“Hermione, sit down first!”

Marx returned to Study with Hermione, and he sat down on the couch.

To be honest, members of the Order of the Phoenix know that Marx has always been very busy, because every time they come to Study, they will see him in the “hill” formed by the magic book and various documents. It’s busy all day and night.

Marx seems to be sleeping for a short time every day, although sometimes people are worried about his physical condition, but after discovering that he is in good spirits every day, he is used to it.

At least, if it’s okay in normally, everyone is used to not disturbing him in Study.

This holiday started from here, Hermione has not come in a few times until now, but every time I come in, I will find that the space here is constantly becoming “crowded”.

“Is there something more and more here?” Hermione curiously picked up a notebook piled up on the sofa and flipped it over, only to find symbols and formulas that seemed to be confusing.

“I think so…” Marx shrugged said. “But there is at least a place to sit, don’t care if it won’t mess up, and push it away.”

“I think this is messy enough!” Hermione was dissatisfied. “You won’t pack it?”

“They are neat in my heart.” Marx smiled. “Don’t say this first… In fact, I was going to find a long time ago and you will talk to you. It was just an opportunity!”

“The opportunity?” Hermione wondered. “Is it that I have seen your lies?”

“No,” Marx shook his head. “I mean, I want Harry to make a choice…say, you, me, Harry, Ron, and of course other students.”

“In these people, only you are the one I think is the smartest.”

Upon hearing that Marx was so rare to praise her, Hermione immediately reddened her face, but immediately proudly raised her head.

“Really?” Her lips showed a happy expression.

“Of course it’s true! Your strengths are obvious, smart and hardworking, and meticulous about learning… but, equally, your shortcomings are obvious – you are not very good at understanding things that lack logic, right? ”

“Oh – after you say this, it seems like this!” Hermione angrily grabbed her messy hair.

“Because of this, you can quickly remember all kinds of magic knowledge, but you can’t study them more deeply. Because the knowledge about magic mostly needs ‘imagination’ and ‘sense’…”

Unconsciously, Marx led Hermione into a state of “learning class”, and time passed gradually, and soon it was time for dinner.

When Hermione unconsciously glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it suddenly returned to sobered up.

“Oh! Why are we always talking about learning and researching?” She wondered. “I thought you were going to talk to me about Harry!”

“Some things, Harry needs to face it himself,” Marx said solemnly. “We have been fighting against Voldemort’s return, and you and Harry are the people I think are the most likely to be the power to protect everyone…”

“At least there are a lot of people and things I want to protect, and I believe that Hermione is the same. So, I hope that you can grow up as soon as possible, learn magic knowledge more specifically, and turn them into your own strength.”

“Now Voldemort is temporarily lurking, and we are not sure when he will make a comeback. But it is foreseeable that when he appears again in our sight, the danger will become everywhere…”


Harry finally got the courage to accept Marx’s mission, although he still has a heart on the upcoming Ministry of Magic, but at least he has already taken First Step on his willpower.

On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Weasley turned his face and said softly to him: “I have already ironed your best clothes. You will wear them tomorrow morning, Harry, I hope you will wash your hair tonight. A good first impression is that it will make a miracle.”

Harry heard this and felt like a brick broke into his heart. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny all stopped talking and looked at him.

“In fact, I don’t have to worry too much. Voldemort can’t completely infiltrate the entire Ministry of Magic, calm down, and do as I say.”

Harry nodded, still want to continue to eat his ribs, but the mouth suddenly became very dry, simply chewed.

“How do I go?” He tried to make the sound sound less interesting.

“Arthur takes you with you when you get to work,” Mrs. Weasley said softly.

Mr. Weasley smiled and encouraged Harry across the table. “You can stay in my office first, and wait until the time for trial is over.”

Harry looked at Sirius, but without waiting for him to ask, Mrs. Weasley replied.

“Sirius certainly can’t accompany you, isn’t it?”

“I think this is very correct.” Sirius gritted his teeth and sullenly plunged the fork into a potato.

At half past five in the morning, Harry slammed completely, as if someone had shouted in his ear.

He lay there motionless, and slowly, the matter of going to the Ministry of Magic was filled with every cell in his brain.

When he felt that he couldn’t stand it anymore, he simply jumped out of bed and put on his glasses.

Mrs. Weasley had put the new jeans and T-shirts on the edge of his bed, and Harry fumbled and put them on.

Ron stretched his arms on his back and his mouth was wide open and he slept soundly.

Harry crossed the room and came to the landing on the door. The backhand gently closed the door, and Ron on the bed never moved.

He walked down the stairs with a light hand and went to the kitchen below.

He had thought that there was no one in the kitchen, but he had just walked to the door and heard a low voice coming from behind the door.

He opened the door and saw Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Lupin and Tonks sitting there as if they were waiting for him.

Marx and Hermione are also there, and they seem to be talking softly on a few notebooks.

They are all neatly dressed, only Mrs. Weasley is wearing a purple pajamas. As soon as Harry entered, she stood up.

“Eating breakfast.” She said as she pulled out the wand and hurried toward the stove.

“Good morning, morning, Harry,” Tonks said yawning. Her hair was golden this morning, with a lazy roll.

“Did you sleep well?”

“It’s good,” Harry said.

“I didn’t have a night…ha… didn’t sleep.” She said, and she shuddered and yawned. “Come and sit down!”

She pulled out a chair and overturned a chair next to it.

“Tonks, don’t be busy…” Marx looked up and shouted. “You don’t always complain that you will always touch something. The best way is to not touch them.”

“You can manage it… Ha…” Tonks didn’t even have the strength to argue. It seemed to be really sleepy.

“What do you want, Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked aloud, “porridge? Muffins? Smoked fish? Ham and eggs? Bread?”

“Just come on the bread, thank you,” Harry said.

Lupin glanced at Harry and said to Tonks, “What did you say about Scrimgeour?”

“Oh! Right, that’s it… Ha… We need to be more careful. He started asking me and Kingsley some weird questions.” Tonks waved.

Marx thought about it and said warned repeated: “Let’s pay attention to whether he has a sly expression when he is not talking. Scrimgeour is still very principled. If he is not controlled by the powerful Imperius Curse, his credibility Still relatively high.”

“Kingsley thinks the same way, but Imperius Curse is not easy to see!” Tonks said bitterly.

“This is really not a good way, only to observe more.” Marx shrugged.

They didn’t ask Harry to join the conversation, which made him subconsciously relaxed, and his heart was always uneasy. Mrs. Weasley put two slices of bread and orange sauce in front of him. He ate hard and chewed wax.

Next to it, Mrs. Weasley sat down on his other side and began to pay special attention to his T-shirt. I stuffed the label in a while, and then flattened the seams on my shoulders.

To be honest, Harry really wished she didn’t do this.

Marx seems to see his thoughts, laughed: “I really have to pay attention to the appearance, those guys are very concerned about these, so when you pay attention to what you say and behave better.”

“Marx, I can’t work night shifts tomorrow, I am too…ha…it’s too tired.” Tonks said, and made another big yawn.

“I will come for you,” Mr. Weasley said. “I’m fine, I have to catch a report anyway.”

Instead of wearing a wizard robes, Mr. Weasley wore a pair of thin pants and an old short jacket. He turned his gaze from Tonks to Harry.

“how do you feel?”

Harry licked his head, and although his heart was full of uneasiness, he really didn’t know what to say.

“It will end soon.” Mr. Weasley cheered him. “In a few hours, you have nothing to do… Don’t care too much about the task, it doesn’t have to be done, not ?”

Harry grinned and looked at Marx again, saying nothing.

As Mr. Weasley said, the task Marx gave him was not incomplete, but he felt that this was actually an opportunity Marx gave him.

A breakthrough self and a chance to regain courage, he really wants to hold it firmly.

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