Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 309: Kiss in Potions Class

On the morning of the first day of the second week of the new semester, the Daily Prophet published a report that would have an impact on the teaching methods of the entire Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic sought educational reform, and Umbridge was accepted by the Ministry of Magic. For the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts.

"Education reform? How does the Ministry of Magic plan to ask Umbridge to reform? Will all our courses be turned into theoretical courses?" Michelle complained.

"I guessed that the Ministry of Magic would use Umbridge's help to intervene in the school's teaching, but I didn't expect that they would be so impatient to take action so soon. The school has only started for a week." Nydia began. She was worried about her O.W.L exam. She felt that they might not really learn anything this semester with Umbridge's intervention. Why did it happen when they were in fifth grade!

"Senior Investigator! What is she going to investigate? Eliminate all the teachers she thinks are unqualified and then replace them with another Ministry of Magic official?" Michelle frowned and thought carefully, "I think Trelaw Professor Nee will need to pay attention. If Umbridge goes to her class, she will most likely be replaced."

"Although I don't like the course of divination and have never taken her class, I don't want her to be replaced by someone sent by the Ministry of Magic." Nidia believes that when there are foreign enemies, regardless of the previous If there has been any conflict, everyone should unanimously disclose it to the outside world at this time.

"We have a History of Magic class later. I wonder if Umbridge will come over. I hope she won't fall asleep after hearing it." Michelle said with the mentality of watching a drama.

However, Umbridge did not appear in the History of Magic class, which caused Michelle's newly aroused interest in the History of Magic class to be extinguished by Professor Binns' boring lecture. Umbridge did not show up in the next Potions class, and Snape handed over the paper on moonstone that they handed in last time.

"E!" Nydia looked at her paper grade in disbelief. Her Potions homework had not received a grade other than 'O' for a long time. She asked Snape in confusion. , "I don't understand, Professor, why is this?"

Snape coldly took out the paper in her hand, selected a passage and read, "'Moonstone's soft tone can soothe people's emotions and create a romantic atmosphere, so it is often called the lover's stone.' If your paper It's all stuff like this, I think you can only get an E."

"But there is nothing wrong with this! You want us to write about the properties of moonstone and its use in pharmaceuticals. It is because of this property that moonstone becomes one of the materials for making love potions. "

As soon as the words "love potion" came out, everyone's attention was immediately attracted, especially the girls. They started whispering and looking at Nidia with some strange eyes.

Snape glanced around the classroom with stern eyes, and immediately all the whispering voices stopped. He looked at Nydia with a dark face, "I think what you should pay attention to is that the moonstone is in the demulcent. function, not a love potion.”

After saying that, Snape walked away quickly, because if Nydia continued to pester him with this question, then he would have to choose to deduct some points from Gryffindor.

"Can you actually make a love potion?" Draco asked Nydia with interest after Snape walked away.

Nydia secretly glanced at the grade on Draco's paper, which was a big 'O'. This made Nydia very unhappy. She didn't feel that her paper was worse than Draco's. It was Snape's fault. I am too picky.

"I saw the recipe in a book, so I tried to cook it myself." Nitya said without much interest.

"Did you successfully brew it?" Draco continued to ask, "Who do you plan to use the love potion on?"

"You." Nidia replied without raising her head.

"But you know, you don't need the love potion for me at all." Draco smiled and came closer to Nitya and asked in a low voice, "Everyone smells different from the love potion. Same, what do you smell?"

Nitya turned her head and realized that Draco was already close to her side. She smelled the faint scent of bath liquid on Draco's body again, and what she smelled in the love potion was also Just because of this smell, the heartbeat began to speed up involuntarily.

"What exactly does it smell like?" Seeing Nydia's hesitation in answering, Draco asked again.

Nidia raised her head and wanted to answer Draco's question, but the moment her eyes met those gray-blue eyes, Nidia only felt that her brain went blank and she couldn't think. Completely instinctively, he stood on tiptoes, raised his head and couldn't help but kiss Draco's lips.

Draco was stunned for a moment. He stood there at a loss and did not dare to move. People around them also exclaimed after seeing this scene, and Nydia realized what she had done. After saying something, she quickly retreated and separated from Draco. Her face was so red that she almost bled.

Snape angrily slapped Nydia on the head with the textbook, causing Nydia to cry in pain.

"Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor! Add another week of confinement! Lest you continue to cause trouble!" Snape said through gritted teeth. His expression now looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"Professor..." Draco wanted to plead for Nydia.

"If you say one more thing, you'll be locked up with her!" Snape glared at Draco.

"I..." Draco felt that being placed in confinement with Nydia was not a punishment.

"Shut up!" Snape soon realized that Draco would have such thoughts, so he immediately stopped Draco from talking, "Another five points from Gryffindor!"

Draco didn't dare to speak anymore, and the Gryffindor students were in an uproar. Everyone didn't understand why it was Malfoy who talked back, but it was Gryffindor's points that were deducted, but who dared to talk to Snape? What about theoretical issues?

Nitya didn't dare to refute any more. She had always buried her head low. If she could, she would rather dig a hole and bury herself in it. Which muscle of hers was wrong, and she was actually in the nest? It’s wrong to do this kind of thing in a normal classroom. You can’t do this in any classroom! Her intestines are almost empty now.

During the rest of Potions class, Draco kept trying to say something to make Nydia feel better, but she kept rejecting him. Not only was she unwilling to look at him, she even stood in the same position They are all far away from themselves. Although Nydia showed so much resistance to him, Draco didn't feel annoyed at all. Instead, he had an eloquent smile on his face the whole time.

When the bell rang, as soon as Snape left the classroom, various booing sounds rang out. Blaise took the lead in blowing the whistle, and someone in the crowd shouted "One more time"! Compared to joining in the fun, the Gryffindor students seemed to feel that the fifteen points they had just been deducted were not that important.

Of course, not everyone is so enthusiastic and tolerant about this matter. For example, Pansy has been gritting his teeth and cursing in a low voice, and Harry, who has been packing his things seriously and trying to make himself forget what just happened. The scene that happened.

Soon, this matter spread in Hogwarts. When Nydia was eating in the restaurant at noon, she could clearly feel the eyes of everyone around her. Everyone was curious about who was so bold and dared to eat in Snape's house at noon. When the professor did something like this in the class, Nydia and Draco suddenly became the focus of people's attention. However, unlike Nydia's shame, Draco was very proud of it. .

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