For Marx, Regulus’s story should never end in his mouth, the story belongs to Regulus and Voldemort.

He is not qualified to end the story of Regulus.

If one day, when Voldemort returns to the cave where the fake Horcrux is hidden and the Regulus’s suicide note is taken from it, the story will end in the most appropriate form.

As for what was written in Regulus’s suicide note, Marx has long since lost it.

Returning to Study along the stairs, Lenny ran to him in front of him, lifting the full-filled parchment like a treasure.

Marx looked at the twisted letters above and picked it up.

“The Tales of Beedle the Bard” is a collection of wizard’s fairy tales. The stories collected in it all convey positive and positive information such as “good and good, evil and evil” and “cannot abuse magic”.

Because they are all fairy tales, the stories inside are not long. Even if you copy the longest “Third Brother’s Legend”, it won’t take long.

“Lennie copied it! Leni went out!”

The little girl saw Marx pick it up. When she said it happily, she turned and wanted to leave.

“and many more.”

“What’s the matter!”

Marx waved at her and then sat back at the desk and sat down. Although Lenny was full of reluctance, she had to obey and moved to the desk.

“‘Women’s hairy heart’…” Marx looked at Leni’s copy of the parchment volume and asked, “I asked you to pick a favorite copy, right?”

“Yeah…” Lenny stared at the watery eyes and nodded.

In fact, in The Tales of Beedle the Bard, the story chosen by Lenny is one of the darkest, and its purpose is to warn young male witches not to use dark magic.

Because the content of this story is too bloody, when the parents of the cheese are reading the bedtime story for their children, the story is usually skipped directly.

In this story, the young wizard who is the protagonist is handsome, rich and intelligent. He believes that emotion is a weakness of human beings, so he uses dark magic to block all his emotions and eliminate the possibility of falling in love with others. .

However, when he was immersed in his “perfect” living alone, he found that his two servants were talking about himself: one of the servants sympathized with him, and the other servant even laughed at him and even his wife could not find .

It seems that the sorcerer who feels that his self-esteem has been trampled is determined to find a good woman who makes them all awkward to be their own wife.

Soon, he was lucky enough to meet a woman who was both beautiful and rich, and the magic innate talent was amazing.

Although the wizard can’t tell if she likes her, it doesn’t seem to matter鈥攈e just wants a good wife and makes others jealous.

He began to find ways to please the woman, but it did not seem to work.

At this time, the girl spoke up –

“I only believe in the love words you say when you feel that you have a heart.”

The wizard took her to the dungeon of the castle and showed her a crystal scorpion that had been applied with a magical heart.

But because the heart has been isolated from the body for too long, it has become shrunk. And because of the dark magic, there are a lot of long black hair on it.

The girl asked the wizard to put the heart back to its original place. The wizard agreed, and he put the long-haired heart back into his chest.

However, this heart has been imprisoned for a long time by dark magic, becoming reckless and barbaric, and its desires become fierce and embarrassing.

The wizard found that he had to abandon it immediately, or he would take control of the body from the heart polluted by dark magic.

So he pulled the girl’s heart out and tried to replace his own hair heart with it.

But the long-haired heart is already very powerful, it does not allow the wizard to use magic to take it out. The wizard naturally did not want to be controlled by her own heart, so she struggled to pick it out from her chest with a dagger.

As a result, he fell on the girl’s body, holding a very different heart in each hand.

“Then you said, why do you like this one?” Marx slammed the parchment and immediately looked at Leni.

Marx thought she would say “because this one is the shortest” or “Lenny would like to lick the heart” – Lenny is the character in normally, and never likes to think about it. Too deep, Marx doesn’t expect her to copy it once to understand what makes sense.

Unexpectedly, this time, Lenny’s reason is not as simple and straightforward as he imagined.

“If Leni is telling the truth, you can’t punish Leni again!” Little hoe pointed at Marx’s nose loudly said.

“If you want to say something, you can say oh…” Marx nodded, “I will not punish you.”

“Because…” Lenny laughed. “Because the wizard, it seems to be saying you! Seeing that he finally died, Lenny is happy!”

Marx hearing this Suddenly, and then frowned slightly.

To say that he is like the protagonist in that story, there is some truth – he did lose emotion. But that was before the encounter with Lenny, and there were very few people who knew that he had lost his emotions.

Where did this little girl know?

“Then you said that, where is the same thing as the wizard?” Marx thought, suddenly asked.

“You and he have no heart!”

Leni said, and carefully stepped back a few steps, it seems that because of the subtle changes in Marx’s expression, I was worried that I would be punished again.

“No heart?”

Marx subconsciously touched his chest and suddenly noticed the true meaning of Lenny’s “truth” that seemed to be a joke.

Lenny may not have said this because she knew her past, not to say that he really “has no heart.”

What she wants to express is probably that he always hides his true feelings.

“Hey! Mixed ball Marx…” Lenny stared at Marx with her head down, and reached out and gently pulled his jersey hem. “You said good! Say good, Lena!”

Marx saw her timid look and couldn’t help but laughed: “Well, don’t punish you – play it yourself! Remember not to mess with others, do you know?”

“Know it!” Lenny immediately waved her hand and ran out of Study with a smog.

Marx leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at the parchment roll in his hand, gradually falling into meditation.

He was used to camouflage at an early age, but when he really lost his emotions, he became more and more aware that he could not live without them.

The problem is, if a person’s emotions are hidden for too long, will it produce an unknown mutation like the one mentioned in “The Witch’s Heart”?

If the answer is yes, what changes will happen? Is it a good change or a bad change?

After thinking for a long time, Marx did not come up with any reliable conclusions.

In this world, emotions and emotions are closely related to magic. If Marx wants to continue to study magic, it must not be able to avoid this complicated and elusive subject.

“Wait! Emotions and emotions?”

He seemed to think of something, quickly took a note from the pile of books in front of him, and carefully looked up on the table.


At the same time, the dust on the second floor was in the old living room.

“Sirius? What’s wrong with you… is it okay?”

In the deepest part of the living room, Kreacher is no longer there, but Sirius is still standing in front of the tapestry, stunned.

Harry wanted to ask Sirius to ask some questions, but after he found Sirius’s back here, he saw the stunned expression on his face.

鈥渆n?鈥?Sirius turned to look at her godson and then shook her head slightly. 鈥淥h, Harry… I鈥檓 fine!鈥?/p>

Harry looked over at the tapestry, which was embroidered with genealogy, and hesitated to nodded鈥攈e thought Sirius was remembering his childhood.

“You are not here!” Harry saw the lowest in the tree-like family tree, but did not find the name of Sirius.

鈥淚t used to be on the top,鈥?Sirius said, pointing to a small round hole in the tapestry that looked like a scorch of cigarettes.

鈥淎fter I fled from home, my dear old mother destroyed me 鈥?Kreacher liked to whisper the story.鈥?/p>

Speaking of Kreacher, Sirius glanced back at the back, there was only one print that was ejected by the elf with his head, and a pool of dusty, wet water stains.

“You escaped from home?” Harry wondered.

“I was about sixteen that year…” Sirius said, “I am fed up.”

“Where have you been?” Harry asked, staring at him.

“You father home,” Sirius said, revealing the expression of memories. “Your grandfather grandma is very understanding, they almost treat me as the second son…”

“Yes! When I was on school, I lived in your father’s house for the time being; at the age of seventeen, I found a place for myself!”

“My Uncle Alphad left me a considerable amount of gold – he was also cleared from here, probably for this reason!”

“After that, I took care of myself…but, Mr Potter and his wife always welcome me to dinner at their home every Saturday.”

“But why are you…” Harry asked euphemistically.

鈥淵ou mean to leave home?鈥?Sirius smiled bitterly, combing his long, tangled hair. 鈥淏ecause I hate all of them 鈥?my parents are crazy about obsessed with pure blood. They believe that being a Black family. Born to be noble…”

By chatting with Harry casually, Sirius gradually let himself out of grief and anger. Just then, a burst of shouts suddenly sounded downstairs.

“What happened?” Sirius was bored.

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