Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 137 Hermi1's Patronus

On Friday night, Augustus took Hermione to the eighth floor. Then, under Hermione's surprised eyes, the Room of Requirement was opened.

"What is this place?!" Hermione exclaimed, looking around.

"The Room of Requirement, a magical place." Augustus pulled the girl and sat down on the luxurious sofa.

There are soft chairs, ottomans, drinks and books, and a pile of bulging cushions. The candles shine like day. Seems like a cozy home, not a place to practice spells. There was also a vinyl record player on the table next to it.

Hermione has been entangled with Augustus since the last time she was interrupted by Augustus. The girl knew that Augustus's level was no less than that of a professor. With such a teacher who could not only solve the pain of lovesickness but also give advice, he would take less classes. Nothing at all.

Although Augustus was a little speechless, he did not refuse. He thought that Hermione was too busy before and didn't even have time to date with him. Now it just suits his heart. The only regret is that the time to spend with Penello has changed. not enough.

Sitting on the sofa, Augustus and little Hermione teased for a while before they remembered the business.

"Let's get started and teach you a new spell today.

"Dear 'Professor', what are you going to teach me in this class?"

Looking at the extraordinary and handsome Augustus in front of her, Hermione pursed her lips and smiled and said playfully.

"The Patronus Charm." Augustus hooked the girl's chin and said with a smile.

"The one you used on the train?" Hermione's eyes lit up. She also saw the gorgeous silver-white phoenix at that time, and it directly dispelled all the dementors on the entire train. It was too powerful!

"Well, that's right." After Augustus replied, he began to explain the principle of the Patronus Charm to Hermione.

"The Patronus is something that wards off dementors - a kind of escort that acts as a shield between the caster and the dementors. Face

"It's a positive force, and what it advocates is what the dementor feeds on - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it can't despair like a real person, so a dementor can't hurt it."

Hearing Augustus' introduction, Hermione nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Augustus also knew that the introduction was still a bit abstract, so he raised his wand and whispered, "God guard!

As the magic power surged, many blue glare appeared on the silver wand, and these lights gradually intertwined to form a silver phoenix, hovering above the room.

"What the Patronus advocates is happiness and light and the hope of living. Each Patronus is unique, because each person's character and inner world are different, and the emotions expressed are also different. The spell to summon the Patronus is: Calling the Guardian, this spell only works when you are concentrating, so when summoning the Guardian you must do your best to recall a happy event."

Augustus hugged Hermione, the patron saint of the phoenix who was looking at him in amazement, and continued.

"To be honest, the current environment is already very suitable. No dementors, no enemies, the environment is comfortable, I just hope to say hello to your Patronus tonight." Augustus finally said playfully.

With Augustus' guidance and company, although Hermione did not complete the casting of the Patronus Charm all at once, after practicing a few more times, she has already cast it in a good way.

"God guard!" In another call, a blue glare flashed, and a lovely creature appeared in front of Hermione - a smart and dexterous otter.

Seeing this blue translucent little otter intertwined with light, Augustus suddenly chuckled and nodded, causing Hermione to laugh.

...... Ask for flowers...  

The girl Jiao gave him a shy look, her face was red, because the reason why she was able to summon this little otter just now was the memory of being with Augustus.

"To celebrate you learned the Patronus Charm, let's have a drink. 35

While Hermione was teasing his patron saint, the otter, Augustus had conjured a bottle of red wine that looked some years old from nowhere, and said to Hermione.

Maybe it was due to the romantic atmosphere, or maybe it was due to the refreshing aroma after Augustus opened the red wine, Hermione, who had never experienced the taste of red wine, nodded slightly and leaned against Augustus.


Seeing the girl's docile appearance, the corners of Augustus' mouth twitched.

This bottle of red wine is very valuable. It was brewed by magic process, and it has been cellared for a long time. The taste is by no means comparable to ordinary red wine.

Hermione first sniffed with her nose, then took a careful sip. Suddenly, a slight coolness flowed into her mouth with a hint of warm night body, and then, a mellow fragrance bloomed on the taste buds, with a creeping feeling. The sweetness of Portugal and the taste of wine that girls have never experienced, in short, are very intoxicating.

Looking at the appearance of little Hermione, Augustus also smiled and took a sip.

The two chatted and drank expensive red wine, and the atmosphere gradually changed.

Although she was already a little drunk, Hermione still retained a hint of sobriety.

"Senior...you have a girlfriend, we can't do this..."

"In my heart, you are my girlfriend too.

Augustus blocked Hermione's words with a domineering answer, and then started the work skillfully.

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