Fleur was really unhappy this time.

the French Ministry of Magic, which is undoubtedly a lot of Beauxbatons learnt where they wanted to come in, let alone the magic section Head’s office. Had she not been very fond of Madam Maxime at school, she would have been able to be directly recruited into the core section of the Ministry of Magic, even if she had received a personal recommendation letter from Madam Maxime.

However, Fleur actually prefers the time when Beauxbatons stayed in school after graduation, compared to the generally depressed magic division in this atmosphere.

No, not to say, when she actually preferred to stay in England.

Remember the last year of her students’ career during the Triple Championship. In Hogwarts participating in Triwizard Tournament, she expanded her eyes and, for the first time, met Marx McLorne.


that time, Harry Potter, who finally won the Triple Champions, was really surprised by that McLorne. Even to think back, McLorne seems to have shown the power that most people can shoulder from that moment.

“Why didn’t Beauxbatons come?”

This is what Fleur said to Marx, representing Durmstrang, when he was named before Triwizard Cup, in Hogwarts. And in fact, it might be the first time in her life that she had the idea of “wanting to know more about a boy”.

Delacour sisters are both Veela half-blood, born beauty and non-human charm, leaving her with a man that never needs to be pursued. Not only is it a student age, but even now.

It can be said that it’s really rare to let her think so.

No way. Who made Marx the first person she met to ignore her charming innate talent?

Regrettably, Marx and Dumbledore were acting with dedication, and there was no too many kung fu to be friends, let alone to develop a feeling of superfriendship with the child.

After the end of the triumph, Fleur met in Beauxbatons, even though he had some time of correspondence with him. But the conversation with Marx is clearly getting away…

Then the events of Herpo’s death took place and were not Pack again. Until today, Britain has fallen completely and Europe as a whole has become a mess.

Fleur worked during the magic Division, and in fact had been following information about Marx, and before she had received information from survivors, she personally sent Beauxbatons.

To be honest, Fleur is not going to think about that obscene emotion anymore. She’s just as a friend, worried about Marx being okay.

“dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!”

Suddenly, the door of the office ranged a while – apparently, the Ministry of Magic did not knock at the door of the Section in such a rude manner.


She thought so, and her colleagues next door looked at it, and was about to get up. But at this point, there’s already that familiar voice out there.

“Fleur, I brought you a man you must want to meet. Open the door!”

“Gabrielle? Oh, don’t scream at the Ministry of Magic!”

On the other hand, she said that she was busy running to open the door, while showing an apology to colleagues next door. But she stayed open, and she was stuck in the house.

“Lovegood Young Lady?”

“Fleur, long time no see,” Luna stood behind Gabrielle, pleasant for her, “Do you like to make tea with teeth lately?”


Fleur went back to his colleagues in the office, and that was when they pulled Gabrielle and Luna into the corridor in the sight of their colleagues or curiosity or suspicion.

“Gabrielle, why are you here again?” She said, “This is the ministry of Magic, which I had to write a long review report when you came back, and that would be bad if she was found by the Secretary of Section Head.”

“That’s not because I’m worried about you! I heard students say that the ministry of Magic’s superior always likes to bully the new staff…” Gabrielle has two sentences, and then he’s done it again, “but don’t worry! I’m really here this time. Miss Lovegood, they’re here for Minister for Magic.”

Fleur, listen, that’s why you look at Luna Road:

“Want to see the survivors?”

“Yes,” Luna nodded, “they may have some news we want to know. By the way, Hermione’s here too! Do you want to see her together?”

“Miss Granger?” Fleur first showed a happy smile, but soon shook the head, “No, Miss Granger, I’m still missing. Well, don’t say that, Miss Lovegood, I know you’ve been to Beauxbatons lately, but do you know where McLorne is now? My side has never heard from him, and he doesn’t know what he’s doing –“

“Marx?” Luna hearing this, without a slight display of sorrow, “I don’t know… we don’t even know. But Hermione said he might return to England, and Delphini said,” I think it’s in England! ”


As Fleur knows, the English today is not a good place.

Marx went to Blois Fort and then withdrew at night, and now Luna and Hermione and the others together should be separated from him, even if he went to England, where he could not be.

It’s not a good sign!

“Miss Lovegood, you’re here to meet the survivors in order to understand the specific situation in England? Unfortunately, the Auror office in the Department has asked that, in addition to some more messy information, they do not know about Mr. McLorne.”

As she said, she ignored and blinded her eyes:

“Yes, sir. Potter… how dare you let them risk it? Even in order to find Mr. McLorne, the Herpo and the mass of dead bodies must be in the fog, where they’ve already been on their ground – that’s too dangerous!”

But I didn’t think that next second, she saw Luna look at her big eyes and said:

“That’s why I came to see you! If it were you, maybe you could help me find Marx… so can you help me with this?”



“Why me? Well, I mean, if I could, of course I would… but what can I do for you?”

Hermione smiled at her mysteriously and then pulled out a silver knife for all potion materials from her pocket.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

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