was descending rapidly, was still insane, and he was about to fall to the ground. The muscular man Mr. Luth hugged Qin Weijie at the last minute.

Familiar movements, smooth like flowing water, stably catch Qin Weijie, and land smoothly.

When Mr. Ruth checked Qin Weijie's condition, he found that Qin Weijie had fainted and was still muttering something he couldn't understand.

"There is nothing to wait for and endless travel... Nanhua is honest and does not deceive me..."

"This child fainted from fright. I'll take him to the school doctor's office now. As for you, get out of class is over now!"

Mr. Ruth hurriedly drank all the students, then picked up Qin Weijie and ran towards the school doctor's office.

Looking at Mr. Ruth who picked up Qin Weijie and left, Elena looked worried, while Tom Riddle's face was full of shock.

Because, just now, Tom clearly saw Qin Weijie soaring in the air.

It was not a fall, but a soaring in the air. Although it was only for a moment, Tom was sure he saw it.

"He did it!? Impossible! Impossible! He didn't even take out his wand!"

At this time, Mr. Ruth's heart was broken. He thought that the students of Slytherin and Ravenclaw would be better, but these students seem to be very good, and they can always make big news for themselves at critical moments.

"Luth! You have sent four students to the school medical office in two days. It is necessary for me to discuss the safety of flying lessons with the principal!"

Mrs. Grotta from the school hospital looked at Ruth angrily, and Mr. Ruth lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.

"Mom, hurry up and see if this child is okay. He fell from a height of fifty meters. If I hadn't hugged him in time, he might have died!"

"Fifty meters? From what height did you catch him?" Madame Grotta asked in surprise.

"Well, I think about it... It should be five or six meters above the ground, what's wrong?"

"How is that possible!? You caught him without getting hurt? You must know that a child who falls from a height of fifty meters, the impact is enough to break your bones... Even if your arms can support it, the broken broom under your crotch will also support it. I can't stop that powerful falling power!"

Madame Grotta looked up and down at her failed son, checked that there was no damage, and then looked at Qin Weijie.

"This child is fine, he should just be frightened and fainted. He should be in a daze for the past two days. Go to Professor Slughorn and get some 'soothing water' and let this child drink some. It should be good to sleep here for an afternoon..."

While Mrs. Grotta was talking, a group of people rushed into the school doctor's room.

Headed by it was Headmaster Armando Dippet, and by his side were Professor Lester, Head of Ravenclaw, Professor Joyce, Head of Hufflepuff, and Head of Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore.

As soon as Principal Dippet entered the school hospital, he hurriedly asked, "How is this child?"

Mrs. Grotta looked like a ghost, and then repeated what she said to Luth before, and urged Luth to go to Professor Slughorn's office in the basement to quickly retrieve the 'Soothing Water'.

At this moment, Professor Lester, the dean of Ravenclaw, said coldly, "No need!"


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