Harry Potter: My Elemental Magic Turns the World Upside Down

Chapter 363 Doubt, dispelling the magical effect of the potion

In Snape's room.

Draco Malfoy followed Snape here, looking a little silent.

The relationship between the Malfoy family and the Death Eaters was constantly cut and messed up.

It is not an easy task to really get rid of the Death Eaters organization.

In particular, Voldemort is still alive.

His father told him about Voldemort, and at the same time what Voldemort wanted him to do.

Draco thought about how to refuse this matter, or hide in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Even seeking Kettleair's help.

At least, in Draco's opinion, Voldemort would never be a match for Professor Kettleair.

But he didn't expect that while he was sleeping, he somehow came to the Shrieking Shack, and in front of Voldemort, he and Professor Snape were released the 'Unbreakable Curse. '

So, if he didn't want to die, he had to keep it a secret.

Otherwise, if he dared to speak out, he would die immediately.

Also, within a month, if they couldn't kill Professor Dumbledore, they would die too.

This forced him and Professor Snape to kill Dumbledore.

"Professor Snape, what does he want?" Draco was silent for a long time, looking at Snape and asking.

"I can sense that he must have a secret to kill Professor Dumbledore, and this matter has a lot to do with Professor Dumbledore."

When Snape returned to the room, he was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, finally, he took out a small box and placed it on the table.

It was Kettleair's first Christmas gift to him three years ago.

Upon hearing this, Snape looked at Draco, was silent for a moment, and said, "Wand."

"Wand?" Draco Malfoy was puzzled.

"That's one of the legendary Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand." Snape recalled the wand in Dumbledore's hand, and said, "It has magical power, very powerful."

"He needs that wand, it helps him get stronger."

"Maybe, he thinks that if he gets the wand, he can become stronger and defeat Professor Kettleair."

"Or, he has something to rely on, thinking that he can defeat Professor Kettleair without relying on the Elder Wand."

Draco Malfoy was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "Can we still seek help from Professor Kate?"

"No need." Snape opened the box, and took out a bottle of magic potion from inside, saying: "The unbreakable oath, for the past, really only protects and enforces secrets."

"But, that's only in the past."

"Because an unbreakable oath can be broken."

"This is a dispelling potion, which is very effective for 'unbreakable' magic."

Draco Malfoy was shocked by what Snape said.

He understands the unbreakable oath, a powerful bond.

It is impossible to be cracked!

But now, he got the news that it can be lifted.

Thinking of this, he cleverly thought of the potion in front of him.

It definitely matters!

"Drink it, and the unbreakable spell will be broken." Snape glanced at Draco Malfoy, poured out half of the potion, and said.

Draco Malfoy looked at the potion in front of him, thought for a moment, and chose to trust Snape.

Slightly bitter taste, with a warm current slipping away in the body.

The invisible magic coil wrapped around the arm was shining with light at this moment, and then it collapsed and dissipated little by little.

At this point, the unbreakable oath completely dissipated.

It also verified Snape's words that the unbreakable oath can be broken.

Snape drank the potion calmly, and then said to Draco Malfoy, "You can go back and forget about what happened here, or you can go to Professor Kettleair for help."

"If there is a chance, I will kill him." Draco Malfoy said with a serious and indifferent expression.

"You may not have this chance." Snape responded calmly.

"Why?" Draco Malfoy asked a little puzzled.

"He has many artifact souls, and he wants to take this opportunity to gain immortality." Snape responded.

"So, he didn't die so easily, did he?" Draco Malfoy understood that his thoughts were a little unrealistic.

"Find his weapon soul and destroy it to kill him." Snape responded again.

"Then we'll find him, destroy him, and finally kill him." Draco Malfoy clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

Snape glanced at Draco Malfoy, smiled, and said, "There is a chance."

Draco Malfoy nodded, got up and left with the thought of killing Voldemort.

"How did you get captured?" Snape suddenly remembered something, so he asked.

"I don't know." Draco Malfoy heard the words, and after recalling what he was doing tonight, he responded: "The only thing I remember is that when the bell rang, I fell asleep."

Snape stared at Draco Malfoy.

He was taken away in the Slytherin common room, while Draco Malfoy was still sleeping at that time, and he was not found. The strength of the other party was extraordinary.

At least, the opponent has the strength to easily turn Draco Malfoy into a mouse.

In other words, the opponent is very good at deformation.

"Okay, you go back." Snape waved his hand, letting Draco Malfoy leave.

After Draco Malfoy left, Snape took a booklet from the cabinet.

As the headmaster of the Slytherin School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this book records the names of each class of Slytherin students, as well as their habits and specialties.

Snape was a little curious, which student in Slytherin escaped the investigation and shot Draco Malfoy.

First, start with Draco Malfoy's roommates.

On the other side, Draco Malfoy returned to the dormitory, looking at his sleeping roommate, his eyes sparkled.

How did Peter Pettigrew take him?

And who turned him into a mouse is entirely doubtful.

Crabbe and Goyle?

These two guys, won't do that.

Will that be the other two?

Or, people from other dormitories?

Draco Malfoy returned to his bed, his eyes hidden under the darkness did not close.

The ceiling of the dormitory is sparkling lake water, a little light, small fish swimming past, leaving shadows, which made Draco Malfoy unable to sleep.

Voldemort actually asked him to assassinate Dumbledore and seize the wand.

This is an impossible and dangerous thing to do.

Once taken, the wand is loyal to his enemies.

If he killed Dumbledore and took away the old wand, the old wand would be loyal to him.

Voldemort had to kill himself if he wanted to gain more power and be recognized by the Elder Wand.

Once it started, he would die too, or Professor Snape would die.

And if you want to prevent this conjecture from becoming reality, you can't let it happen and kill Voldemort.

With this thought echoing in his mind, Draco Malfoy couldn't sleep more and more.

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