Harry Potter: My Elemental Magic Turns the World Upside Down

Chapter 266 Divination lesson: This is an ominous sign

"It's so late, I'm a little surprised by your arrival,"

"Professor Lupine!"

Kettleair opened the door, looked at Remus Lupine standing at the door, and said with some surprise.

Kettleair stepped aside to allow Remus Lupine to enter.

"Need a drink?"

"I know what questions you want to ask me, and you can't fall asleep without an accurate and definite answer."

Remus Lupine was slightly taken aback when he heard Kettleair's words, then nodded, and said, "Thank you, I can't sleep except for that thing in my mind now, maybe I can't even do it when I lecture tomorrow. Concentrate on teaching."

"So, please ask Professor Kate to give me an answer, such as when and what conditions are required before you are willing to give me that potion?"

Kettleair looked at Remus Lupine with a smile and said, "Conditions?"

"In this way, it seems to be a condition."

Remus Lupine stood up, stared at Kettler, and said, "What do I need to pay?"

Remus Lupine knew very well that what he had now was not of much value.

It can even be said that all his net worth add up, not even 800 Galleons.

"All you need to do is act, Professor Lupine."

"However, there are some difficulties in this matter."

"And you need to do it yourself!"

Kettleair smiled and said, "If you can do it, then after you finish it, within three days, this potion will be in your hands."

"What is it?" Remus Lupine said calmly.

A thing that must be done by himself, Remus Lupine really can't think of anything that needs to be done by him.

If so, is it difficult?

Kettleaire snapped his fingers, and an envelope on the desk flew to the coffee table.

This is an exquisite envelope, with a black cover, inlaid with gold borders, and a rose stuck to it at the seal.

"If, you decide you want to finish it, just open it."

"Please be sure to think carefully, if you take it apart, you will have no chance to regret it."

Remus Lupine looked at the envelope on the table, thought for a moment, stretched out his hand, and put the envelope away.

"I'll think about it carefully."

After Remus said a word, he couldn't wait to leave.

Keitelaire sat on the sofa with a playful smile on his face.

"It's really exciting!"

the next day.

first day of school.

Well, it is doomed that many students bring the habit of staying in bed during the holidays to the first day of school.

The prefects of all grades had to knock on the door of each dormitory, trying to wake up the students who were sleeping inside and did not go to class.

Yawning, Harry followed Ron as he ran to the classroom.

Their first class is divination.

Classes are held in the North Tower, which means they have to walk for a long time.

They can't use magic at will, they can only run faster.

"Sybill Trelawney, divination teacher?" Harry looked at the plaque on the wall, the stairs that were several meters long, and the closed door in front of him, and said, "It seems that we need to find someone switch."

And just when Ron was about to say something, the trap door was suddenly opened, and a silver ladder was lowered, just in front of the three of Harry.

"Well, we don't need to look for it anymore, Professor Trelawney has already prepared it for us." Harry stepped forward with a smile and said.

After a while, the three came to a room.

It doesn't look like a classroom, it's more like a mixture of an attic and an old-fashioned teahouse, and it's stepped.

Then there was the slightly crowded one, with at least twenty small round tables surrounded by calico armchairs and bulging futons.

The light in the room comes from candles hanging on the wall or on the table, I say this because the curtains here are drawn very tightly, as if not to let any light in.

Playing cards, crystal balls, teacups, candles, feathers, these seem to be the props that this divination class should have.

The three of Harry were the first to arrive, and after them, other students arrived one after another.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this classroom.

And at this moment, a figure came out from the darkness, appeared under the candlelight, and was in everyone's sight.

"Welcome to come, children, here, you will learn the magical divination lessons with me."

Professor Trelawney was thin and wore large glasses that magnified her eyes many times over.

In addition, she was wearing a light and transparent silk scarf that shone slightly under the candlelight.

There are many beads and chains hanging on the thin and long neck, even on her slender fingers, there are many rings, and there are several expensive-looking bracelets on her arms.

Although it was not the first time they had met Professor Trelawney, seeing her at this time, they still couldn't help feeling that this was an upstart.

Yes, Trelawney was the only professor Harry and the others had ever met.

In a group of two, everyone found a seat and sat down. Ron couldn't wait and whispered in Harry's ear, "This is a get rich."

"Also, I'm sure that she was absolutely poor before, but now she can't wait to show off her wealth."

Harry couldn't help but chuckle when he heard that.

The magic class continued, and Trelawney began to teach everyone how to use divination, and how to compare the fate they saw with the book "Piercing the Fog to See the Future".

On the other side, Sirius and Neville looked at Trelawney in front of him and rubbed his chin subconsciously. Can her divination know my identity?

"What are you thinking, David." Neville asked, looking at Sirius.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about how amazing divination is." Sirius laughed softly upon hearing this.

Upon hearing this, Neville responded, "I heard from my senior that this divination technique is quite interesting."

"When you learn it and prepare some props, you will be able to divination some interesting things, but this thing is not absolute."

Sirius, who never cared about divination, suddenly became interested.

With his current talent and mature mind, it should be easy to learn.

"Blitz...a hit, oh my god that's not a pleasant cup."

"Skull...Harry, there is danger on your way ahead."

"This is an ominous sign, and your life will be in danger."

Trelawney's voice echoed in the classroom, and Sirius stood up, staring at Harry Potter, frowning.

"Professor Trelawney, are you sure?"

"Is Harry's life really in danger?"

"What time is it?"

Sirius asked three consecutive questions one after another, and Trelawney was also a little out of breath by the momentum displayed by Sirius at this moment, and fell down on the ground.

Seeing this, Hermione and the others hurried forward to pull Trelawney up.

But Trelawney refused their help, stood up, stepped back one after another, away from Harry Potter and Sirius, and said, "Sorry, I can't answer you."

"Now, you are free, pack up your textbooks and get out of here."

Everyone did not expect that Trelawney would end the class so hastily and let them dismiss get out of class early.

Sirius frowned, looking a little dignified.

He didn't think Trelawney was talking nonsense, so Harry's life must be in danger.

At this moment, Sirius was very grateful that he had agreed to Kettleair's conditions, and came to the school as a student.

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