Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 228 Perfect Cannon Fodder Goblin

Potter and Ron were also stunned, they did not expect such a consequence, even if Dumbledore came forward, it would be difficult for him to escape the fate of being expelled.

"I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore, but you and Potter are welcome to come back at Hogwarts at any time," said one of the school trustees, shrugging."

It was only at this time that Dumbledore noticed Augustus in the first place, and he did not say anything. But he suddenly realized in his heart that he was the actual controller behind the scenes. But it was too late, the board had already ruled, and Potter and Ron could only be expelled from Hogwarts.

"Come on, children, let's go. I'll arrange a better place for you." Dumbledore put his arms around Potter and Ron's shoulders and walked out of the school board's office, when all eyes were on on these three people.

At this time, Umbridge came out and announced loudly to the students in the school: "Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are in the school, secretly forming an illegal organization, endangering the safety of the school, and they will now be officially expelled after the decision of the board of directors. "

Potter and Ron suddenly felt a burst of despair. They did not expect this result. Ron was very anxious. He felt that he had discredited the Weasley family. He became the only student among several siblings who was expelled from school. , and Potter 703 is even more depressed and uneasy, is he going to go back to his uncle's house to continue living an inhuman life?

Dumbledore saw the thoughts of the two, and he whispered to Harry and Ron: "You will live with me temporarily at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix from now on, Ron, don't worry, I will tell your parents You have done nothing wrong, you are just a victim, Harry I want you to stay with me from now on, I feel the danger coming."9

Augustus looked at their backs and smiled dismissively, this was just the beginning.

The next day, a grand ceremony was held at Hogwarts. Umbridge in Hogwarts, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, who made great contributions to the capture of Harry Potter and Ron, gave extremely high rewards,

In front of the teachers and students of the school, they were awarded the Medal of Honor, and at the same time, Drake was officially appointed as the leader of the special investigation team. In the future, all things that violated Umbridge's rule will be handled by Drake.

Umbridge put his arm around Drake's shoulder, took a group photo, and asked all teachers and students in the school to learn from Drake.

Augustus looked at Drake, who had a sullen face on the stage, and laughed wickedly. The boy estimated (bhci) that he was disgusted by the old woman Umrich.

Soon, a large-scale purge was launched in Hogwarts, many students were monitored by the special investigation team, and even expelled from Hogwarts, and the whole school fell into turmoil for a time.

Just as the whole of Hogwarts was in the shock of Harry Ron's expulsion, Augustus' puppet opened his icy eyes in the Gorrivia Valley.

These few days Augustus did not go out and did not let anyone approach him. The training of Dumbledore's Army was temporarily handed over to Hermione. And he himself controlled the body of the puppet and began to plan the next move.

"Those little rascals of Damn it, where are they gathering now?" Augustus asked, sitting in his chair.

Lucius took out the map and placed it in front of Augustus and said to him: "It is in this abandoned castle fortress on the border between Scotland and England.

The little troublemaker in Augustus' mouth is the evil elf goblin. They entered France from the fissures of the Pyrenees, and soon spread throughout Europe. There is also a mighty army of goblins lurking in the UK. They rarely challenge humans openly. Except for mischief, the lone goblin The forest can't cause much damage, but the goblins are different. Although their individual attack power is low, they can gather as terrifying as locusts, and there will be no grass wherever they go.

It was this group of goblins in England that Augustus took a fancy to. They are far more destructive to cities than werewolves, vampires and giants. It is a complete battlefield stirrer, the perfect cannon fodder.

"My esteemed master, with all due respect, as far as I know, no one can currently submit to the goblin army, because they do not have a leader at all. Once defeated, they will disperse at an extremely fast speed and become one by one. Little goblin clan," Dracula said.

"Well, you are right, but I know an important secret, and that is the Goblin Crown. The Goblin Crown appears every hundred years. Goblins all over the UK will be summoned by the crown to gather together. After the ceremony is over, the Goblin Crown will disappear, and the Goblins will be scattered again. As long as we can capture the Goblin Crown, we can control the Goblin." Augustus said lightly, "And I have mastered the ability to The key to keeping the crown from disappearing.35

"So it is." Count Dracula's face showed a relieved look, and Mutu was also gearing up for it. They were all eager to show their loyalty and strength in front of Augustus.

Augustus was not very reassured about the Frost Giant, the commander of the giants, so he had the Frost Giant brought up.

"My lord. Follow your orders." The frost giant walked like a cave with heavy steps, even kneeling on the ground, it was much taller than the people present.

"I came to you just to talk to you about cooperation." Augustus looked at the frost giant. "There is no loyalty for no reason in the world. I will not borrow your power for nothing."35

Augustus pointed at Mutu, Count Dracula and Lucius: "In addition to their loyalty, they worship my strength, and more importantly, I have given them hope and a rich reward. I will not do anything to you and your people. Exceptions will be made.

The words of Augustus made the frost giant very moved. He thought that he and his people would be driven by Augustus like slaves: "My master, our giant's only request is to obtain an island away from the bitter cold.

"This is easy." Pointing to a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, he said, "As long as you help me control the entire magical world, I will cast powerful magic on this island, making it impossible for humans to approach, and your clansmen can live here. 99

Obviously, this kind of payment made this giant leader tempted.

"How are your people now?" Augustus asked.

"Thank you for your concern, Lord Lucius has arranged a good place to live for us," the frost giant said.

"Well, Lucius, you have done a good job. This is what the fortress should do well." Augustus nodded and said that Lucius handled the internal affairs very well.

"Thank you, my esteemed master." Lucius knelt down on one knee, expressing his loyalty to Augustus.

"I only bring Mutu and Dracula for this operation. The affairs in the Lucius Fortress are fully handed over to you. I hope you can continue to play the role of the Fortress Chief." Augustus said to Lucius.

"It's the master I respect." Lucius said

Augustus turned to look at the location of the ruins between Scotland and England on the map, and the corners of his mouth drew a cold arc.

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