Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 280: Chi Halo

"Stop talking nonsense, there is no perfect plan! Just do it! How long do we need to hold him for a certain letter?" Petty's lazy voice came from Qin Weijie's mind.嚧

"ten minutes!"

"Damn, bastard! Do you know how strong Quixote is? He was already a domain-breaking powerhouse more than ten years ago. Let me and Andy hold him for ten minutes!? Are you crazy!?"

"Tiger girls, I believe in you! How tough you are! It's over!"

Seeing that Qin Weijie and Petty began to bicker on a daily basis, it would be nothing more than usual.

But at this moment, the two of them were directly sparring on the public channel, and Carlisle, the group leader, couldn't stand it any longer.

"Can you two shut up! My sensory sharing consumes a lot of mana, okay? If there is nothing important to do, don't make random voice transmissions. I didn't see that our brother Tom was almost distracted, and the golden retriever dog almost found out." Someone is guiding me spiritually!"

When the group leader spoke, everyone fell silent instantly, temporarily calming down the enthusiasm for the discussion.嚧

"Hey, professor, why are you here?"

After reuniting with Petty and Andy, Qin Weijie turned around, just in time to see Quixote chasing him at the end of the alley.

Quixote's face remained the same, with a leisurely smile still: "Oh, Hogsmeade Village today is too dangerous, I want to make sure to send you back safely, let's go, little Vijay, I'll take you back School, there will be professors to handle the affairs here."

"It's the same as the truth..." Qin Weijie curled his lips: "I really don't understand, where are you from? The white jade bottle is real, but you didn't even look at it, it's strange... Maybe you are not from the Temple of Nature ?

But you don't look like a member of the Knights of the Round Table. I heard that you betrayed the Knights of the Round Table in the early years, but the name Knight of the Fang has not appeared for many years. "

"Hahaha, the little guy seems to have worked **** me..." Lu

"What's your position?" Qin Weijie looked at Quixote vigilantly. Pety beside him had drawn out his heavy sword and stood in front of him. Andy had also drawn out his long bow and arrows. Only Saul was still standing. Confused.

At this moment, Sol's attention was all behind Patty, and there was another Qin Weijie standing behind Petty.

"You...you..." Sol pointed to Qin Weijie beside him, and then pointed to the figure behind Petty, speechless for a moment.

At this time, it was still Jingying who said: "Haha, I forgot about me so quickly, I was the one who took pictures of your black bricks in the woods just now! I made you plan to plot against Vijay in your heart."

Qin Weijie ignored Quixote at this time, but shrugged his shoulders and patted Saul: "Let me tell you, I didn't shoot you black brick. It's alright, if you have any grudges, wait until later, Quixote Maybe the professor wants to touch us."

"NoNoNo!" Quixote shook his head funnyly in denial: "I'm a teacher, of course I won't hurt my students, I just want to ask you something."

Qin Weijie was a little surprised: "Ask me? What are you asking?"

"I don't know if you've ever heard of a playwright called Albanys? He has a book called The Death of a Decadent Knight, a great play of chivalry."

"I'm sorry, Professor, chivalry literature has long been lonely, and we have such a heavy classwork, how can we have so much time to read drama scripts?" Qin Weijie replied.

Hearing Qin Weijie's answer, there was a hint of sadness in Jixote's eyes, but he quickly restrained himself: "Hey, children nowadays, no one believes in chivalry anymore."

"Chivalry? Hehe..." Qin Weijie snorted coldly: "I'm afraid even the knights in the Knights of the Round Table have almost forgotten that there is chivalry!"

Qin Weijie meant something, and Petty on the side couldn't help but snorted, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Qin Weijie's fallacies.

"Oh, it seems to be so..." Jixote was not angry, but responded to Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie was even more puzzled. This grandson is making wool, and he didn't do anything after catching up. Did he just chat with me? He wouldn't like Blue Boy Paper, would he?嚧

"You just want to ask me if I've read a book?"

"You can read it after you go back, and we can communicate after reading it. I have a lot of doubts about the ending of that book, and we need to discuss it." Saying that, Quixote turned his head and left. There is no beginning and no end.

Qin Weijie's expression at this time wished he could turn into a black question mark face.

I took my pants off... Phew, I pulled out my wand and you turned around and walked away? If I catch up, I want to ask me, have I read a novel?

Made! are you crazy! Scared me!

At this moment, Kalis's voice came from Qin Weijie's mind: "Ji...Professor Quixote returned the two broomsticks, and somehow joined the melee, but..."

"Just what?" Qin Weijie asked in his mind.嚧

Karis didn't organize her words for a while, and finally Irina explained: "Professor Quixote is a bit strange, he doesn't distinguish between enemies and friends... No, he has never attacked the blond king, and the other three forces have been controlled by him." sneak attack."

I ran over a thousand grass mud horses on the grassland... Jixote is too evil! Where is he from?

"Don't be dazed! Elena has already notified Senior Minsk, and you should hurry to help, without your assistance, Senior Minsk can't control so many undead!" Seeing Qin Weijie still in a daze, Tom became anxious and couldn't help it Sound channel.

"Come on! It's better for you to transmit less sound, control your 'Zhijiang Halo', and let them continue to fight!"

"There's no need to guide them now. They've already killed their red eyes. Human heads are almost beaten into dog's heads! For a golden retriever dog with a brain, it's also beaten into a pig's head."

Watching Tom and Qin Weijie finish the sound transmission, Carlisle, who was manipulating the sand table in the attic of the mill, asked with some doubts: "Brother Tom, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com What is the 'Aura of Jiangzhi'?"

Before Tom could speak, Elena rolled her eyes at Caris in annoyance, and showed off her superior IQ with a look of disdain: 嚧

"It's spiritual guidance. The spiritual guidance of a spiritual teacher will confuse people's judgments in the region, amplify people's emotions, make them make wrong decisions at key points, and most easily create large-scale conflicts.

For example, just now Vijay threw dirty water on the envoy of the Nirvana God Court, and deliberately threw the white jade bottle to create chaos. If these small actions were not influenced by 'spiritual guidance', there would be a high probability that they would not have conflicts.

After all, these people are elites of various forces and not idiots, so such a clumsy little trick can be seen through at a glance.

But with Tom guiding them not to consider too deep-level behavioral logic at that moment, but to believe Vijay's words preconceivedly, and then make the most intuitive judgment from their own standpoint, a conflict was triggered as a result.

However, once the other party has a conflict, as the spiritual guidance amplifies their emotions, they will gradually be overwhelmed by anger and lose their minds. Even after the conflict is over, they will not think about why they had the conflict.

Since they behaved like curly-haired baboons without IQ in this situation, Vijay gave the spiritual guide a strange name "wisdom-reducing halo", which means to reduce the enemy's IQ. "

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