Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 190 Dementors Attack

The hottest days of summer were drawing to a close, and a sleepy serenity enveloped the large square house on Privet Drive.

Dusty cars gleamed on the yellow lawns that were once emerald green and now scorched—because rubber hoses were no longer allowed to water.

Deprived of their usual pastimes of washing cars and mowing the lawn, the inhabitants of Privet Drive returned to their shady houses, windows open for a hopeless breeze.

Only one fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy remained outside, and he was lying outside the flower terrace at No. 4, Privet Road.

Potter has been looking very bad recently, with dark circles on his eyes and a haggard look. A few weeks ago, he had seen Voldemort come back to life, a man who can't even be named.

Harry knew that his first target was himself, but when Harry tried his best to escape from Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters, he found that no one believed him. The Academy won the Triwizard Tournament.

It was only then that Potter realized that he was being played like a fool by Augustus' applause.

"It's impossible! It was me who got the trophy first!" Harry shouted angrily among the crowd, pointing frantically at Augustus, "He's a Death Eater, he colluded with Voldemort, and Voldemort is resurrected! —"

Harry tried desperately to prove what he had seen, but to no avail. Everyone looked at him like a madman.

"Hi! Harry, I know you'd love to get the trophy, but it was indeed Augustus who won, that trophy was enchanted and the name of the first person you met would be engraved on it, it was indeed Augustus. , I know you're disappointed, but—" George tried to console him, but was pushed away by Harry.

He threw the trophy he got at Augustus, "You bastard, what the hell have you done! You lied to everyone!" Harry took out his wand and was about to cast a spell on Augustus, but unfortunately one hand was tight grabbed him, - it was Dumbledore.

His eyes flickered, and he finally shook his head.

Harry calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

He found that the audience was quiet at some point, and everyone pointed at him.

"Ha, he really knows how to make up, what mysterious person has been resurrected?

"For fame, he really can do anything..."

"Is he still able to win against His Royal Highness? It's impossible—"

Countless discussions poured into Harry's ears, and he could hardly remember how he had left with Dumbledore.

"August. Black, one day, you will pay the price, Dumbledore still believes in me! He will catch you!" Potter clenched his fist tightly and waved it down.

"Crash!" The sound of fists hitting the window was heard all over the street.

"What the hell are you doing, boy?" cried Uncle Fenon, his voice trembling with anger.

"I didn't mean to." Harry said coldly. Since the past few years, he has become more and more intolerable to the stupidity and abuse of the Dursleys. They are a bunch of idiots, and they don't know anything. It is obvious that Voldemort has been resurrected. They were still trying to figure out who broke the glass.

Seemingly irritated by Harry's contemptuous attitude, Uncle Vernon twitched the corners of his mouth and growled, "Go away! Go as far as you can!"

Harry, who was kicked out of the house, had to wander the streets alone. On the way, he also met his cousin Dali, who was discussing with their group of big men to teach some disobedient guys a lesson, and went through a series of After the incident, Potter was far colder than the original, and he didn't care who Dali wanted to bully. Instead, he walked in a different direction, thinking as he walked.

Dumbledore still believed in him, and began to contact people almost after he heard the truth, and told Fudge who had come to attend the closing ceremony.

Unfortunately, with Augustus there, Fudge didn't believe his words at all, and the two even quarreled violently. Fudge advised Dumbledore to take Harry to the hospital for a check-up. Voldemort's attack may have had a very bad influence on him; Dumbledore accused Fudge that if this continued, Voldemort would rise again, and the efforts of everyone for more than ten years would be in vain, and the two eventually broke up.

...... ask for flowers .....

While the rest of his friends reacted strangely, Ron believed him almost immediately, but when it came to the mention of Augustus being a Death Eater, Ron hesitantly persuaded him instead: "Harry, I know you Hate Augustus, but don't say it right now, after all he just won the Goblet of Fire for Hogwarts, you say that, will

Ron's meaning is obvious, that is, if you want to be jealous, let's say it privately, or you will be isolated by everyone.

Why! Harry thought bitterly, Augustus gave me to Voldemort and told me to trust him, and you won't believe until he kills me—

Something seemed to have happened to the night sky, and the stars that filled the indigo sky were suddenly painted black and lost their radiance—the stars, the moon, the dim streetlights on either side of the alley, the rumble of cars and the murmur of trees. Disappeared. The mild night suddenly turned into a stinging cold. They were completely surrounded by an impermeable, silent darkness, as if a huge hand completely covered the whole alley with a thick cloak.

Harry felt a sudden small voice in his head, a man's cry and a woman's pleading.

This is! Feeling this familiar feeling, Harry's eyes shrank, and at some point in the street in the distance, two tall figures in cloaks suddenly appeared - Dementors!

At the same time, in Augustus' castle, Augustus looked at the faces in the fire and asked softly, "Did that idiot in Umbridge do it?"

"Well," replied the head, "almost as soon as we got the news to her, she started to act. That stupid woman really seemed to think that Dumbledore was going to fight Fudge for power. In order to defend her rights, she is now But you can do anything."

The fire flashed, reflecting the face in the fire, it was Lucius, he said with some self-deprecation: "Thanks to your reminder, I also considered whether to absorb her, but now it seems that thanks to not doing so, or else This crazy woman will drag everyone down."

There was a sound of cracking coals in the fireplace, and Augustus' pupils flickered in the firelight.

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