Frank Bruce was a veteran of World War I.

He was fortunate enough to catch up with the tail of the last victory, which made him not forget his own body on the battlefield like his father.

Before his mother died of excessive sorrow, she pulled Frank’s thin arm and told Frank that she would be safe and secure throughout her life. That is the most important thing.

But young and stubborn, he hopes to avenge father.

But still, he is very lucky.

When he came back from the battlefield, the war brought him only a stiff, unwilling leg, and an extreme dislike of the crowd and noise that’s all.

Isn’t the hatred of father not finished?

Frank has never found an answer to this question.

Since then, he has decided to listen to Mother’s words and find an ordinary job, and Ann will live a good life.

At this time, in his hometown, the wealthy Riddle family was just looking for a gardener to hire.

It would be great for him – no need for a lot of legs and feet, but also away from the crowds. He believes that this must be the best job for him.

To be honest, the Riddle couples really match, because they are just as annoying.

But this has little to do with Frank. He doesn’t care much about the amount of money. All he wants is to live his own stable life – this is his mother’s last wish.

But just one day after nearly five years, the owner’s family all died inexplicably at home. Frank, who lives in Riddle’s home and is the only one who is still alive, was taken away by the police as a suspect.

The villagers immediately talked about it. After all, this kind of topic will always become a pastime after tea.

Just when the situation was extremely serious for Frank, the Riddle Family’s autopsy report came back and suddenly reversed the situation.

The police said that they have never seen a more eccentric autopsy report than this.

Riddle Family has not been harmed by poisons, sharp weapons, pistols, nor is it suffocated or strangled.

In fact, the report was clearly written in a confused tone: the Riddle Family looks very healthy – except for one point, they are all out of breath.

The forensic doctors are like deciding to find something wrong on the body.

“Everyone at Riddle has a frightened expression on his face.”

But as the police who have been unable to do so have said – who heard that three people were scared to death at the same time?

Since there is no evidence that Riddle Family was murdered, the police had to let Frank out.

To everyone’s surprise and suspicion, after the Riddle Family was buried in the cemetery, Frank Bruce actually returned to the Riddle House garden, his small wood house.

Frank wasn’t very interested in the gossip in the village. He still worked in his gardener and continued to work for the owner of the land.

This has been done for nearly half a century.

Now, Frank is about to finish his 70 seven-year-old birthday.

His ears are so bad that the bad legs are stiffer than before. But when the weather is good, people can still see him doing dilly-dallying work in the flower garden, although the weeds are quietly spreading around him, he can’t stop it.

Old Frank is actually not too confused, he knows that this is just a waste of effort.

Moreover, Frank has to deal with more than just weeds – the boys in the village always like to throw stones at the windows of Riddle House.

As for the flat grass that Frank had spent a lot of effort to maintain, they rode their bicycles on them.

One or two times, they even broke into the old house to bet each other.

They know that old Frank is single-mindedly caring for the house and the garden, almost to an obsessive level. So they would like to see him limping through the garden, waving a cane and smashing them with a husky scorpion.

Whenever this happens, they feel particularly happy.

And what about old Frank?

He believes that these boys torture him because they think that he is a murderer like their parents and grandparents.

But he has been working for almost a lifetime, and he has no reason to interrupt it. This may be for his mother’s last wish, but also for his own life.

So on that night of August…

The old Frank in his sleep was awakened by the bad leg. Now he is old and his leg hurts more and more. He got up from the bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen, trying to fill the hot water bottle and warm his stiff knees.

He stood by the pool, pouring water into the kettle, and habitually looking up at Riddle House.

At this time, he saw the window on the upper floor shimmering.

“The little guys, what new tricks have come up to punish me for this old bone?” Old Frank thought he had guessed what was going on.

The boys broke into the old house again, and the shimmering light in the window flashed and the light and dark were uncertain. It was obvious that they still had a fire.

He quickly put the kettle down, dragged the bad leg, and returned to the upper floor as soon as possible to get dressed. Immediately, he returned to the kitchen and removed the old key of the rusty Scabbers from the hook on the door.

Finally, pick up the crutches against the wall and walk deep into the night.

The front door of Riddle House was not forcibly broken into, and the windows were intact.

Old Frank limped around the back of the house, parked at the door that was almost completely covered by the boston ivy, pulled out the old key and silently opened the door.

He has not come in for many years.

However, despite the darkness of the four, he still remembers where the door to the corridor is. He fumbled and walked over, and a rotten smell came out.

Raising his ears, he captures every footstep or voice on his head.

When he came to the corridor, there was a little light in the room because of the large grid windows on both sides of the front door.

He began to go upstairs, thinking that thanks to the thick dust on the stone steps, his footsteps and crutches were boring and not easy to be noticed.

On the landing, Old Frank turned to the right and immediately saw where the intruder was – just at the top of the corridor, a door was slit, and a shimmering shimmer came out of the door. Cast an orange yellow light on the dark floor.

Frank leaned sideways, carefully approaching a little, holding his cane tightly.

A few steps away from the door, he could see some of the inside through a narrow slit.

He saw it now, the fire was born in the fireplace – to be honest, it made him feel very surprised.

He stopped and erected his ears, only to hear a man’s voice in the room. The voice seemed a bit stiff and the tone was dry, making people very uncomfortable.

“…Master, Lucius Malfoy is coming soon.”


Another voice suddenly rang, it sounded very young, and the tone was soft and full of power. But somehow, Frank only felt that the hairs of his body were standing up, as if he had heard something that should not be heard.

“So, Wormtail?” the voice whispered. “How is his situation?”


“Well, this is also expected,” the man said calmly. “But what about the effect?”

“Auror died one person, five civilians died, and twenty-two injured.”

“Just like that?” The voice seemed to be a bit heavier, but it was still calm and natural. “Because Dumbledore’s old thing soon arrived?”

“No, it’s because of a student, and it’s him who killed Wormtail,” the dry voice paused, and continued. “He claims to be Marx McLorne.”

“McLorne…a student…” The man seemed to think about it. “Oh, who else besides that kid? Marx McLorne… Have you ever had a hand with him?”

“There is no order from the master, and the servant does not dare to do it.”

“… Yeah, um, let’s go to Nagini at the door, and then report the details of the battle in detail.”

At this moment, the old Frank only felt that the door in front of him suddenly opened, and then his vision turned into a dark. His life has ended so unremarkably.

At the same time, like Pettigrew Peter, he stood there with a black and white silhouette. He grabbed the old Frank’s collar and dragged him to the hall of the old house.

As he threw the old Frank forward, a giant snake with the same faintness emerged from the darkness and swallowed the old Frank’s body.

There are still more than half of the huge figure hidden in the shadows, which is obviously too small compared to Basilisk.

“si si ”

It moved towards the silhouette of the humming, and the provocative gaze glimmered with the wisdom of the rays of light.


Just as the old Frank was thrown in the embrace of Death, a teenager was trying to polish a few thin pieces of stone in the graveyard behind the Blackrock Fortress known as “Azkaban.”

On the quiet island, the sound of the rubbing of the stone is quite awkward.

But there is no one here to bother his work. He just concentrates on it and tries to make the edge of the stone sharper.

No one knows what he wants to do, of course, no one will be interested here.

This boy is naturally locked into Marx of Azkaban.

“hu!” He suddenly picked up the stone, blew the stone chips on the surface of the stone, and turned it over and looked at it, then he was satisfied with the nodded.

This boy is naturally Marx – all he has to do before the time comes, just wait.

It’s definitely not what he wants to do here, so he decided to use everything here to continue some of his research.

For Marx, time is invaluable, and you can’t completely abandon research waste because of poor conditions.

“Well, not bad.”

He picked up the stone and made a scratch on the trunk of a dead tree next to him.

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