Hoffa rubbed his temples, staring at the ceiling of the coffee shop with a headache. There are clusters of silver stars hung on the suede of the scarlet by transparent nylon fishing line, with the Dragon Mark or Yin-Yang symbol printed in the center. The light shines on it, reflecting the twisted rays of light.

He realized that he was once again in an unknown situation. The crisis came so swiftly and concealed that it left him no room for preparation.

Chloe still has a conscience, she is comforted: "Don't be so pessimistic, if you can make my magic power run wild again within two days, then things will be very simple."

"The magic power runs wild."

"Aren't you also a wizard, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

Hoffa didn't speak, he touched the chin thinking stand up. To restore Chloe's magic power, he has a very simple way. He himself is a person who lacks magic power, and he is prepared for magic power to restore potion.

But if you want to let the magic power run wild, he has no experience at all. In the three years of Hogwarts, he learned to control magic power accurately all the time. Never tried to make magic power run wild. "

"Why, don't you have any choice?" "

"Stop talking! I'm thinking. "

"Every minute you think, you are closer to death. "Chloe reminds.

"Shut up! "

Hoffa said angrily: "I'm thinking, can magic power restore potion?" "

"Do you have it, that amount can be quite large." "

Chloe said surely.

"I have. "

Hoffa without the slightest hesitation stood up, "I'll get it, you're here wait for me."

Chloe also stood up, "I'll go with you . "

"Can you go? "

Hoffa asked suspiciously.

"If you can't go, you have to go," Chloe pointed out the window: "I am here just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered." "

Hoffa followed her finger and saw a number of tanks rumbling past the street.

Behind the tank, dozens of soldiers escorted hundreds of undressed heads. The faceless Jews are walking down the street.

Seeing this scene, Hoffa's eyes dimmed.

"Okay, you follow me, don't get lost. "

It was probably a relationship after a meal. The relationship between the two was not as rigid as when they met at first. When they left the coffee shop, it was already close to night.

After passing through the densely packed checkpoints and outposts, they came to the outskirts of Paris.

It can be seen that the rugged and winding snakes generally hovering on the ground and the metal pipes and chimneys in mid-air, brought about by the war The huge demand makes these suburban factories like giant beasts at full capacity, constantly devouring metal and coal.

When they came to the outskirts of the factories, the sky was completely dark, and the night sky was sultry and humid. It was raining heavily in Lek, and it was very uncomfortable to be wet.

Standing in a canopy downstairs in his factory, Hoffa said to Chloe: "You are here waiting for me. I'm going to get potion. "

Chloe looked around and asked with some concern: "Is it safe here?" Now the **wizard is looking for me all over the street. "

Hoffa stared at the gray rain and fog outside the canopy, and thought for a while: "It should be fairly safe. I have rarely seen German soldiers come to a place where birds do not shit." "Paused: "I'll be back in ten minutes, it's okay. "

"Okay, you quickly go and quickly return. "

Chloe said: "But you have to remember that it is best not to meet with yourself, let alone meet with people you know. "

"What is the rule?" "

"Have you ever seen yourself?" "Chloe asked back.

"No. "

Hoffa shook his head.

"That's right, everything that has happened is immutable and irreversible. It’s better to have only one you in a time and space. This is the most reasonable. If your existence is seen by yourself, no one can predict the unreasonable consequences of your existence. The only knowable thing is that the rate of disintegration of your body will reach its limit. "

"Okay. "Hoffa agreed.

Then he disillusioned and disappeared into the air.

Chloe looked at Hoffa disappearing in the rain, sighed, sitting in the rain. On the bench of the shed. This is probably a bus stop sign that no one has used for a long time, and the surrounding area is sparsely populated.

After sitting for a while, she was bored with her legs dangling, and she began to hum and sing something unclear. A minor tune.

At this time, a black vintage Mercedes-Benz sedan slipped silently out of the rain. It was lit with orange-yellow lights, like a ghost wandering in this factory area. .

The black car drove past the stop sign for fifty meters away, then turned back and went back to the canopy.

The window of the car rolled down, revealing the next one wearing a hood silhouette.

"Hello, Miss Flamel. "

Chloe, who was humming, saw the man with a hood near Chichi, and the cold sweat immediately came down. She got up and ran.

..... .


On the other side, on the wall of the factory, Hoffa is climbing like a gecko. His daily work is on the second floor of the factory, but he is After Chloe reminded him, he didn't dare to take the normal route, so he climbed directly from the sewage pipe outside the factory.

When he came to the window of his office, he looked inside cautiously .

Then he saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

In that old office, the guy exactly like himself was writing at the desk. Write and draw.

An old-fashioned radio on the table is playing an unsharp old-fashioned German song, Lily Marlene.








"This song is really poisonous..."

He muttered to himself and hid outside the window Looking at himself, this feeling is too weird and novel. Hoffa couldn’t help but look at himself a few more times.

Just looking at him, three days ago, he seemed to be aware of something, he suddenly He looked up.

Hoffa immediately escaped into the ghost for a stroll, avoiding his gaze. But the other himself did not give up, he got up and went to the window, looking outside with wonder.

After that, just separated by a wall, two days ago, I poked out my head from behind the window. At this moment, there was a sharp pain in my arm, which was like cutting meat with a sharp blade.

He rolled up his sleeves and took a look.

The entire middle of the forearm turned into a crystal.

Not only that, but there were faintly coming from his lower abdomen, thighs, and many places. Even if you don’t look at it, Hoffa knows. The time flare is expanding on him, and he is becoming more and more illogical.

Although he doesn’t know what will happen if he jumps out now, he estimates that if he is caught I saw that this flare would swallow him in an instant.

Too dangerous.

Hoffa gritted her teeth and leaned against the wall, but the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

He thought it was also Time Change, why the future Harr Y and Hermione do not have to bear any side effects, but they are like the wild beast of devour raw meat and fowl, and the bearers are directly injured by the law of the world.

Two days ago, Hoffa looked around for a while, but didn't see anything, so he returned to his position to write and paint. In the process, he dared not move.

After about 5 points, until the drizzle drenched the body, there were bursts of knocks in the room.

He turned his head slightly and saw that he stood up two days ago and opened the door of the room.

Norbert walked into the room, covered in rain, ""This damn weather, it rains endlessly. "

He complained loudly. He took off his rubber boots and poured rainwater out.

"Is anyone following?" "

Two days ago, Hoffa was holding the woven bag and asked while locking the door.

"No. "

Norbert picked up a pot of water, poured it out, and then touched his mouth: "Don't lock the door, we will go out soon. "

"Why are you still going out?" "

"There is something to deal with. "

"Merlin's beard, are you really determined to learn alchemy...? "

"Where did you go? It takes so long to buy supplies? "

"Eastern District, I took a job. "

"I am still me?" "

"We, we. "


The two talked inside the house. Hoffa was scratching his heart outside anxiously. He had never thought that Norbert was so long-winded before. You know, every After a second, his body is one step closer to disintegration.


"Durant, the wolf of the East? The intermediary from Germany? "

"Yes, that's the fool who stole our weapon. He knows that I have been looking for him and want to act first. "

"He is quite clever. "

"It's very clever, but too careless. You know, he was caught by my tail this time. In March of this year, he bought a bar in the Eastern District to recruit women who had escaped from the Jewish Quarter. "

"What are you waiting for, let's go." "

Finally, the conversation between Norbert and Hoffa in the house is over, the two pack equipment and lead the door.


.. ....

Just as they left, Hoffa outside was relaxed. He opened the window and jumped in from the outside without even catching the rain.

At the desk, he opened the drawer and looked for it. Soon, he found two spare tubes of magic power to restore the potion, put it in his pocket, hurriedly turned through the window, and walked out.

My own stuff.

Hoffa thought it was crazy.

When passing by the factory, a few workers lifted the head in wonder, staring at Hoffa who was passing by. He noticed them. Hoffa's gaze flashed into the shadows immediately. He thought that he walked on his front foot, and a similar guy appeared on his back foot. These workers must be what the fuck.

Anyway, I got the potion. , Then as long as you put Chloe into potion, you can return to your own time and space.

But when Hoffa hurried back to the canopy separated from Chloe, the nun was gone. Traces.

Where did this guy go?

He looked around on tiptoe, a little puzzled. He didn't see Chloe, but saw an extra piece of rain on the ground. Gorgeous gasoline mark.

A car has stopped here.

This detail makes him feel a little bad.

At the same time, his mind flashes I saw a picture two days ago. I saw a woman covered her mouth and stuffed it into a car in the rain.

This flashback picture is like a very strong signal light, igniting his Adrenaline, his secret path is bad.

Oops! It turned out to be her...!

I didn't think much at the time, and now I know the whole story.

He leaped forward, stepped on the canopy and jumped onto a street sign more than ten meters high, and looked into the distance. As expected, he saw the faintly discernable taillights in the rain in the distance, and he was running out of sight.

At the same time, the image he saw two days ago flashed in his mind. At that time, he saw a woman in the rain covered her mouth and stuffed it into the car.

This flashing back image is like a very strong signal light, igniting his adrenaline, and he secretly said that it is not good.

Oops! It turned out to be her...!

I didn't think much about it, now I know the whole story.

He leaped forward, stepped on the canopy and jumped onto a street sign more than ten meters high, and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, he saw the faintly discernable taillights in the rain in the distance. The race is almost gone.

Plopped, my heart stopped beating for a beat.

Fear strikes, like a forgotten old friend. Simple, primordial fear. He has lived in peace for a long time, and has almost forgotten this real fear. If Chloe is taken away, he is absolutely impossible to find her within 48 hours.

Waiting for oneself, there is only one result of annihilation.

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