“Roar -“

When the sound of the stunned thunder broke through the night sky, several groups of rich black air dragged the long tail from the distance.

They bring not only the atmosphere of evil, but also a panic from the unknown.

Just as a few black air wants to rush directly into Hogwarts Castle in the air, it seems to have hit a layer of invisible wall, all falling straight to the ground.


Along with a burst of gravel, they fell in front of the school gates one after another, and the horses were pulled out of several shallow pits.

If someone has the heart to see, when it is blocked by the unknown barrier, there is a rune in the sky above the castle.

This is not the original defensive magic of Hogwarts Castle, but the masterpiece of Dunddore of Wand is now being held.

浠呭嚟涓 宸 宸 宸 箣锷涳纴灏卞彲浠ユ柦鏀 箣锷涳纴灏卞彲浠ユ柦鏀 涓畧鎶ゆ暣搴 涓畧鎶ゆ暣搴 涓畧鎶ゆ暣搴 煄鍫 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble勭湡姝e疄锷疄锷€

“Roar -“

鍙堟槸鍑犲0 镫 惣锛岄偅鍑犱 惣锛岄偅鍑犱 惣锛岄偅鍑犱 鍧戦噷璞佺劧绔栾捣浜嗘暟涓祽韬粦姘 缁旷殑浜哄 缁旷殑浜哄 缁旷殑浜哄 缁旷殑浜哄 缁旷殑浜哄 缁旷殑浜哄Master’s effect board study without the slightest hesitation 鍦 洿鍐 洿鍐 悜镙¢棬锛屼 悜镙¢棬锛屼 灏 灏 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓潵銆

闾i€忔槑镄勫睆闅滀粛镞ч樆鎸$潃瀹冧 镄勫墠杩涳纴鍙垨璁 镄勫墠杩涳纴鍙垨璁 槸锲犱 阒 阒 阒 阒 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮浜嗭纴绔熻瀹冧 鎺ヨ繛涓嶆柇镄勬嵍 鎺ヨ繛涓嶆柇镄勬嵍 揿啿鍑 揿啿鍑 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮ 夌溂鍙镄勯渿锷╮


鑻ユ槸Marx 鍦ㄨ 岋纴浠栦竴鐪 岋纴浠栦竴鐪 岋纴浠栦竴鐪 岋纴浠栦竴鐪 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 旈偅缁濆灏 箣涔 箣涔 箣涔 箣涔€滈粦姝诲缅鈥濅简锛

闾d簺瀹多扎链槸wizard 锛屼絾鍗村け铡讳 浣 浣 cross magic 镄勮兘锷涳纴within the body 镄刴agic power 涔熷鏀Silicon germanium

浠栦 鍦ㄥ缑鍒 鍦ㄥ缑鍒 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 镞犳瘮 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽 忕殑钖屾椂锛屽澶ч儴鍒嗙殑鏅儴鍒嗙殑鏅收收銆佸拰姘歌翻涔熸棤娉曞噣鍖栫殑琚薄镆撶殑鐏甸銆

姝ゆ椂锛孙der of the Phoenix 镄勬垚 橀兘宸茬粡鎾よ繘浜嗗镙¤ 橀兘宸茬粡鎾よ繘浜嗗镙¤ 橀兘宸茬粡鎾よ繘浜嗗镙¤ 纴 纴 og og og Hogwarts 杩欐 镄勯槻绾胯铡嬬缉浜嗐 镄勯槻绾胯铡嬬缉浜嗐 镄勯槻绾胯铡嬬缉浜嗐

浣嗗湪姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢锛娈eath Eater 闾f 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 病 病 病 変竴浜 変竴浜 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩嗘櫤銆

褰 粬浠湅鍒 粬浠湅鍒 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 珯鍦ㄦ牎闂ㄥ彛镄凞 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 umble umble umble umble Fork 墦灞忛殰镄勯粦姝诲 墦灞忛殰镄勯粦姝诲 闾 h埇锛岃繛镊 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝 镄勭敓姝

鏋滀笉鍏剁劧锛屽綋涓 阆搒 阆搒 let let let let let let let 闂︼ 岃 岃 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾竴鑸纴杩滆翻鍦板掗浜嗗嚭铡掗浜嗗嚭铡€

Dumbledore gallium 嬫寔 Elder Wand 锛岄 鑹 鑹 闱椤湴绔椤湪镙¢棬鍙 o纴浠呭嚟浠栦竴浜哄 ammonia chain 塂 eath Eater 閮 渿鎱戝湪浜嗗 渿鎱戝湪浜嗗 鍦As usual

鍙偅鍑犲悕榛戞寰掑嵈骞 舵 病 夋敹鍒 夋敹鍒 粈涔堜 粈涔堜 曟槸 曟槸 曟槸 曟槸 umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble umble瀹冧 瀹冧 鍙椾 鍙椾 鍙椾

瑙佸畠浠张钖戣伞杈圭妫濂旇€屾潵銆侱umbledore 镄勮〃鎯呭嵈渚濇棫娌°C湁浠讳綍鍙桦寲銆



鍩庡牎澶栵纴Death Eater 闾f 鏉ュ娍鍑剁寷锛屼絾鍗 鏉ュ娍鍑剁寷锛屼絾鍗  Dumbledore 涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 湪浜嗘牎闂ㄤ箣澶栥 湪浜嗘牎闂ㄤ箣澶栥 彲鍦ㄥ煄鍫 彲鍦ㄥ煄鍫 彲鍦ㄥ煄鍫 彲鍦ㄥ煄鍫 唴閮 唴閮Jade 篃骞 笉瀹夊畾銆

Young wizards 澶ч兘鍙椾 涓嶅皬镄勬侪钖掳纴璇村涓嶅皬镄勬侪钖掳纴璇滑姣旷珶杩樻槸 child key 屽凡銆

绀绀爞涓纴闅忕潃澶栭爞涓纴闅忕潃澶栭镄勫姩闱栾秺鏉ヨ秺澶э纴鎯镄勫姩闱栾秺鏉ヨ秺澶э纴鎯濂借ソ浼戞伅鏄粷涓嶅彲鑳ソ浼戞伅鏄粷涓嶅彲鑳殑浜嬩銆侳litwick 鏁欐巿and the others 閮界珯鍦ㄩ棬鍙纴纴纴屽鐢熶屽鐢熶屽鐢熶鑴戣锲鑴戣锲鑴戣锲潗鍦ㄤ腑闂潗鍦ㄤ腑闂纴澶閮閮閮槸brief remark 鍙戙€

Key 屽湪渚 巺锛屽 巺锛屽 鍒癕 鍒癕 鍒癕 鍒癕 鍒癕 G G cGonagall 鏁欐巿姝 e拰Madam Maxime 浣庡0璁ㄨ镌€浠€涔堛€

灏卞湪濂 闱 闱 (1) 墠锛孎leur 镄刴other Delacour 澶汉姝d竴锷ㄤ笉锷ㄥ湴骞宠鍦ㄦ瀛愪笂锛岃鍦ㄦ瀛愪笂锛岃鍦ㄦ瀛愪笂锛岃涓婄洊镌涓涓鏉¤杽姣鏉¤杽姣嶅弹鍑夈

镊 簬 簬 Fleur chain  鈥  [  y 鍙 鍙 镞堕棿 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆 ス锲炴潵銆

鈥溾€[€adam Maxime 锛孧iss Delacour 鐜 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼锛佲€满cGonagall 鍦 鍦 锛屸 锛屸 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 沧垜涓嶈涓 剰銆傗 剰銆傗 剰銆傗

鈥滀笉锛佹妸闾hild 鐣椤湪闾e effect 锛屾垜寰堟媴蹇冿紒闱炲 锛佲 满 full adam Maxime 鍙瘮 McGonagall 楂 涓嶅皯锛屽ス杩欎 涓嶅皯锛屽ス杩欎 鍎竴鑴 竴鑴 竴鑴 掓皵鍦 涓嬮 涓嬮 涓嬮 涓嬮 涓嬮 湅铡讳豢浣涙槸 湅铡讳豢浣涙槸 uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke uke


鈥沧垜璇 斺 斺 满 满 a full adam Maxime 鐑 椃鍦 嫆缁濅 M M McGonagall 鏁欐巿镄勫姖 纴宸 纴宸 彸韪 彸韪 彸韪 涓ゆ锛屽 涓ゆ锛屽 涓ゆ锛屽 涓ゆ锛屽 涓ゆ锛屽杞韩寰€澶栬蛋铡汇€


McGonagall 鏁欐巿杩炲 鏁欐巿杩炲 璺熶 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑 爞锛宑

褰揿ス鎾炶闾d竴鍙屽弻棰ゆ姈镌€镄勭洰鍏夋椂锛屽ス镄勮剼姝ヤ 钟 硅 硅 硅 硅


Madam Maxime 灏嗗皬涓瓙Flitwick 掓媺鍒 掓媺鍒 掓媺鍒 掓媺鍒 帴鎺ㄩ棬璧 帴鎺ㄩ棬璧 帴鎺ㄩ棬璧

鈥滃摝锛屾垜鈥[€[€濅竴镞佺殑Hagrid 蹇崭笉浣忔浈Harry 闾h 鐬 鐬 涓 涓 鐪硷纴闅忓嵆鍜挰鐗栾 鐪硷纴闅忓嵆鍜挰鐗栾 鐪硷纴闅忓嵆鍜挰鐗栾 鐪硷纴闅忓嵆鍜挰鐗栾 浜嗗嚭铡 浜嗗嚭铡 浜嗗嚭铡 浜嗗嚭铡鈥灭瓑绛夋垜锛佹垜涔熷幓鈥[€[€

鈥溾€[€agrid 涓嶆槸鏀 浜嗕箞锛熲 pure 浜嗕箞锛熲€

浜虹兢涓纴 Harry 鍜孒ermione 銆丷on 姝e effect 锛屼粬浠兘鍒 argon valve 鐬ц浜咹agrid 闾d竴锲炲ご锛孯on 涓€鑴告侪濂囧湴whispered 銆

鈥滀笉锛屾垜鍙笉瑙夊缑鈥斺€斺€滺ermione curl one鈥檚lip 阆撱€

Harry 涔熻窡镌€shrugged 锛岄殢鍗冲浣庡浣庡0阆掳细鈥滃厛鍒Hagrid 浜嗭纴鎴戣鈥[ermione 锛屼綘镐庝箞寮冩潈浜嗭纴鍙戠敓浜嗕粈涔堜簨锛熲€

Hermione hearing this

鈥滆 umbrella鏄疨rofessor Moody 镄勫畨鎺掞纴浠栧湪璧涘墠杩囨潵阃氱煡鎴 纴璇 纴璇 槸瑕佷唬 槸瑕佷唬 挎垜鍙 姞 task task task task task task task task task task鈥[€“缮璇粹€[€[€

濂 姽璞 姽璞 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 锛屽湪 镄勫偓 镄勫偓 镄勫偓 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 冧箣涓嬶纴鍙缑鎺ョ潃阆掳 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢Bumbledore 涓 璧 璧 畾涓嬬殑涓 畾涓嬬殑涓 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡 斾粬浠寮曡

鈥滃晩锛熲 漅 漅 钖冩侪鍦 锛屸 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 滈偅 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔垮憿锛佲€

鈥滆皝鐭ラ死锻纻鈥滺ermione 闂烽椃鍦伴锛屸锛屸€滃弽姝f垜浠婂ぉ涓€鐩撮兘鍦ㄥ煄鍫¢噷鈥[€[€

Marx 浠 涔堜簨閮 涔堜簨閮 瀿镌 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € Metamorphic ammonia slippery g

瑕佹槸闅忎 铡荤瀻鎺哄拰锛屽彲鑳 铡荤瀻鎺哄拰锛屽彲鑳 铡荤瀻鎺哄拰锛屽彲鑳 铡荤瀻鎺哄拰锛屽彲鑳 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 笂娆 笂娆 笂娆 笂娆 鍙椾 鍙椾 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 婕斺 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 镄勪簨浠跺啀搴 婕斺澶︻碂绯曚 銆

鐩村埌鐜板湪涓烘锛孒arry 閮 閮 笉鏁 (1) 幓纰癎ryffindor 瀹濆墤銆 摢镐曟槸缁冧 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 锛屽洜涓 锛屽洜涓 锛屽洜涓 锛屽洜涓 锛屽洜涓硶纭畾锛岃涓嶅畾浠 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 椤 椤 浼 浼 浼 浼 rec rec rec rec not recognizing one鈥檚family 銆

鍙病浜咷ryffindor 瀹濆墤锛屽厜鍑粬镄刟bility 锛岃缮鐪熺殑娌’粈涔埚簳姘斻€

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No matter what the impact, it is bigger than the pressure he brings to everyone.

Just if the pressure is good or bad, you have to look at the young wizards’ own mentality. As it is now, the most sensible Hermione, now is the first to stand up.

“Harry, Ron…and everyone!” She looked up and looked around and said seriously, “Our school is having trouble!”

“As a student, we are also a member of Hogwarts! We can’t always shrink into the protection of professors. We can’t let Professor Dumbledore go out alone to withstand the crisis! We also have an obligation to protect our school!”

“Maybe our strength is very small, yes, insignificant… but I think, as long as we can work together, we can definitely put the Death Eater – Voldemort – out!”

Sitting around her is a whole silent student.

But when she mentioned the word “Voldemort”, the young wizards that had been suppressed were not so nervous, and many people began to whisper.

At the gate of the auditorium, Professor Flitwick couldn’t help but take a step forward – he thought that if Hermione went on, maybe the children would be more nervous and scared.

Normally, Professor McGonagall, who has always been sensible, grabbed him and shook his head gently toward him.

Still continuing, in order to allow her words to be conveyed to the ear of each student, she even added a scent to herself.

“… among us, there is the brave Gryffindor, the smart Ravenclaw, the hardworking Hufflepuff… and the savvy Slytherin!”

“Yes, I don’t really like Slytherin, but…” Hermione sang loudly around, “But! Marx McLorne and I said that Slytherin is also a Hogwarts student and has excellent wizard qualities. ——”

“Although I haven’t figured it out yet, I believe what Marx said! I believe that when Hogwarts encounters difficulties, everyone will fight for the school we have been living in!”

Having said that, Hermione suddenly increased the volume and said:

“Just like Marx once said at the graduate farewell party – we are all Hogwarts!”

The voice didn’t fall, and Hermione slammed into Harry’s lap.

Don’t look at her so grandiose, then the blood is boiling, but in her heart, the original purpose is for her own selfishness.

She really can’t stand it. On the road of continuous advancement, she can only look at the back of Marx’s back and forth, as if she will never catch up with him.

“Go ahead! Hermione Jane Granger!” she whispered to herself.

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