Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 151 3 Unforgivable Curses

After lunch on Thursday, Augustus joined the Slytherin students for a Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Following the crowded crowd, I walked all the way through the escalators moving around the castle, and came to the classroom on the second floor, which was already full of Gryffindor and Slytherin students.

Picking up the "Dark Forces: Self-Defense Guide" on the table, Augustus flipped through it a few times in a boring way.

I really don't understand, in an orthodox school that trains wizards, apart from the simple and daily low-level spells, there is absolutely no powerful spells that can be used to defend themselves against the enemy. Talents cultivated by such an education system will encounter real people. War can only be an existence that acts as cannon fodder, and only in such a context can it be ruled by a mere Voldemort and darkness for such a long time, and no one can resist.

Moody's characteristic thumping footsteps came down the corridor. He walked into the classroom looking as eccentric and terrifying as usual. The students could just see his claw-like wooden foot sticking out from under his robe.

He glanced at Augustus sitting in the front row, snorted coldly, and turned his eyes. I have to say that I was turned into a pig by Augustus yesterday, and I can come to class today as if nothing had happened. Few people can match this "brain".

"Put these things away," he said contemptuously, trudging to the podium with his cane and sitting down. "These textbooks. You don't need them.

Moody continued, "I received a letter from Professor Lupin about the course. It appears that you have a good grasp of the basics of how to deal with black magic beasts - you have learned how to deal with beauties. Gert, Red Hat, Hinkpunk, Grindylo, Kabbah and Werewolf, right?

The students sitting below nodded in agreement.

"But you haven't learned enough—not enough about how to deal with spells," Moody said. "So I'm going to give you a taste of the magic that the wizards use between them. I have a year to teach you how to deal with the dark. magic--"

"What?" a Gryffindor student blurted out, obviously surprised and confused.

A strange smile appeared on Moody's face, "Life in the ivory tower is too good for you, it's time for you to see the true cruelty of the wizarding world, my class is called Defense Against the Dark Arts. , What's the point of this class if you've never even understood true black magic.

Augustus chuckled, very interesting, showing the power and charm of black magic in front of the students who haven't done anything. This kind of lure is no different from the beautiful and deadly poppy, which induces these young and ignorant teenagers to plant a The seed of darkness, waiting for it to grow.

This guy does look alike, but if you look closely, you can still find some flaws, but it's a pity that Dumbledore was too negligent. This old guy is getting old after all.

"So... do any of you know, which spells are the most severely punished by wizarding law"?" Moody said again.

Several hands were raised in the seats, mostly Slytherin students.

Moody pointed to Horn.

"If I remember correctly, there is the Imperius Curse." Horn replied simply, this kid has learned a lot from Augustus in the past few years, and is also familiar with the three Unforgivable Curses.

"Well, yes." Professor Moody nodded, "Your father's department seems to need to deal with this spell all year round.

Moody stood up with difficulty on his prosthetic leg, opened the podium drawer, and took out a glass bottle. Three big black spiders were crawling inside. Moody reached into the bottle, grabbed a spider, and placed it on his outstretched palm for all to see. Then he pointed his wand at it and murmured, "Out of body!"

Under the watchful eyes of the students, the spider draped on a thin silk thread, jumped down from Moody's palm, and began to sway back and forth like a swaying overhead. On the table, it began to spin like a wheel, Moody gave a swipe of his wand, and the spider rose to its feet, no doubt dancing.

Many students were amused by the spider's performance, but only a few thoughtful.

"Do you think it's funny?" Moody snorted. "Would you be happy if I cast a spell on you?"

The laughter stopped immediately.

"Under the Imperius Curse, you are at the mercy of others," Moody said coldly, the spider curled up and rolled around, "I can make it jump out of the window, drown myself, or throw it into you. throat...

Many students shuddered.

Moody grabbed the somersaulted spider and threw it back into the glass bottle.

"Who else knows what spells? Unforgivable spells."

"Go ahead," said Moody, his enchanted eye twitching and staring at Alice.

"And... Crucifix..." Alice said hesitantly, this kind of spell is indeed a bit cruel for girls.

Augustus glanced at Alice, and since the last time she revealed her inner fear in front of Boggart, the girl had avoided him.

"The Cruciatus." Moody said, "need to zoom in a little so you can see," he said, pointing at the spider with his wand. "Get bigger!

The spider swelled up. It is now bigger than a tarantula. Some students couldn't help but move their chairs back, as far away from Moody's lectern as possible. The magnified spider did look a little scary.

Moody raised his wand again, pointed at the spider, and said softly, "Gouging out the bone!"

Immediately, the spider's legs were all shrunk, clinging to the body. It flipped, and at the same time, its body twitched violently, swaying from side to side, and it was accompanied by a piercing scream.

The Gryffindor lion cubs were beginning to feel a little overwhelmed, and a deep chill enveloped them.

If such a spell is used on them, how long can they hold on? Is this the way the Dark Lord used to enslave people? They have always claimed to be loyal and unhappy. If they really encounter such magic, how many people will there be? , can continue to maintain their loyalty?

Many Gryffindor students shuddered, realizing something they normally overlooked.

"Shrink fast," Moody murmured. The spider shrank back to its original size, and Moody put it back into the bottle.

"Extremely painful," Moody whispered, "if you can chant Cruciatus, you don't need to use thumb clips or knives to torture people .

"Okay... does anyone else know what spell?"

The classroom was silent.

Seeing that the scene was a little heavy, Moody opened his mouth.

"."I believe I have heard that the name of the last Unforgivable Curse is...Avada Suomin!

Avada Suomin, looking at Moody's pretentious look, Augustus couldn't help shaking his head. If it was a few years ago, he might have been interested in this spell, but now, it is different, this so-called unforgivable He already had many ways to break the spell.

Moody put his hand into the glass bottle, and the third spider seemed to know the impending doom, and crawled desperately around the bottom of the bottle, trying to avoid Moody's fingers, but he still grabbed it and put it on the podium superior. The spider began to crawl desperately on the wooden table again.

Moody raised his wand, and the students suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Avada Suo!" Moody yelled.

A dazzling green light stabbed people to open their eyes, and at the same time there was a chaotic sound, as if an invisible behemoth was flying through the air - at the same time, the spider turned over and lay on its back on the table, with its body on its back. Not the least bit scarred, but undoubtedly dead.

The classroom was quiet for a long time, and most of the students had panic on their faces. This was the first time they had seen the Death Sutra, and the tragic green light lingered in their minds.

Moody was talking again, "The Avada Sombra requires a very strong magical force as a base. - You can all take your wand out, point it at me, and say this spell, (Wang Wang Zhao) I doubt it I'll get a nosebleed at best. But that's okay. I'm here to teach you how to say mantras.

Hearing his words, most of the Slytherin students let out a disdainful sneer. In this school, I am afraid that no one dares to say in front of Augustus, you are in front of me, point at me, read Avada Suomin, at most I will only know Nosebleeds. If I remember correctly, he was turned into a dirty pig by Augustus yesterday, and it really doesn't have a long memory.

The class was over, and the lions of Gryffindor gathered in twos and threes to discuss the content of the class in awe, but for the Slytherins, most purebloods were really not interested in the so-called three unforgivables. Mantra for an academic discussion.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was late October. On this day, when Augustus brought Penello to the foyer, he found that he couldn't get through, because a large group of students were crowded into a large hall at the foot of the marble staircase. Notice around. The surrounding students noticed the appearance of Augustus, and they all consciously gave up a passage. Augustus took Penello's hand and walked over.

Triwizard Tournament

Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 6pm on Friday, October 30. The afternoon class will end half an hour early-.

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