“Now, ladies and gentlemen, please warmly welcome – Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I will introduce you to – Dimit Trof!”

A silhouette of a red-clothed suit riding on the broomstick flew into the arena from the entrance below. He flew too fast and couldn’t see clearly. He won the enthusiasm of Bulgarian supporters.


The second silhouette wearing a fresh red robe flew out.

“Zograf !Levski !Vulchanov !Volkov ! Next is — Krum !”

“It’s him, it’s him!” Ron shouted, following Krum with his panoramic telescope. Harry quickly pointed his telescope at him.

Viktor Krum is black and thin, his skin is gray, a big eagle hook nose, two dark black eyebrows, looks like a huge eagle. It is hard to believe that he is only eighteen years old.

“Now, please welcome – the Irish national Quidditch team!” Bagman screamed loudly, “The appearance is – Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! And – Lynch!”

Seven blurred green silhouettes flew to the field, and Harry turned a small button on the side of the panoramic telescope, slowing down the action of the team member, seeing that their broomstick was printed with “Firebolt” and saw them back. They all rust their names with silver lines.

“And our today’s referee, not far from the Accu’s well-respected Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch – Hassan · Mostafa!”

It was a short, skinny wizard who wore a pure golden robe that matched the color of the stadium and strode to the arena.

He was bald on his head, but the big beard was comparable to Hagrid. I saw a silver whistle sticking out from under his beard.

He had a large wooden box under one arm and his broomstick under his other arm.

Harry turned the panoramic telescope back to normal speed, watched Mostafa straddle his broomstick, kicked the wooden box with one foot – four balls slammed into the air: the red quaffle, the two black bludger, and The tiny, winged golden snitch.

Harry only glanced at it, and it flew disappear without a trace.

Mostafa whistled and followed the balls into the air…

“Wait, what is that!” Harry suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something flying over here in the distant sky. “You see, what is that?”

Although everyone is focusing on the playing field, it is difficult for them to pay attention to things as they fly closer and closer.

“…Buckbeak why…oh, God! Marx!” Hermione screamed in surprise.

“Quiddich… In fact, I like it too,” said Marx, who was riding on Buckbeak. He said calmly, “It’s a very relaxing sport.”

As he said, he suddenly turned to the body and said: “Follow! We should make a move with these friends from all over the world!”

After that, Marx stood up and jumped into the air on Buckbeak’s back. His right hand wand swiped a broom and quickly swept under him.

He took a shot on Buckbeak, and the clever Hippogriff immediately turned his body and quickly flew off the scene when the Ministry of Magic had not had time to react.

Marx took the lead and slammed into the World Cup on a broom.

In the Bulgarian and Irish game team member completely unprepared, Marx drove his broomstick like a butterfly, flew around and crossed several arcs in midair.

Among the Quiddich players who belonged to the national teams of the two countries, he unveiled his flying skills and pulled all the viewers’ eyes into himself.

Referee Mostafa blew a silver whistle, and the Ministry of Magic’s order-keeping staff was rushing to close, but Marx suddenly turned up and pulled out, and the sudden high speed blew his robe.

When he pulled up to a very high position, the big slowdown that was moving and quiet made the professional team members shocked. I saw him turn again, the right hand suddenly copied…

“…snitch !golden snitch !”

In the silent audience, I didn’t know who suddenly shouted, and the audience suddenly boiled.

Although the sudden surprise made everyone horrified, Marx was like a series of flying movements, but these fanatical Quiddich fans couldn’t care.

“Would you like, the wizard is always somewhat paranoid and unreasonable…” Marx whispered aloud and suddenly shook his head. “Isn’t that even my own calculations?”

He stretched out wand and pointed his throat slightly.


“Everyone from the world’s wizard friends, good evening everyone!” Marx’s voice blew up on the field and rang through the entire venue. “I believe this is very sudden, but the game is over!”

He raised the golden snitch in his hand and went on, “Of course, today…”

Although the audience in the stands are curious to hear what he said, the people of Ministry of Magic obviously will not be indifferent to this.

For a time, many people have been riding up the spare broom.

But the former Death Eaters that he brought out from Azkaban were naturally not to be trifled with, as far as their madness was, it was far from Lucius’s kind of patronage.

When Bellatrix’s wand released a bleak green light, the audience finally stunned, but the Ministry of Magic did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

Marx waved wand and pulled a few feet of the Ministry of Magic employee that Bellatrix was aiming at. The Avada Kedavra curse fell.

“What are you doing!” Bellatrix screamed in anger.

“Shut up.” Marx said coldly. “Be honest, stay awake.”

“You-” “xiu!”

An invisible edge passed over Bellatrix’s ear, and her long hair was cut off by nearly half – the control made her close her mouth immediately.

“The head of this wand is really a bit… almost cut into her head.” Marx took back the wand and turned his back, secretly pulling his mouth.

“It’s just an accident. I promise that no one will lose my life today,” Marx continued. “I don’t know who I am, so I’m going to introduce myself here—”

“I am Marx McLorne, a Hogwarts student – well, or it used to be true. But now, I officially announced that I am away from the Hogwarts magic school… because that place makes me chill!”

“When I was framed as a murderer, Hogwarts didn’t stand up for me; when I was sent to Azkaban by the Britain Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts didn’t stand up for me; when I was alone, in the dementor When the trembling, when I was puzzled and silently carrying the unwarranted charges, Hogwarts still did not stand for me!”

The original rioting auditorium gradually calmed down in Marx’s grievances. Many people are aware of the vast amount of information hidden in it.

“Yes, everyone should be very interested – how did I get rid of a murderer?” Marx squeezed a smile. “I believe everyone should remember the Sirius Black that is running so far?”

“But unfortunately, he is not a criminal, he is also framed!”

Sirius’s situation is too special. His jailbreak has been raging, but now, some people say that he is innocent and is being framed?

What happened to this?

“Catch him! Grab them! They are the fugitives of Azkaban! Azkaban has a jailbreak again!”

Suddenly, the Ministry of Magic’s long Fudge, standing in the highest stand, suddenly shouted loudly, and his tone changed because of tension and fear.

Marx turned his head and he could see that Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well as other acquaintances, were staring at him inexplicably, with incredible rays of light shining in his eyes.

Marx struggled to show them a smile, and then looked coldly towards Fudge. The people of Ministry of Magic heard the minister’s orders and rushed to Marx.

Marx collaborated with the Death Eaters to counterattack, and under the magic of Marx’s formidable power powerful, the original Ministry of Magic was stabilized in a multi-to-small situation.

The number of people in the Ministry of Magic continues to increase, and many people are coming from afar, and the situation seems to collapse soon.

Seeing Marx wand slamming his eyes, his eyes looked straight ahead, and a huge hoe apparition emerged from the tip of his wand, screaming with the soul of the soul and rushing straight into the formation of the Ministry of Magic.

Then there was a dumpling-like fall – most of them were already hit by the soul, and they lost their hearts in silence.

“Fudge Minister, do you still want to use violence to cover up the truth? Is it that you are worried that you have lost the seat of the Ministry Ministry of Magic?”

“You are nonsense! I-“

Fudge’s words were interrupted by Marx.

“Everyone, my friends, I repeat once again – today, no one will lose their lives! And I just want to expose it all! I want everyone to know, let everyone remember, let everyone be alert !”

“…because, no one can say, the next lamb to replace sin, will it be you!”

Just a moment after the Marx voice was over, there were a few light clusters rising out of the field, blasting up at high altitude, turning into a dark green hoe that sprinkled the snake head at each and everyone.

“…and finally started.” Marx looked at the Dark Mark calmly, with faint rays of light shining in his eyes.

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