Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 247 European Ministry of Magic

Augustus sat down quietly, facing the cheers of countless people, his face did not show a proud look, he raised the glass in front of him and said to everyone: "Let's mourn the dead." Augustus just finished his words. , The whole scene fell silent, everyone raised their glasses and drank it all. Augustus' behavior was once again impressive. What he wanted was not a Hogwarts but the whole wizarding world.

"We have experienced this terrible disaster. While we are glad that we can destroy Voldemort, we should reflect on why there are dark wizards like Voldemort." Augustus said, "So I hope everyone will join me to change this decadent The Wizarding World.99

Augustus' words immediately resonated with everyone, and he was surrounded by countless applause.

That night Augustus brought Penello, Hermione, Zhang Qiu, Luna, and Ginny to his villa on the outskirts of Hogwarts. The situation at the banquet was different. Augustus and the five girls had a blast. One night, he decided to bring them together into the Ministry of Magic to be his secretary.

The next day, a special guest, Lucius, was welcomed into the villa, "Dear Augustus." Lucius walked into the house, took off his hat and nodded to Augustus.

Seeing Lucius, Hermione and others immediately took out their wand. "How dare you come here, you damned Death Eater. 35 Hermione scolded.

"No, you all misunderstood, Lucius is not a Death Eater, he is an undercover agent I planted beside Voldemort." Augustus smiled and reached out to stop Hermione.

"What? He's undercover?" Hermione looked up and down Lucius's face full of confusion.

"Yes, I am Augustus's undercover agent beside Voldemort." Lucius looked at Hermione with a smile.

Hermione put away her wand and changed her mind about Lucius.

Augustus took Lucius into the study alone, "Uncle Lucius, you have done a good job with Voldemort, now I have more important things for you, that is to contact the Ministry of Magic around the world, I hope to unite all The Forces of the World has implemented my new policy, which is that I will make the world learn magic.

Lucius was heartened by the words of Augustus: "It is so great, I will do my best to complete the task you have given me.

"I know it's not easy. Those old wizards of the wizarding world will try to stop me from reforming. They are all people who hold their own interests, but you just need to convey my meaning." Augustus looked at Lucius.

Lucius understood that Augustus would do the rites first, then it would be best if the old stubborn stubborn accepted his proposal, otherwise Augustus would definitely use other means to force them to submit.

"Now the righteous people in the European wizarding world are gathering at Hogwarts, and I hope you will lead them to sweep away Voldemort's remnants throughout Europe." Lucius continued to Augustus.

"Well, I see, soon the 'August Army' will become the largest magical force in Europe." Augustus stood up and said with a slight smile.

The news that Voldemort was killed quickly spread throughout the entire European wizarding world with the Daily Prophet, and Augustus' name also spread throughout the wizarding world. Everyone was excited and wept bitterly for Augustus' victory. He became the greatest hero in the entire wizarding world, and a living legend. Countless people came from all over the world

The supporters of Augustus all gathered at Hogwarts, and they all became members of the 'August Army', sweeping the remnants of Voldemort all over Europe. (bhci)9

Except for the United Kingdom, the Ministry of Magic of all European countries invited Augustus to serve as the Minister of Magic of their own country. Augustus received all of them, and finally, through Augustus's efforts, he unified the Ministry of Magic of European countries and established the European Ministry of Magic. Augustus served as the Minister of Magic to manage the magical world of Europe, and thus the European magical world was unified.

This morning was European Magic, the first day of its establishment. Augustus walked into the European Ministry of Magic. There was no one in the Ministry of Magic. Augustus was wondering when four huge portraits of twenty meters long hung down on all four walls. , The above depicts Augustus's great victory over Voldemort, and in the middle is a giant portrait of Augustus. Countless ribbons sprayed all around, beautiful petals fell from the sky, and everyone came out to applaud Augustus, welcoming the first minister of the European Ministry of Magic.

Augustus greeted all with a smile on his face, in whom Augustus was their god and the hope of the whole of Europe.

Augustus walked into his office and sat on the large leather sofa, leaning his body gently on the soft chair back, when all the doors of the office suddenly opened, and five uniformed secretaries walked in. , naturally Qiu, Penello, Hermione, Luna and Ginny, the girls all smiled and walked to Augustus's side, Qiu walked behind Augustus and massaged her soft little hands on Augustus' shoulders , the other four either pour coffee for Augustus, or organize the office for him.

Five pretty little secretaries are not only beautiful but also very talented. They are in charge of several important departments of the Ministry of Magic. The entire European wizarding world has become only orderly under the management of Augustus.

As soon as Augustus came to power, he announced to the entire European magic world that the secret of magic would be disclosed. Although there were objections, the decree was quickly passed in the face of Augustus' powerful power.

Augustus was sitting in the office that day, Qiu Zheng was sitting on his lap, rubbing his shoulders, when there was a knock on the door, Qiu stood up knowingly, walked to the office door to open the door, and Lucius came in. He walked quickly to Augustus, "Master, as expected, the Ministry of Magic of several major states is unwilling to accept the unified request. Not to mention the full opening of magic to Muggles.

"Sit." Augustus pointed to the opposite chair, Lucius sat down, Qiu brought two cups of coffee and placed them in front of Lucius and Augustus. Then he backed out, and now only Augustus and Lucius are left in Luoda's office.

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