Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 194 werewolf bows his head

"Who is calling us?" Countless green lights suddenly lit up in the darkness, like ghostly fires, flashing with the halo of death. Those were werewolf eyes. Walking in the forefront is the new werewolf leader Mutu, whose thick claws stick out from the darkness, radiating cold light in the moonlight.

Werewolves used to follow Voldemort, but that was more than a decade ago. More than ten years have been enough to make the werewolf clan undergo earth-shaking changes. Whether it is the leader or the backbone, they are all updated in the trend of time.

Werewolves multiply very fast, and the werewolves at this time have completely disowned the former Dark Lord.

As the most powerful warrior among the werewolves, Tumu rules thousands of werewolves under his command, and around his neck is the skull of the leader of the previous generation of wolf clan. Mu Mai approached Voldemort's throne step by step with heavy steps. Augustus watched the werewolf leader slowly approaching him through the eyes of the Voldemort clone.

Ten steps away from him, Mutu stopped. It raised its head proudly, looked down at Voldemort, and said with surprise and disdain: "It's you? Human? How dare you call us." Said Mutu The sharp pointed claws stretched out from the side of the picture and the hard hole wall was gently stroked, leaving a few deep marks, which was a demonstration to Voldemort.

"Submit, or die." Augustus looked directly into Mutu's fierce eyes, and under his manipulation, Voldemort's mouth opened and he let out a low, murderous voice.

"Submit? Hahahaha" Mutu raised his wolf's head, hahaha, and laughed loudly. The werewolf warriors behind it were all looking fierce, waiting to hear Mutu's order to rush up and tear Voldemort to pieces.

"This is the funniest joke I've ever heard." Mutu lowered his head, his expression became extremely ferocious, he suddenly raised his front claws, and the sharp claws grabbed the top of Voldemort's head from top to bottom. The palm was enough to overturn Voldemort's skull, Augustus waved his wand with a contemptuous smile, and an iron rope glowing with cold light appeared in the air, suddenly tied Mutu's neck, and pulled him to the ground in one fell swoop. Tu wanted to use his claws to cut the chain on his neck, but the chain was so tough that no matter how hard it was, it would not help.

Seeing that the leader was in great pain, the werewolf elites behind were all furious, green lights flashed in their eyes, and they waved their claws and rushed towards Voldemort.

"Fire escape, there is no deep sea of ​​fire.

Under the control of Augustus, Voldemort waved his hand, and suddenly, raging flames emerged from the void, forming a huge sea of ​​fire to block the swarming wolves.

Werewolves are most afraid of fire. The werewolves in the front row were burned to the skin and stopped in horror. However, there were too many werewolves. The werewolves in the back row couldn't stop at all. In an instant the cry of the werewolf resounded throughout the fortress, and Augustus enjoyed the wonderful sound. Leaning back in his chair, he cocked his legs and looked at the werewolf scorched by the flames through Voldemort's eyes.

The smell of burnt fur and meat permeated the air of the fortress, and after paying a heavy price, the werewolf elite finally stopped. Don't dare to go any further around the wall of fire. He could only watch helplessly as his companions in the flames were burned to charcoal in the wailing.

At this moment, Mutu, who was lying on the ground, was out of breath, and he pulled the chain around his neck in vain. The werewolf does have a strong magic resistance ability, but in the face of this kind of continuous chain, it can't do anything about it.

The feeling of suffocation mixed with strong humiliation and fear made Tumu tremble.

"I'll ask you again, are you willing to surrender to me?" Voldemort's mouth opened again, his icy sharp eyes piercing Mutu's soul.

"Ow!" Mutu's expression was full of hatred, and he was still unwilling to surrender to Voldemort.

"It's true that I like spineless creatures, and it looks like I'll consider changing my opinion of you lowly creatures, but for now I'll teach you how to be a dog that licks its master's feet." Augustus said through Voldemort's mouth His words were full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Voldemort waved his wand again, and the two iron cables were firmly tied to Mutu's claws, so that Mutu was left with only two hind legs kicking in the air.

"Look at your great leader, is he still great now?" Voldemort's eyes swept over the werewolf elites outside the wall of fire. They were either sad or angry, but it was impossible to rescue their leader in front of the sea of ​​fire.

Voldemort waved his wand again, and Mutu (bhci) was bound by his hind legs. The five ropes turned into a complete chain, controlling Mutu's movements. Voldemort waved his wand again, and Mutu flew into the air and hit the ground heavily. At this time, Mutu was exhausted and lay on the ground with a whimper in his mouth.

"Now I'll teach you how to surrender to the master." Voldemort tapped the wand in his hand, and Mutu's upper body slowly stood up. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control his body. It stood up, and then the wand in Voldemort's hand stood up. As he sank, Mutu felt that his legs were filled with 10,000 tons of lead water, "Boom!" His knees slammed on the ground, and all the werewolf warriors let out a scream at the same time. His own leader actually knelt in front of humans.

Tears flowed from Mutu's eyes, which is its shame, but soon its head slowly raised its eyes to meet Voldemort's eyes, Mutu fell into the hallucination of Sharinyan, and it was horrified to see that he was attacked by his tribe. It came up and knocked it to the ground, tore its body, and finally cut off its head, just as it killed the former wolf chief at that time, and it watched the winner dry its head into a necklace and wear it around the neck.

No, I don't want to become like this, the last line of defense in Mutu's heart collapsed completely. At this time, Augustus's voice echoed in his mind: "As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I can help you wash this memory from your clan's mind, and you can still be their leader, as long as you obey my orders and surrender to me. Otherwise, what you saw just now is your future." After saying these, Augustus untied the ropes on Mutu's body.

At this time, Mutu no longer had any resistance, and he kneeled in front of Augustus reverently, prostrate himself and kissed the dirt on his shoes, expressing his eternal surrender.

"Hahahaha that's right, you've been like this, haven't you been at peace with each other?" Voldemort said as he stretched out his hand and stroked the thick fur on Mutubo's neck, no one would have thought of the great werewolf leader at this moment. Like a docile dog wagging its tail begging for pity at Voldemort's feet.

The werewolf elites behind the wall of fire suddenly felt blank in their minds and their eyes darkened. When they regained consciousness again, they found that the wall of fire had disappeared, and Mutu stood in front of them: "Now I officially declare that we werewolves surrender to the great. Under the Dark Lord. This is for the revival of our werewolves. It pointed back at the werewolf corpses on the ground. These traitors who did not want to obey the Dark Lord have been killed by me. If you still disagree, you can come up and challenge me. ." Its fierce eyes swept in front of each werewolf elite, and the werewolves bowed their heads and retreated.

Throughout Europe, the number of werewolves is unimaginable. There are at least hundreds of thousands of werewolves hidden in every dark corner of Europe. As their leader, Tumu can summon thousands of werewolf elites in a short period of time.

In fact, this was indeed the case. After Augustus' instructions, in less than three days, countless werewolf guards appeared in the fortress of the Gorrivia Mountains.

Every night, the faint green glow and the wolf's roar echoing in the sky are enough to make anyone who dares to step into the Gorivia Mountains terrified.

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