Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 236 The dance officially begins

The original four academic tables in the restaurant disappeared and were replaced by a hundred small round tables with lanterns. After everyone sat down, Professor McGonagall led the four warriors and their dance partners into the restaurant. There was a burst of applause.

The stares from all around made Harry feel very nervous. In order to prevent himself from being embarrassed in front of everyone, he walked carefully, hoping that he would not trip over anything. Next to her, Parvati seemed much more excited. She walked briskly and kept waving to people around her.

As he passed by the round tables, a strange combination of tables caught Harry's attention. Nidia, Michelle, Malfoy, and Zabini, it was no surprise that these four people were sitting together, but they were sitting at the same table. There were actually Ron and Parvati's sister Padma sitting there. Why did Ron choose to sit at this table? And could he really sit at the same table and dine with Malfoy peacefully? But what surprised Harry the most was Chretien. His dance partner was actually Ginny. Chretien was very handsome and very popular with girls. Harry always thought that Chretien would be able to dance with Ginny. Fleur attended the ball together, and they often walked together on weekdays, but now the person he invited was actually Ginny, which surprised him very much. However, this did not mean that Ginny was not beautiful enough. In fact, she looked very beautiful today. , wearing a pink dress. Although the style was very simple, it did not obscure her appearance at all. Even if all the girls tonight were carefully dressed to look beautiful, Harry dared to say that Ginny's appearance was among them. Outstanding.

Is this really the same little girl who is so nervous that she can't even speak every time she sees her? She seemed to be different from usual, but Harry couldn't tell what was different. This strange feeling made him couldn't help but keep his eyes on Ginny for a little longer.

"Did you feel his gaze?" Chretien said close to Ginny's ear.

A blush appeared on Ginny's cheeks, how could she not feel it! She had been paying attention to Harry from the moment he came in. He had been staring at her for a long time, even longer than he had been looking at Nydia.

"I said, stay away from my sister! Don't get so close." Ron looked at Chretien with a dark face. If it weren't for monitoring Ginny and Chretien, he would never do it. Would like to sit at the same table as Malfoy.

"You seem to have some objections to me. I'm just Ginny saying something." Chretien replied with a smile.

"Do you need to be so close to talk? I'm talking to you now. Should I be close to your ear like you just did?" Ron said.

"You don't need to pay attention to him, he is just looking for an outlet to vent his unhappiness!" Ginny said to Chretien.

"I'm really caring about you! Ginny!" Ron became even more unhappy. "As an older brother, I have the obligation to help you keep an eye on the boy next to you. He is four years older than you, and he is from another school."

"We are just dance partners. I always need a dance partner for prom. Do you want me to find a girl to go to prom with?" Ginny said angrily, "Or in fact, what you care about is just someone from another school, just because He Min’s dance partner is also from another school.”

"Why do you mention her all of a sudden! Don't mention her to me now. She actually agreed to the invitation of Durmstrang's warriors. How can she be worthy of Harry? This is a naked pro-enemy behavior." After Ron discovered that Hermione's dance partner was actually Krum, he felt like he was holding a fire in his heart, which made his chest feel extremely uncomfortable.

"See, this is where you really care," Ginny said. "You just transferred your dissatisfaction with Hermione to me. You can't say anything to her now, because she is sitting at the guest table with Krum now!"

"These are two different things. I just feel unworthy for Harry about Hermione. Both of them have their elbows turned outward," Ron said, glancing over Nydia's body. "For you, because I am your brother, I have the obligation to take good care of you and prevent you from being deceived by other people's rhetoric."

"With all due respect, I think you should probably trust your sister's own judgment more. As an older brother, you can give opinions, but you shouldn't interfere too much." Chretien said to Ron.

"Yes, I very much agree with what you just said." Draco took advantage of the opportunity and said. He picked up the goblet in front of him and raised the glass to Chretien, "As a brother, you shouldn't interfere. too much."

"However, special treatment is given in special circumstances. When my sister is blinded by her feelings and may make a decision that is harmful to herself, as the brother, she still needs to decisively stop her." Chretien also said to Della Coe raised his glass.

"Do you think I'm a harm to Nydia?" Draco frowned. He didn't understand what he had done to make Credia make such a judgment.

"Yes or no, I think Nidia knows it very well in her own mind." Chretien said.

"Clear what?" Draco looked at Nidia in confusion. He vaguely felt that Nidia and Chretien seemed to be hiding something from him.

"It's nothing, they are just showing a characteristic of being an older brother!" Nidia warned Chretien with her eyes not to continue talking, "Brothers will be suspicious and think that anyone can hurt them. My sister’s.”

"Oh! What you said makes me feel like you are accusing me of not being a competent brother!" Blaise covered his chest with both hands, showing that he was traumatized.

"Fortunately, you still have a little bit of self-awareness, so you're not so hopeless." Michelle mocked Brace.

"Thank you, I take this as your compliment to me." Blaise looked at Michelle with a smile.

The dinner continued, and Ron did not get into trouble with Draco as Harry had feared, as he was busy spying on Ginny and Chretien and Hermione and Krum throughout dinner.

After everyone had finished their meal, everyone stood up under the leadership of Dumbledore. Then Dumbledore waved his wand, and all the tables retreated to the wall, leaving a space in the center. After coming out, the invited Weird Sisters band came on the stage and started to prepare to sing songs. The warriors also stood beside their dance partners, and the key part of the entire dance officially began.

"Can I have a dance?" After the warriors took the lead in dancing, Draco stretched out his hand to Nydia and extended an invitation.

Nydia smiled and put her hand on Draco's outstretched hand, and under his leadership, the two stepped onto the dance floor. As Nidia expected, Draco danced very well. Under his guidance, Nidia's nervous mood gradually relaxed. Accompanied by the beautiful music, the two of them devoted themselves wholeheartedly. Arriving at one dance after another.

Compared with the situation of Nydia and Draco, Michelle and Blaise did not go so smoothly. Although Blaise danced well, it was a pity that Michelle was too unfamiliar with the dance steps. , she kept stepping on Brace's feet, which made Brace grin. In desperation, Brace simply asked Michelle to take off her high heels, stepped on her instep, and led her to dance. Their special way of dancing has attracted the attention of many people.

The beautiful tunes were playing one after another, and Nidia was completely absorbed in it. If Draco hadn't suggested taking a break, she wouldn't have noticed that a thin layer of sweat had broken out on the surface of her skin.

"Sit aside and rest. I'll get some drinks and come over to you." Draco told Nydia and then turned around and walked through the crowd toward the long table with drinks.

Nidia looked around and happened to see Hermione, Harry, and Ron talking about something not far away. Nidia immediately walked in their direction.

"Hey..." Nidia was about to say hello, but immediately realized that the situation didn't seem to be good.

"Why don't you go find Wicky? He'll be worried if he can't find you." Ron said to Hermione in a bad tone.

"I told you, don't call him Wicky!" Hermione jumped up angrily, angrily walked across the dance floor and disappeared into the crowd.

"What...what's going on?" Nydia looked at Harry and Ron in confusion. "Who's Wicky?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Viktor Krum!" Ron said angrily.

Nydia realized that Ron was mocking Hermione and Krum's relationship, "Why do you say that about Hermione?"

"I hope she can wake up a little bit. Krum invited her just because he wanted to use her wisdom to unlock the clues to the golden egg!" Ron said.

"Krum is a student of Durmstrang, do you remember? He doesn't know how good Hermione is academically!" Nydia said.

"I also think Ron you are a little too nervous. It doesn't matter that Hermione and Krum are together." Harry said.

"No. It's not difficult to know about Hermione's studies. You will know if you ask a few people in school." Ron didn't care about what Harry said. "Other than this, why would he choose to invite Hermione. "

"Of course it's because Hermione is a good girl. She is not only smart, but also beautiful." Nydia was angry at Ron's words.

"That's weird! That's Karkaroff's student, haven't you heard what Malfoy said! Their school teaches dark magic openly!" Ron said.

"You are simply unreasonable." Nidia turned around and wanted to leave. She was worried that if she stayed, she would give Ron a slap in the face.

"What's wrong?" Draco happened to come over with two glasses of butterbeer. He noticed that Nydia's mood seemed not right, and handed the glass of butterbeer in front of her.

Nidia took the butterbeer and took a sip, then took a long breath, "It's okay, there are too many people in here and the air is too stuffy. Let's go out and get some fresh air!"

Draco glanced at Harry and Ron behind Nydia. It seemed that Nydia had had something unpleasant happen with them just now. "If you want to go out, let's go out for a walk!" Nydia was willing to leave them. Of course I would be more than happy to be further away.

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