The next morning, Marx returned to Hogwarts before the start of the third class.

He didn’t show anything unusual about what happened last night, not only that, he even went to the students as usual.

The death of Dumbledore brought a lot of impact to the young wizards. Under the calmness of the professors, everyone gradually accepted this sad fact.

Or, most of the students are actually distracted by certain things.

Umbridge was temporarily recalled after the death of Dumbledore arrived at the Ministry of Magic.

But because this is just a “temporary” recall, maybe she will return to Hogwarts next, bringing new troubles to everyone.

It’s just that there’s no time for the boring Umbridge, which is enough to make the young wizards feel a sigh of relief.

“… well, this class will be here first. Everyone will remember to hand in an explanatory note like the Niven character group when class is going to class tomorrow.”

On the podium, Marx waved his hand, then picked up the textbook and turned to go to the door.

“Professor McLorne, what is the length of the notes?”

Marx, who was stopped by Hermione, turned back and spread the hand at random.

“The length is not limited,” he said. “Of course, each combination will write an explanatory note of the annotation, but I will not accept it – use more snacks!”

Probably because Marx’s two magical “shows” are too shocking, even though Marx, the incompetent Teacher himself, has spent a few times, but the students’ enthusiasm for this class has only risen.

Of course, Marx’s textbooks are very easy to read and may be one of the reasons. That was originally something that was refurbished from his own research notes. It was more appropriate to use it than to use it as a classroom textbook.

After finally swearing at the students, Marx stepped out of the classroom in an unhurried pace. But he hasn’t taken a few steps in the hallway, and Hermione in the classroom has already packed up the good things.

“Marx, we have something to say to you…” She came to Marx and whispered, “You know, because Harry and Ron didn’t take the Study of Ancient Runes, so let me tell you-“

“en?” Marx turned his head and stopped. “What?”

“After the last class in the afternoon, we will meet at Hagrid!”

Hermione said that she was trying to go to the classroom of the next class, but it was estimated that she felt that she was so self-talking, so she stopped.

“…oh, what do you think?”

“Oh, of course… no problem,” Marx nodded said. “Speaking, after Hagrid came back, I only met him once, and I didn’t talk very well… just to talk a few words.”


In the afternoon, Hermione, they naturally have classes to attend. But Marx didn’t have a reason to stay in the office after the second class of the day.

Taking a class after school today, Marx went to the hunting lodge in Hagrid.

“bang bang bang”

No way, the gate of Hagrid’s small wood house seems to be loose recently. It is not too small to knock on the door. After Marx knocked on the door, there was no whispering sound of the teeth.

“…going out?” Marx glanced at Forbidden Forest and then snapped his forehead. “Don’t he say that he still got his baby younger brother back?”

Not much thought, Marx immediately went to the edge of Forbidden Forest not far away.

Just didn’t wait for him to step into Forbidden Forest. Suddenly he heard a strange noise in the woods, and then a small group of birds suddenly swayed over the Forbidden Forest. Fly away.

“It seems that Hagrid really brought Glopp back…” Marx shook his head. “Fortunately, his younger brother is a little stunted, otherwise the forest may not hide him!”

Adult giants are mostly taller than trees, even if the trees in Forbidden Forest are not short, but if there are giants in them, it will be a must-have at the window of Hogwarts Castle.

As he walked in the direction of the bird’s horror, he wondered how Hagrid’s uneasy younger brother should be arranged.

Because the destination was clear, Marx, who ran quickly, heard a beating after a while.

When he swayed the trunks of several trees, he saw the scene of deja vu in the blink of an eye – Hagrid was being stopped by his big man, the younger brother.

Ok! Needless to say, Glopo is mostly just playing a “giant-style” play with his big brother that’s all.

Just among the thicker trees, Glopp was stunned by several strong ropes.

I don’t know if Hagrid accidentally walked into the rope, or did he deliberately want to improve his family with the younger brother. Right in front of Marx, Hagrid was kneeling on the floor with his ass, and Glopp grabbed the upper body and snapped at the high-pitched part.

“Hagrid!” Marx asked, stretching his neck. “Are you okay? Do you want to help?”

“No, don’t… Hey! Glopp, lighter! You bad boy… Hey! Remember… the big brother taught you… Oh! No, not ‘Oh,’… is ‘etiquette’ ‘!”

“…who is coming! Hey… ask your Marx big brother… Oh! Say hello!”

“Hagrid – isn’t this right?” Marx reminded. “Most of the ages, I have to call him big brother!”

“No, Marx…oh!” Hagrid snorted. “Little Glopp… oh! I mean, if he doesn’t study well, he can only…hey! When Junior.”

Marx shrugged indifferently, leaning against the trunk next to her, staring at the pair of brothers and watching it for a while. By the way, he was still taking advantage of the loopholes and chatting with Hagrid.

“… OK, I don’t think you guys should play anymore.” Marx took the wand and waved it, pushing Glop up, and dragging Hagrid away from the length of the rope.

“Just talk to you like this, you are tired if you are not tired!”

Hagrid struggled straight up and gasped, picking up his ass. It seems that although Gloop is only using a small amount of strength, but that force is still full of fierce.

Glopp, who was overthrown on the ground, stood up again and looked around with a stunned look. He seemed to be looking for someone who pushed himself.

Without looking at it, he stared at Hagrid’s position and ran towards it.


With the tight creaking of the ropes, the two trees that were made by Hagrid as a pile of piles, and even the roots of the trees were slightly loose.

It seems that it will not take long for the two trees to be pulled out of the ground by Glopp.

Because the rope was blocked by the rope, Glop fell to the ground and splattered with dust.

“Wait, little naughty ghost… Wait a little brother to play with you later!”

Hagrid stretched out his hands and made a “stop” action, talking at a slower pace, and seemed to want to teach Glob a few more common words.

Glopp sat on the ground, slamming his head like a rock, and then looked at Hagrid with a look of confusion.

“Hey, who is coming to see you?” Hagrid pointed back to Marx and said seriously to the younger brother. “See people, say hello – say ‘hello’!”

Marx saw him teach him seriously, so he stepped forward and stood next to Hagrid.

“Try, little guy – try it!” Hagrid glared at Glopp. “Say – ‘Hello’!”

Glop swayed to Marx and looked left and right for a while, then suddenly leaned forward and leaned in front of Marx.

“Roar -“

Marx put the staff in a very timely manner between Glopp and his face, an invisible barrier formed, and the snoring of the slobber was in front of him.

After Glopp had run out of breath and stopped the sudden roar, he took the staff in front of him and looked at Hagrid.

“Before letting him learn etiquette, I think you should teach something more basic,” Marx said. “And it might be necessary to let the giants follow the education of the giants to remember.”

“How about the giant’s education?” Hagrid curiously said, “What is that?”

“It’s very simple, let’s say, if I want him to remember my name, then…” Marx said, “we have to do this—”

When the voice didn’t fall, Marx stopped the staff on the ground and rushed to the ground. Then the muddy giant suddenly stretched out and grabbed Glop’s head and pulled him in front of him.

“Ma-Card–” He reached out and pointed at himself, then shouted his name with a loud spell.

Glop obviously didn’t buy it, because Marx grabbed his head and he struggled. The two big hands slammed the fingers of the muddy giant’s hand and hit them twice from time to time.

For a time, the clods of the clods splashed around.

However, the giants who can replenish at any time are obviously not afraid of this. Even if he was crushed by him, he would re-aggregate in the next moment and hold his head again.

Marx adjusted the volume of the PAS and gathered the sounds into Glopp’s ear, shouting out his name again.

After repeating this for more than a dozen times, Glop seemed to realize that he could not get rid of the giant hand, and finally responded to Marx’s shouts.

“Ma, Malang?”

Marx saw Glopp loose, and Gloop immediately licked his head, which was shaken by a huge voice, and then moved his ass back, farther away from Marx.

Marx didn’t talk, and he pointed himself to himself again.

“Ma Ma!” Glomp grabbed his head and immediately called Marx.

“I can’t learn this way!” Hagrid groaned as he groaned.

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