English Channel.

The deck of the Scharnhorst battleship.

A row of crew members and a group of children holding heads knelt on the ground, and behind them stood a group of fully armed soldiers with guns. The strong sea breeze passed, and the rope and iron piece on the helmet on the soldier's head collided with a pleasant sound ding ding dong dong.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

A pair of black boots stepped in front of them. He counted as he stepped, counting to the end, and counting from end to end, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

In the middle of the deck.

Mullermans sat on a chair, expressionless, looking darkly at the kneeling sailors and the men he counted. The inattentive voice gave him a headache. These damn wizards are so stupid that they can be solved in two lines with a glance, but they have to form a long line. Heaven knows whether they have studied mathematics.

"Seven eight ninety eleven twelve..."

The voice drew him into the vortex of memory, and he remembered the rustle that dragged him in front of him His black robe, and the pale hair of the owner of the robe.

It was a cold winter three years ago, and he was ordered to set off from Munich’s elite troops to perform a special mission in Berlin. He vaguely remembered the hundreds of people he saw when he got off the Opel truck.

And in that dark hall, Grindelwald did the same, counting the number of people casually, he still remembered the other party’s icy fingers slashing across his forehead, like an ice skate, The number of sides, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 eight.

From the beginning to the end, no one wants to look directly at his face, only to hear his voice floating in the dark night sky.

"...I don't care if you are muggle or wizard. However, before choosing someone, I want to know the quality of your soul."

The guy said casually: "Thieves and robbers talk about souls. Porters, shipping unions talk about souls, rich businessmen, politicians talk about souls, warriors, killers talk about souls, muggles and wizards talk about souls. But what is a soul? Who can answer me?"

The long line was silent under his cold fingers.

"No one answered, it seems that it is too early to awaken. The flowers living in the greenhouse will not understand what a soul is, let alone a soul. Only when a person has nothing can he understand For the soul, only when life is suffering and humble, can you touch the essence of the soul. I think everyone has the potential to awaken their soul, and the key to this potential is pain, no pain, no soul, so... .. In order to find the one I want..."

He found out the black wand, slightly smiled.

"Drilling the wrist bones."

Red light flashed past.

"My lord." The call from the side awakened Mans from his memory. He slowly lifts the head: "The count is clear?"

"Thirty-seven people. "

He whispered.

"There are only thirty-seven people."


"Where did they find it?"

"No, we searched all places in a radius of twenty nautical miles, including seabed, but did not find any traces of Flamel and Bach."

"That's it..." He sighed, like Muttered to himself: "For the price of two association wizards, I caught 37 muggles. How stupid I am."

"What should I do afterwards?" The men next to him asked uneasyly. .

"Go directly to Britain to prevent Flamel from escaping before us."

"No, I mean what about Aldo and Anker?"

Black Robe's question made Mans browse tightly frowns. He stood up and walked to the edge of the deck, looking at the vast ocean and rolling white clouds in the distance, and was silent. The group of captive muggles trembled slightly beside him, like wooden boards in the waves, not knowing where their fate was.

"Let them go." Mans finally said, "We have tried our best. Even if we can't find it, we must keep the loss within an acceptable range."

After he finished speaking, the black robe beside him looked at him motionlessly.

"Why, didn't you hear my order?"

"Mr. Mans, there is a word I must remind you." Black Robe leaned over and said, "Aldo It’s okay, but Anker and Anker belong to the Ke Lestrange family, which is one of the most famous wizards in Europe. Their family is very famous not only in the Wizarding World, even in the muggle field. Anker’s father, It’s even one of the senior leaders of the association. If you can’t find him, I’m afraid..."

"I’m afraid I will die, right?"

"Very It is possible."



The weird and changeable dreamland once again exceeds Anker’s Unexpectedly, the cave just now was still crumbling, and in a blink of an eye it was complete. There is not even a gap in it.

He touched the wall, muttered: "Do you still have to say something about it?"

Hoffa thought it would be a ghost if he wanted to dream about it.

Although he felt a little dark in his heart after seeing Anker deflated, the real uneasiness in his heart could not be dispelled.

It’s been almost two days, and he doesn’t even know where his entity is now. It may be floating on the sea, or it may have been caught by someone else.

The worst thing is that he still has no way to store even the slightest amount of magic power, and has no strength control over the current bad situation.

Chloe suddenly shouted behind him: "Hey, you two, look here!"

The two turned around and saw Chloe pointing to the ground. Confusion of the face. They walked to the place where Aldo had fallen, and saw another path appeared five meters away.

The path is in the shape of a hole, and inside is a broken ladder all the way down. It is black and deep, like a dog hole that leads to hell. A slight breeze blew out from inside, blowing on the three blank faces, making the three sober people in the cave confused.

Anker swallowed, "Why does the underground blow out? This, what does this mean."

Hoffa: "You ask me, who am I asking? But depending on the situation, there is something that wants us to go down."

He grabbed a stone and threw it inside. The stone made a pleasant sound of ding dong, gone forever, nothing. The meaning of touching the bottom.

"I refuse to go down." Anker not even think, "Heaven knows what's underneath."

"No one pushes you down." Hoffa stepped back and sat down on Klow By Yi's side, his expression looked calm.


Anker also sat down, he looked at the extra hole of unfathomable mystery with great concentration, and looked at Hoffa on the side with a gloomy look. , Eyes turned around.

In this cave of less than 30 square meters, Chloe couldn't help but grab the arm of the boy next to her. She was really scared.

Hoffa felt uncomfortable feeling the tense palms on her elbows. If it is normal, he is very happy that Chloe finally admits his counsel and is willing to reconcile with himself, but now, what is the meaning of reconciliation.

Sitting for a while, Anker stood up anxiously. He looked at Aldo who was still unconscious bitterly, "There is no way out just sitting here." He repeated: "We must find a way to leave."

Hoffa sit cross-legged in By the fire, he calmly said: "I didn't force you to stay here."

"Is this your cooperative attitude?"

"I didn't force you to stay here either. Cooperation."

"Okay, okay. Are you and this Miss Flamel going to sit here and wait for death?"

"That's not bad, I think at least she It’s pretty, and I’ll be buried with you."

(Let go of the hand on his arm)

Anker hates it because of the darkness in the hole, Hoffa can’t see it. Clearing his expression, he could only hear the sound of his creak creak teeth grinding, but he estimated that the other side's forehead was already exposed, but he also figured out the other side's thoughts.

"Anker, no matter what you say, I will not take the initiative to go down and find the way for you." Hoffa said softly, "Besides, I remember that our agreement just now was for you to collect information. I want to take you out, right?"


"Or you just said it casually."

Anker's face changed and changed. Finally, he stretched out a fist and grinned his teeth and said: "Guess the box, it's fairest, whoever loses will go down to find the way."

Hoffa smiled: "Don't "

"Fuck you..." Anker strode towards Hoffa.


"What are you doing?"

"Have you thought about something? If Aldo wakes up later, What do you think of you? If you can’t go out, let’s talk about it for now, but at least for now, in our small group, which is not a big one, you may become isolated and helpless."

Anker stopped. He took a deep look at his footsteps, and the murderous intention in his eyes almost burst out.

"You won, Bach."

He reached out and pulled a torch from the fire, strode towards the entrance of the cave, and when he reached the entrance, he said coldly "In that case, I will go and see the road. I hope that when I come back, you will still live in the cave safely." After finishing speaking, he walked along the stairs of the black hole without looking back. Go down.

Hoffa lay on the edge of the hole, watching the silhouette of the guy holding the torch disappear into the darkness, relaxed.

"Go," he said to Chloe.

This is the first time in several days that he is sitting with Chloe alone. If you don't count the Aldo who passed out, he thinks they need to talk.

Chloe sat by the fire, staring at him coldly, "Is it fun to plot against, is it fun to plot against?"

He just angered the nun about the funeral. Even in such a weird and changeable environment, she didn't have a good face, maybe she didn't plan to reconcile with him from the very beginning.

Hoffa: "Are you still angry with me?"

Chloe: "I have any reason not to be angry with you?"

Hoffa : "Don't you feel ashamed. If you weren't as impulsive as you, I would have tried so hard?"

"Okay, it's my fault, it's all my fault." Chloe Don't look over your head, it's puffed up.

"It's great that you can think that way."

Hoffa said not salty, not wanting to quarrel with her, just looking at the cave where Anker disappeared.

For some reason, he was faintly worried.

If he were in a normal world, then he would have liked the black robe of the Empire Wizards Association to die, and they would die as many as possible. These people are all lackeys of Grindelwald.

Especially Anker, when this guy met from the very beginning, he held himself to death. Even in this case, what he thinks is you lose something rather than I lose everything.

But at this moment, he more or less hoped that Anker would return safely, and then told himself that this was a door to the real world.

After thinking about it, he felt that he was really stupid again. The probability of this kind of thing happening was about the same as that of Tom Riddle when he grew up doing charity, and Chloe became a chainsaw massacre.

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