Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 355: The Restrictions of the Sacrifice Protection Spell

On the last day of Christmas vacation, Nydia and others took the Hogwarts Express back to school again. Michelle met them on the train. After getting off the train, the four of them walked to the castle entrance with a large pile of luggage. Harry, Hermione and several Weasley brothers and sisters met.

"Why do you have to carry your luggage by yourself? Aren't they automatically sent to your respective dormitories?" Michelle looked at everyone in confusion. She didn't even notice that Harry and others were coming from the opposite direction to them.

"We did not take the train, but took the Knight Bus back to Hogsmeade." Hermione struggled to carry her luggage up the last step in front of the gate.

"Knight Bus!" Michelle's eyes were filled with excitement. "I've never been on one! How does it feel? Isn't it fun?"

Draco muttered "poor man's means of transportation" in a low voice. After hearing this, Nydia immediately pinched the back of his hand quietly and warned him not to speak.

"I'll never want to sit on that thing again!" Ron complained, and his face didn't look too good.

"Is it bad?" Michelle looked at Ron in confusion, then looked back at Blaise expectantly, "But I still hope to have the opportunity to give it a try."

Blaise looked a little embarrassed. He knew that Michelle was expecting him to accompany her on the Knight Bus, but he didn't want to go.

"Let me tell you, little Ronnie is still too delicate! How could you miss such an exciting means of transportation like the Knight Bus!" Fred, who had been behind him, walked up and said, while George behind him helped Ginny carry it. Luggage nodded desperately to show that he very much agreed with Fred's point of view.

"It's really interesting, right?" After hearing Fred's words, Michelle became excited again.


Fred eagerly wanted to share the interesting story of the Knight Bus with Michelle, but Blaise suddenly took Michelle's hand and walked toward the castle. As he walked, he said, "If you are so interested, , I’ll just take a ride with you during the Easter holiday!”

Fred stayed where he was with some astonishment. He turned to look at Nidia with questioning eyes. He felt as if he was being targeted.

Nydia knew that Blaise was concerned because she knew Michelle had liked Fred, so she just smiled without answering, then changed the subject and asked, "How is Mr. Weasley's situation?"

"It's okay. St. Mungo's treatment technology is still very good." Fred replied.

"That's great." Nidia nodded reassuringly, and then looked in the direction of Harry. She noticed that Harry had not spoken, and the expression on his face was a little heavy, as if he was worried about something. Feel troubled.

"Okay! Let's go in quickly! It's going to snow again!" Originally Nydia wanted to ask Harry a few questions, but Draco on the side started urging him impatiently.

Nydia thought that she would have a chance to ask Harry about the situation when she returned to the college lounge, so she was not in a hurry, so she nodded and followed Draco into the castle. But as soon as they entered the castle, Professor McGonagall appeared. in front of them.

"You need to come with me, Miss Field." Nydia was surprised at first, but soon Iwan's cry in her arms made her realize that the person who was really looking for her was Dumbledore.

Nidia turned around and wanted to hand Yiwan to Hermione, hoping that she could help her take Yiwan back to the dormitory, but Yiwan grabbed Nidia's arm and screamed several times in resistance. She seemed to want to She wanted to follow Nydia to see Dumbledore, but Nydia still forced Iwan into Hermione's hands. It wasn't that she didn't understand what Iwan meant, but she was worried that Dumbledore's keen eyes would See through Yiwan’s true identity.

"Although it is a bit sudden, Dumbledore needs to see you now." Sure enough, after walking a certain distance, Professor McGonagall told Nydia that in fact the person who really wanted to see her was Dumbledore.

Walking into the principal's office, Nydia found several bottles of strange potions on Dumbledore's desk. She couldn't tell what they were, so she couldn't help but take a few more looks out of curiosity.

"These are the few bottles of potions left by my friend Nico. You should have heard of him. Although these potions are not as effective as the magic stone, they should be able to offset the damage to yourself when you use the Sacrifice Spell. The harm caused!" Seeing that Nydia had been looking at these potions, Dumbledore directly explained to her the purpose of these potions.

Nidia's eyes lit up, and she looked at the potions in front of her in surprise. It turned out that these were the rumored elixirs of immortality. With them, she no longer needed to look for unicorn blood!

"Do you want me to use the Sacrifice Charm on Harry?" Of course, Dumbledore would not give himself these precious remaining potions for no reason.

"My request does seem a bit unreasonable, but..."

"But Harry is Voldemort's Horcrux. If you want to destroy Voldemort, you must kill Harry. Do you hope that I can use the Sacrifice to save Harry's life?" Nydia said calmly, and sure enough, Yiwan The previous guess was correct.

This time it was Dumbledore's turn to be surprised, "You already know about Horcruxes!"

Nydia nodded, "I have seen some records of Horcruxes in books. Judging from the description, the diary in the second grade should be one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. As for Harry... I just guessed... Because of the attack on Mr. Weasley..."

"I'm really surprised that you could guess this far!" Dumbledore couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him again, only feeling that his previous estimate of her was still too low.

"So it's true, right? Harry is indeed a Horcrux of Voldemort, right?" Nydia felt guilty and did not look directly into Dumbledore's eyes, because the person who really thought about this was not herself, but Yiwan.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded helplessly, "I'm afraid that's indeed the case. Maybe Voldemort hasn't discovered that he has accidentally created another Horcrux yet! So...are you willing to help Harry get through this difficulty? ?”

"Have you heard of the legend about the Sacrifice of Protection Spell?" Nidia said after being silent for a while.

"Of course, a certain ancestor of the Lefebvre family died for the one he loved..." Dumbledore suddenly paused. He suddenly realized an overlooked detail and sat down on the chair slumpedly, "For the one he loves..." Naturally, the spell created by a person can only be applied to the person he loves...so this is the biggest limitation of the self-sacrifice protection spell..."

"Harry is my friend. I also hope that he can get through this difficulty...but, I really can't do it. I'm sorry." Nidia said regretfully. She had never been able to use the Sacrifice Curse. It will be used on whoever has it. Even Ward and Narcissa are not clear about this. "You should keep these potions for yourself... Maybe you will need them more."

"Take it! Although I don't hope you will really use these..." Dumbledore looked a little tired. He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hand. It seemed that the original plan had to be restarted. Made some planning.

Nitya did not shirk anymore, because these potions were indeed very important to herself.

"Don't tell Harry about the Horcruxes yet." Dumbledore put his glasses back on again.

Nydia nodded, hesitated for a while and then said, "If... we don't kill Voldemort, then nothing will happen to Harry! We can just imprison him like Grindelwald... …”

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and kept shaking his head, "They are different... No one can really imprison the Dark Lord... except himself..."

Dumbledore sighed, "Let's go, kid..."

Is he the only one who can imprison Voldemort? Although Nydia didn't fully understand the meaning of Dumbledore's words, she still obeyed and left the principal's office.

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