Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 104: 1 confused account

"Let the whole real world turn into purgatory, what's the difference between that and the dark side? You simply let the dark side invade!" Qin Weijie rolled his eyes at Yueteng.

Yueteng is reluctant: "Everything is born naturally, there is no distinction between high and low. As a human, you think it is normal for humans to dominate the world, but should other creatures be arbitrarily arranged by humans?

Humans are just at the forefront of evolution, why do they claim to be the masters of the world? 'Natural Awakening' is for a more perfect evolution of the real world, giving all creatures an equal opportunity to evolve. This is the same as your China's 'The Great Dao'. Heaven and earth are indifferent and all things are dogs. This is the real fair evolution! This is fairness to all souls in the real world! "

Yueteng is stubborn, and Qin Weijie is too lazy to talk to her. There are two reasons for not talking to her. On the one hand, Qin Weijie thinks what this guy said seems reasonable, and on the other hand, it is difficult to agree with the theory of the Temple of Nature.

Although it is true that the Dao of Heaven is supreme, the Dao of Heaven pays attention to the rule of inaction, which is to respect the objective laws and allow them to evolve naturally, rather than to use the subjective initiative to influence the development of things and destroy the objective laws to achieve what they call fairness and justice. , fair evolution!

This is not fair, nor does it conform to the way of heaven, nor is it selfless and fair. The internal logic is just a crappy theory of fairness and justice fabricated by a group of conspirators with vested interests for the sake of greater interests. It’s okay to fool some idealists. , after rational scrutiny, it can't stand at all.

Although Qin Weijie wanted to say the above, but a believer like Yueteng who was brainwashed to the core, no matter what Qin Weijie said, she would not believe it. Only when that day came, it was not what she imagined. When he woke up, he beat his chest and feet, so Qin Weijie didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, he just knew it in his heart.

Turning his head to look at Roland, he motioned to continue the story of the Six Gods Rebellion.

"At that time, there were six forces involved, namely, the Temple of Nature, the Temple of War, and the Temple of Heaven in the Three Temples, as well as the Knights of the Round Table, the Omniscient Alchemy Association, and the Daily Society among the Seven Guilds.

Among the six major forces, you should know the plans of the Temple of Nature and the Knights of the Round Table. The Knights of the Round Table will launch the 'Seven Deadly Sins Project', and the Temple of Nature will implement the so-called 'Natural Awakening'.

As for the remaining four families, I really don't know what they did to kill them. Anyway, they didn't hold back their farts. You can guess later that the plans of the six families of God Prisoners all ended in failure. "

"Well, I heard that it was because of one person, the ruthless man you guessed? That is the mysterious man behind the scenes?" Qin Weijie nodded.

Roland continued: "I'm not sure whether the mysterious man you called was the ruthless man 20 years ago. After all, the ruthless man did not attack the Knights of the Round Table. The Knights of the Round Table were actually caused by internal friction. The sin plan' failed. It is said that a mysterious team appeared, which severely injured King Arthur, but no one knows which force the team is, and even the senior members of the Knights of the Round Table are at a loss.

As for the other five factions, the ruthless man fought against the five major prisoners of God with one person, not only sabotaging their plans, but also severely injuring the five major forces. The station can be described as earth-shattering, it can be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth..."

Yueteng suddenly looked up at Roland, and said coldly: "It's as if you've seen it before. That battle happened in an 'ancient law world' that was about to collapse. After the war, the ancient law world collapsed, except for the main **** level. All who participated in the battle except the gods were annihilated in the void."

Roland smiled broadly, scratching his head to hide his embarrassment: "Didn't I think about telling this kid to be more vivid."

Qin Weijie couldn't help but give Roland a blank look. No one knew about the final battle of the Rebellion of the Six Gods. It's no wonder that the past of the Rebellion of the Six Gods was so mysterious that all those who knew it died in that battle.

"The secret of the Six Gods Rebellion, apart from the main **** who participated in this battle back then, only the heads of the major forces involved in the Six Gods Rebellion know more. Even my understanding of the Six Gods Rebellion is limited." Yueteng took over the words and said:

"That mysterious powerhouse, I heard from the elders of the temple, I can confirm that he is from the mysterious East, he is an oriental, and he has many means of oriental profound arts. Although he is a mortal, he has the ability to fight against gods. He is extremely terrifying guy.

It's just that the temple elders also said that that person was a mortal after all. A few years after the end of the Six Gods Rebellion, that mysterious powerhouse died under the joint efforts of several forces, and a generation of legends came to an end. "

"Do you know how he died? What about the corpse? Are you sure she really died?"

Qin Weijie asked, Roland and Yueteng priest looked at each other and shook their heads. Obviously, the two of them could not verify the authenticity of this hearsay. Qin Weijie's question was obviously beyond the scope of the two.

"Okay, I know that the Six Gods Rebellion is a mess!" Qin Weijie suddenly remembered something and said to Roland: "I heard my godfather Grindelwald say that my father once contributed to the Six Gods Rebellion, He's a warlock...a bit like a prophet in the magical world, could that ruthless man be my dad..."

Qin Weijie opened his mind, and he couldn't help feeling a little excited. Could it be his own father? With such a ruthless father, he instantly felt a sense of security.

Thinking about it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qin Weijie rejected this idea himself. His father died on the way to Shu land. Although he was still young when he died, he was a transmigrating soul after all. I remember that my father was buried. Although the lifeless face is a little vague in my memory, I can confirm that my father died of the epidemic, which I saw with my own eyes.

Roland also poured cold water on Qin Weijie at this time, and slapped Qin Weijie on the head: "Your imagination is really rich, do you know how many people were involved in the 'Revolt of the Six Gods'? Do you think that is cruel? Can people really shake the power of the six great prisoners with their own power?

All kinds of clues from that year showed that there was a force of his own behind that ruthless man. Do you know why countries are keeping Grindelwald at a distance now? At that time, Grindelwald also participated in it. How many saints did Grindelwald have? There are other people who are standing behind that ruthless man. It is impossible to calculate how many people there are. At most, your father will participate in it as a military division.

If your father was really that ruthless man back then, do you think that the other six powers of God Prisoners will keep you alive to this day, not to mention the support of the Welfare Family, even if the Arthur Royal Family and the Welfare Family join forces to protect you, other forces Anything will kill you. "

Qin Weijie clutched the swollen package at the back of his head and looked at Roland with tears in his eyes: "I'll just say something, what about you! Big sister headed to Hogwarts, if you still want this kind of education, the school hospital will be full every day. Well, not everyone has my physique!"

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