As soon as the middle-aged woman left, it was like a battle horn blowing in the small kitchen. Everything is on the verge of loss of control and chaos.

Anker first roared: "Damn it, Aldo, that's your mother? Didn't you say that your mother was already dead, so what is that woman, a ghost?"


Hoffa: "Chloe, how did you come to this house?"

Chloe: "You still asked me, I haven't asked how you met them Going together?" Her voice was rare with hatred.

Anker: "It seems that you don’t know anything about your companion. He and we are actually in the same group."

Chloe: "You think I will Listen to your nonsense!?"

Anker: "hmph, Aldo, what are you waiting for? Help me control Flamel first."

"Enough! "

In this chaotic moment, it was Aldo Angry Roar who calmed down the little dinning hall. "We haven't left this island yet. By the way, this is what I used to At home, you have to make a noise."

I saw his chest rise and fall, his shoulders trembling, and his emotions looked abnormally unstable.

After a moment of silence.

Aldo: "I have a hunch, if we don't understand the environment here, we may never be able to get out."

"Island, what are you talking about? Chloe asked Hoffa.

"Nightmare." Hoffa said suddenly.

"What?" Anker squinted his eyes coldly.

"I said, in fact, we are not in any real place, nor in any time and space. Our spirit is trapped in a nightmare, and everything we see is an illusion."


"Where is the evidence?" Anker asked.

Hoffa pointed out the window without saying a word. Everyone followed his fingers and looked over. Everyone except Chloe was stunned.

Good guy, everything outside the house has changed. The buggy island that was originally weird and dangerous lurks on every side has now become a bustling street. The black carriage and the car were shuttled on the street at the same time, and some old but full of life residents also appeared on the side of the road, and the atmosphere of peaceful business was strong.

Hoffa: "Apart from this, there is no other better explanation to explain this weird and changeable scene, the monster that is completely unreasonable, and the magic power that we have disappeared inexplicably, which is in the real world. It is totally impossible. So, the only explanation is that we are in an artificial dream."


"Is it just a dream?"

Aldo was relaxed instead.

"This is your dream, Aldo." Hoffa said.


"Anker and I have no special fear of giant worms and arthropods, and you can still feel the presence of Flamel, here again The house you are most familiar with appears. This is not your dream. Whose is it?"

Anker said, "If this is really a nightmare, why did you realize that it is a dream? We are not awake yet. And..."


He slapped Aldo on the face without warning.

Aldo covered his face and jumped three feet high, "What are you doing, bastard!?"

Anker: "Look, if it's a dream, why don't you wake up yet." "

"He is the master of this dream. Everything here is a projection of his spirit, but he must not be the source of the dream. Of course it is useless to hit him."

"The source of the dream?"

"Yes, I still remember that before unconscious, there was a white mist floating on the sea, and there seemed to be a voice humming in my ears, and that voice was not any of you One, I think, the owner of the voice is the source of the dream."

"Listening to you, it seems that there is indeed such a thing. But what is the source? What is it? Purpose..." Anker calmed down, lost in thought.

While the three of them were thinking, Chloe raised his arm:

"I...have a problem."

Hoffa looked at her .

"Listen to you, it seems that you were on an island before, and then you encountered a lot of insects."


"Then I think, if this is really a dream, it shouldn't be a dream, it should be a nightmare."

Hoffa: "It must be a nightmare. "

"If it's a nightmare, but I haven't seen any insects, nor have I experienced any special terrifying things. From yesterday to now, everything is peaceful."

Is it calm... Hoffa looked towards Aldor, he was holding his face, look pale, and his usual irritable appearance was very different.

"Hey, Aldo, is there something terrifying that hasn’t happened yet, in this house?"

Aldo was a shivered, he seemed to think of something, he He stood up abruptly. At the same time, there was a sharp, crisp sound outside the door.

Boom! !

The door was kicked open.

The woman who had left the house before went back, but there was another man beside her. The man was wearing a tattered undershirt with an indistinct color, standing at the door with a wine bottle with a face full of face. full beard, with two red patches on his face. With the strong sunlight behind him, he looked very tall.

Aldo trembled at the table.

The drunkard asked drunkenly: "Where is Aldo, where is that little bastard!?"

"Berkeley, get out of here, I...I've cut off from you. It's coming and going!" The woman stood beside him, clutching his arm tightly.

"Shut up, stinky lady!"

The drunk knocked the woman to the ground with one arm: "You still want to protect him, me, hiccup, I lost a watch , Aldo, did you steal it?"

He staggered into the room, "smelly brat, I ask you, did you steal my watch? Going to sell money?"

The three people in the house focused on Aldo. After Hoffa explained the dream theory for them, they all knew that all this was not real, but this The nightmare of a man called Aldo.

"You are dumb!?" The drunk man stood beside Aldo, spitting stars flying wildly, he reached out to Aldo's collar and grabbed it: "Quick, give me my things! "

"I...I've never taken anything from you. It's all you. I lost my gambling." Aldo's teeth trembled and said with difficulty.


The drunk roared and threw the bottle aside, "Are you laughing at my inferior skills? I tell you, I have been Winning!"

He raised his right hand high and hit it with a punch. When the fist was only one centimeter away from Aldo’s nose, he was violently pushed away, and the middle-aged woman stopped in front of him: "Aldo, hurry up...hurry up and get out of here."

Aldo stood up and stumbled back two steps.

The drunkard: "It’s all you are used to. Look at him, now you are like a thief!"

"Enough, Berkeley, your watch is I took it!"

The woman screamed: "You have lost so many things. You have to keep something. I have sold the watch. Let's find you in the junk market!"

The drunk trembled all over with angrily, "Okay, okay, okay, you take my things and buy these foods to entertain these worthless strangers!"

He slapped the woman's face heavily, hitting her more than one meter away and hitting the wall.

Hoffa's eyelids twitched, Chloe slammed his mouth and stared in horror. Anker leaned against the wall and prepared to drive out. Aldo shrank in the corner, not daring to move.

"When I was at home, you only gave me pickled cucumbers every day!"

The drunk man picked up the wine bottle and threw a bottle on the woman's head.

"After Dolko next door rolled the sheets with you, you fucking made him a sandwich!!"

The woman resisted screaming, martial power gradually upgraded, and the bottle smashed The broken pieces were replaced by the ceramic pot on the table, and the broken pot became a kitchen knife. After a while, the middle-aged woman fell into a pool of blood, knowing her life or death.

Chloe stood tremblingly, trying to stop him. Hoffa grabbed her: "None of this is true. Get out of here with me."

The drunk let go of the woman, and walked towards Aldo with a swaying grin. As he walked, his body grew larger and larger, from 1.75 to 2 meters, to 3 meters, and 3 meters to 4 meters. He broke his clothes and broke the ceiling.

Aldo drew out wand trembling, he lifted wand flatly, wanted to release spell, but couldn't even pronounce spells.

"Aldo." Hoffa reminded him, "Don't think about it."

His words are useless, the man is getting bigger and bigger, and his muscles even break his skin. He lifted the table off with a light hook. Anker tried to slip away from the man, but was slammed back directly by his Roman arm.

He fell to the ground and vomited blood and roared: "Aldo, what are you doing, don't think about it, let us get out of here!"

"Your existence is worthless, you His life is meaningless!"

The giant drunkard roared, and countless Giant Insects poured out of his mouth. He became more and more ferocious, more and more weird.

Hoffa wanted to smash the window and take Chloe to escape, but the room became extremely strong. The glass was filled with the color of granite, and everything was no longer measured by common sense.

The giant first caught Anker who was closest to him. It pinched his head and opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Anker grabbed the giant’s fingers, flustered and exasperated kicking in the air: "Aldo, dare to do this to me!?"

However, Orr Duo had already thrown away the wand and knelt down. He shrank in the corner of the living room and cried. He didn't have the demeanor of an adult wizard at all. He was fragile like a child.

They are in Aldo's nightmare and cannot leave.

Chloe gritted his teeth and said to Hoffa: "I have a way."

"What can you do?"

"You can drag me Some time." She looked at Aldo and said.

"Are you sure?"


"I believe in your evil! Death stick!"

Hoffa cursed the nun, but his actions were not at all ambiguous. He rolled up his sleeves and raised the round wooden table in the corner, taunted loudly: "Hey, stupid big fellow!"

holding Anker The giant looked over: "Who did you say?"

Countless insects fell from his mouth, like rain, Hoffa raised the big round table to block his head.

"Do you know where your wife's money for selling watches is?"

"Huh? Where is it?"

Hoffa smiled evilly: "Yes Hotel, your wife takes your money to open a room with others."

"Go to hell!"


The heart-pierced giant raised his hand and smashed the round table held in Hoffa's hand to pieces. Hoffa was embarrassed on the spot, avoiding the grumpy blow: "Maybe Durex has a piece of the pie too, what use is it for you to be angry here?"


The giant threw Anker away, chased Hoffa and smashed the stairs and furniture in the house. The terrible insect crawled all over the room.

Just when Hoffa was crazy about the giant. Chloe ran to Aldo who was crying in the corner and squatted down, hugged his head, and gently hummed a nursery rhyme.

The giant swinging his arm and hitting hard, his body shrank a little bit, and his expression became confused.

"There's a show!"

Hoffa rolled and moved to Chloe's side: "Go on, don't stop."

Chloe's face is sweaty Oddly, she tried her best to keep her tone stable, and the giant stopped spitting out Giant Insect. His body gradually returned to its normal size, and the granite lines on the windows gradually disappeared and became normal.


Hoffa shouted to Chloe, who dragged the delirious Aldo to his feet.

"Get out!"

Anker, who vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, knocked away the three people without the slightest hesitation, jumped out of the window without looking back, and ran out.

At this time, Hoffa didn't have time to worry about this. He pushed Chloe and Aldo out, and finally jumped out of the window. After jumping out of the window, he pulled hard, and the glass window was sealed again.

The four ran to a place about a hundred meters away from the house and stopped.

Anker stood in place and took a few breaths, clutching his chest, then grabbed Aldo by the collar and slammed him on the roadside trash can: "Trash! You almost killed him." It’s me!"

Anker cursed Aldo sternly, "Know that the real you are such a pustule, the stupid will not team up with you!"

Aldo There is no rebuttal.

Chloe just took a breath, his face paled when he heard Anker's flustered and exasperated curse Aldo.

"Don't irritate him!"

tone barely fell, there was a loud bang behind him. The small wood house in the distance was directly burst by the giant, and it stood up from the ruins. It turned into a huge centipede tens of meters long, with shiny black armor, a bloody red abdomen, and an unusually terrifying human face on the front.

"Fuck me!"

Hoffa exploded. He has been in the magic world for so many years and has never seen such a strange creature.

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