To be honest, Fred and George, the two brothers who are keen on mischief, made a big splash at the Dursley family. They deliberately sprinkled a lot of toffee, and the fat son of Uncle Vernon, Dudley, couldn’t help but pick up and eat one.

Good guy, his tongue suddenly became a foot long, hanging around and swaying, still growing longer! He can give his Mother an emergency.

“This is not a joke, Fred De!” Mr. Weasley couldn’t help but scream at his twin son. “What did you eat for the muggle boy?”

“I didn’t give it to him,” Fred said with a smirk on his face. “I just accidentally scatter on the ground… Who told him to pick it up, can’t blame me.”

“You deliberately sprinkle it!” Mr. Weasley yelled. “You know he will definitely eat, you know he is losing weight -“

“How big is his sweetness?” George asked eagerly.

“It has been swollen to four feet long, and his parents let me shrink it!” Mr. Weasley gas hu hu authentic.

Harry and Weasley brother once again laughed heartily.

“This is not a joke!” Mr. Weasley shouted. “This behavior has seriously damaged the relationship between wizard and muggle! I have devoted my life to the work of ill-treatment muggle, and my own son -“

“We didn’t give it to him because he was a muggle!” Fred said angrily.

“Yeah, we teased him because he specifically bullied people.” George said, “Yes, Harry?”

“Yes, he is like that, Mr. Weasley.” Harry said very seriously.

“The problem is not here!” said Mr. Weasley, hu hu. “You wait, I want to tell your mother -“

“Tell me what?” There was a voice behind them.

Mrs. Weasley happened to walk into the kitchen – she was a short, fat woman with a very kind face, but her eyes were now stunned, revealing a skeptical expression.

“Hello, Harry, dear.” She saw Harry and smiled and said hello. Then she turned her eyes on her husband. “Tell me, Arthur, what’s the matter?”

Mr. Weasley hesitated.

Harry can see that although he is angry with Fred and George, he doesn’t really want to tell Mrs. Weasley about it. Mr. Weasley looked at his wife nervously, and no one spoke for a while.

Just then, three female children appeared at the door of the kitchen behind Mrs. Weasley.

A very thick brown hair with two large front teeth, this is Harry and Ron’s good friend Hermione. The other short stature, red hair, is Ron’s little younger sister Ginny.

Both girls smiled at Harry, and Harry smiled at them, which made Ginny blush immediately—Ginny had been obsessed with him since Harry first visited The Burrow.

As for the last female child, her attention did not seem to be on Harry’s side, she just stood by the door and watched the wall clock in The Burrow living room screaming.

“Come on, Arthur, what’s the matter?” Mrs. Weasley asked again, his tone a little scary.

“Nothing, Molly,” Mr. Weasley said vaguely. “Fred and George just now – I have taught them -“

“What did they do this time?” Mrs. Weasley was annoyed. “If it’s related to Weasley magic –”

“Ron, let’s take Harry to see where he sleeps?” Hermione said at the door.

“He knows where he sleeps,” Ron said. “In my room, he slept there last year-“

“We all go and see,” Hermione said harshly.

“Hey,” Ron said, “I will.”

“Miss Lovegood, do you have a look?” Hermione looked at the blond young girl who was standing next to her, hesitating and pulling her sleeve.

“en?” Luna licked his head and quickly nodded, “Okay…”

“Right, let’s go too,” said George.

“You don’t want to move!” Mrs. Weasley loudly roared.

Harry and Ron carefully slid out of the kitchen sideways, along with Hermione, Ginny and Luna, through the narrow aisle and onto the rickety stairs.

The stairs turn left and right, leading to several floors above.

When Harry asked Ron and Ginny about Herceley magic’s “Weasley magic trick”, Hermione was cautiously chatting with Luna.

“…Miss Lovegood, um…Marx…I mean, McLorne is not going to watch the Quiddich World Cup with you?”

In fact, Hermione has been asking this question since Luna’s father sent her over.

“Marx?” Luna shook his head in a blank voice. “He said that he has a lot of things to do during this holiday, and he should still be at school…”

“So…” Hermione hesitated. “Don’t you accompany him?”

“Why?” Luna said strangely. “If he needs help, he will speak directly…”

“Oh… I don’t mean that…” Hermione snorted, but she didn’t continue to ask.

She always didn’t know how to communicate with the blond girl who was screaming all day, and because of Marx’s relationship, she couldn’t tell more.

“What’s wrong with me…” Hermione grabbed her messy hair and felt like she was in the same mood as her hair.

Soon, the days of the Quiddich World Cup arrived, and everyone was awakened by Mrs. Weasley one morning.

Most of the children seem to be confused, and Luna is obviously the well-know figure inside.

“Miss Lovegood, wake up…” Ginny swayed Luna, who was sleeping next to her, while Hermione was wearing her clothes.

“Oh…” Luna glared at his eyes and glanced at Ginny and Hermione, revealing an innocent look. “What’s wrong? Is the Flobberworm a butterfly?”

“Flobberworm is not scarred.” Hermione subconsciously corrects the Righteous Path.

“Marx told me that they would –” Luna groaned, raising his hand like a kitten and rubbing his face.

Hermione snorted and didn’t continue to say anything.

Hermione is obviously much more sensitive to these little things than Luna, who is always stunned and always believes in all sorts of bizarre rumors.

On the other side of Harry, Mrs. Weasley had arrived in the room.

“It’s time to go, Harry, dear.” She whispered, and walked over to wake Ron.

Harry reached out and touched his glasses and sat up. It was still dark outside.

When Ron was awakened by her mother, she mumbled something vaguely in her mouth. Harry saw two irregular black shadows coming out of the bed under the messy blanket.

“What, is it time?”

It turned out that it was Fred and George who had been chatting with them about the World Cup last night.

Everyone wore clothes in silence and was too sleepy to talk. Then, the four of them went down the stairs into the kitchen, while still yawning and stretching.

Mrs. Weasley is stirring something in the big pot on the stove, and Mr. Weasley is sitting at the table, checking out the big ticket made by a parchment.

As the men entered the kitchen, he looked up and spread his arms so they could see the clothes on his body. He wore a top like a Goyle jersey and a pair of old jeans. The trousers were a bit too big on him. He wrapped it in a wide leather belt.

“How?” he eagerly asked. “When we go, we should hide our identity – I am like a muggle, Harry?”

“Like,” Harry said with a smile. “Very good.”

“How can I not see Bill, Charlie, and Per-Per-Percy?” George said, unable to control and yawned.

“Don’t they be Apparition?” Mrs. Weasley said, putting the cauldron on the table and starting to pour the porridge into a bowl. “So they can sleep for a while.”

Harry knew that the so-called Apparition disappeared from one place and reappeared in another. However, he never knew which student Hogwarts could do this. He knew it would be difficult.

“But…” Harry thought suddenly. “I’m sure Marx will be there soon.”

However, Marx is always unexpected to others – he is always not good with this spell.

“So, they are still sleeping at hu hu?” Fred asked angrily. “Why can’t we also Apparition?”

“Because you are still under age, you have not passed the exam.” Mrs. Weasley replied, “Where are the three gimmicks?”

She turned and rushed out of the kitchen, and they heard her coming upstairs.

“Apparition still has to pass the exam?” Harry asked.

“Oh, yes.” Mr. Weasley said, carefully stuffing the ticket into the pocket behind the jeans. “One day, Department of Magical Transportation fined two people because they didn’t have a certificate and they arbitrarily Apparition. It’s not an easy task. If you don’t do it right, it will cause trouble and be annoying. The two people I said ended up being separated.”

The people on the dinning table frowned and made a bitter face besides Harry.

“Oh – separation?” Harry asked.

“They dropped their half body,” Mr. Weasley said, licking a lot of syrup and mixing it into his porridge. “So, naturally, they were nailed there, both sides canable to move a single step. I have to wait for the incidental incident group to deal with this matter… tell you, this means preparing a lot of documentation! Because the muggles saw the broken body they left behind…”

Just as Harry was still busy with the breakfast in The Burrow, a sudden explosion on Azkaban broke the year-round silent prison.

“bang! ””clang dong! ”

A steel door that had been protected by magic crashed to the ground, and the dust slammed into the air.

“Come out, Bellatrix.”

“Marx… Our story, is it on the shelves?” Wynie poked her mouth with two index fingers, revealing a stiff smile.

“Don’t be like this, it’s scary.” Marx snapped her hand off.

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