Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 178 Potter's

After the second project, one thing that everyone was eager to know was what was going on under the lake, which meant that for the first time in his life, Ron was as much a subject of attention as Potter. .

Ron Weasley goes to great lengths to tell the story over and over, slightly different each time. At first, what he said was quite true, much the same as what the Hufflepuff girls had said—in the headmaster's office, Dumbledore used magic to hypnotize the hostages, first reassuring them that they were absolutely in no danger, and Wake up as soon as you get out of the water. A week later, however, Ron told a thrilling kidnapping story of how he fought with his bare hands fifty heavily armed mermen who had to force him into submission before tying him up.

Of course, only a few idiots would believe his words, and most of the students just listened to his nonsense with the mentality of watching a clown.

After entering March, the weather became a little clearer, but every time they came to the outside field, the cold wind still blew the students' hands and faces aches and pains. Even the owls couldn't deliver the letter in time, because the strong winds kept blowing them off target.

On Friday, Augustus was hired by Snape to be a teaching assistant. As soon as he arrived at the door of the Potions classroom, he saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle standing at the door of the classroom, along with many other Slytherin students. , They all got together to watch something, and they all giggled happily.

"Why are you so happy?" Augustus raised his eyebrows and said.

"Oh, cousin!" Draco leaned over with a smile on his face, a magazine in his hand.

"Just a magazine for recreation."

Although this kid said that, he should not laugh too flatly. Obviously, there are contents in the magazine that make him happy.

Augustus took the magazine and looked at it.

The event photo on the cover is of a curly-haired teenage witch, grinning and showing her neat white teeth, pointing her wand at a large sponge cake. This is a gossip magazine that many wizards like to read - "Wizard Weekly".

"Tell me,"" Augustus asked casually, "what is it?"

"Okay, okay... Look here..." Draco smiled cheerfully, helping Augustus turn to the page of the article the little snakes were reading just now-"Harry Potter's Secret Love Story".

Here's another report by Rita Skeeter. This woman's principle is to write as much as she can to attract attention, so although the reputation is not very good, she does have a large number of loyal readers.

This article... well, even Augustus couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

The article describes in detail Potter's secret love history, and writes the story of how Potter and his dark-skinned girlfriend Akira split and reunited, where and where the two dated, how they fell in love, etc., and also attached A photo, it was a photo of Potter hugging Akira at the Christmas ball that day.

The corner of Augustus's mouth twitched. Rita Skeeter was a natural paparazzi. She could capture such wonderful moments so accurately. It must be said that she was born to do this.

Augustus couldn't help nodding his head. This photo was taken from a really good angle... It perfectly shows the love between Potter and the black girl...

Later, Rita Skeeter took another turn, criticizing how Porter was heartless and got rid of the "beautiful" black girl Akira.

Some time before the second game, Potter found that his real interest was not actually girls, so he developed a secret relationship with his roommate, Ron Weasley. During the second game, Luo En Weasley, as Harry Potter's beloved baby, acts as a hostage in the Black Lake. At this time, Harry Potter has already forgotten his ex-girlfriend Akira.

Rita Skeeter then mercilessly satirized Potter's heartlessness and twist, with a photo of Potter hugging as he came out of the water after rescuing Ron.

After reading this article, Augustus's expression is very wonderful, he now finally knows why those stars in previous lives hated paparazzi so much...

"Cousin, how is it, wonderful! This woman is a genius!" Draco said with a smile.

"Uh... Indeed, very talented..."

Augustus was also a little speechless, partly because of Rita Gist's "talent", and partly because of his little cousin.

I feel that as long as there is negative news about Potter, this kid Draco can always get it right away...

The door to the classroom opened, and Augustus went in and found a seat and sat down. He was in charge of making the model potion, which, in Snape's words, was frustrating for the students...

When Draco came in after a while, the magazine in his hand was gone.

While Snape was writing down the potion ingredients needed for the day on the blackboard, Potter and Ron Weasley hid behind the backmost desk and whispered about the magazine Draco had just thrown to them. content on. They were so focused that they didn't notice Snape drifting silently beside them.

"." Potter, despite your rich social life," Snape's icy voice startled them both, "but I must warn you not to whisper in my class. Grant Fendor deducted ten points.

The whole class turned to look at them. Draco seized this opportunity and pointed Potter's Badge of Stinking at Harry from across the classroom, twinkling.

"Huh... still reading magazines under the table?" Snape said again, grabbing the "Witcher Weekly". "Gryffindor deducts another ten points...but, of course..." Snape's eyes fell on Rita Skeeter's article, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes. "You're collecting newspaper clippings..."

(Wang Qian's)

The Slytherins roared with laughter in the basement, and Snape's thin lips twitched, revealing a malicious smile, and read the article aloud: "Harry Potter's Secret Love Story... ...oh my gosh, Potter, what's wrong with you? He might be a different boy... Valley"

Snape paused after each sentence to make the Slytherins laugh enough, "...people who have good wishes for Harry Potter hope that the next time he dedicates his true love, he must choose a better one. A worthy candidate. How moving," said Snape sarcastically, rolling up the magazine amid the wild laughter of the Slytherins

"Well, I think it's better to keep the two of you separate so you can focus on making the potion instead of just thinking about all these rambling romances. Weasley, you sit here still. Potter—to Go to the table in front of my podium. All right, let's get going."

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