“Wait! Wait a minute – what are you doing?”

In Forbidden Forest, Hagrid opened his arms inexplicably, trying to find the answer to the sudden collective action of the Centaur in the form of blocking the way.

“…Firenze? What is going on here?”

The number of Centaur he saw was quite numerous, and the Centaur was so fast in the forest that the symbolic blockage of Hagrid was absolutely unstoppable.

But they still stopped the pace of Mercedes, did not choose to deal with Hagrid, or easily bypass him.

It seems that Harry’s common sense speculation is not meaningless.

Firenze is Hagrid… well, can you be considered an “acquaintance”? Yes, the concepts of Centaur and Wizard are very different, although they don’t take the initiative to fight against the wizard, but that’s just because they follow their nature.

In general, Centaur is disgusted with the wizard. Even if the two sides can coexist, it is unlikely that they will become their friends. This is not the case with Hagrid, who is a good-natured person.

But Firenze has a big difference with his peers.

Although he is also a god-like god, he uses the starry sky and destiny as a belief throughout his life. It can be different from other Centaur’s “following the tide of fate.” When faced with the “Ma Sheng” choice, he took the initiative to fill in his own answer.

When I was killed by Voldemort’s Quirrell infiltrate Forbidden Forest, killing Unicorn to drink its blood; when a young wizard including Marx and Harry seemed to be in crisis…

The other two Centaurs stood by and Firenze chose to help.

As far as Hagrid is concerned, Firenze is a relatively versatile Centaur.

So, when he faced a large group of silently staring at his mammoth, he chose Firenze as the breakthrough mouth of the conversation with the slightest hesitation.

“…Dawn today, Venus’s rays of light are sharp.” Firenze looked at him with his bright eyes and said seriously, “Hagrid, do you understand?”

“What?” Hagrid was confused.

“…is a change.”

Just as Hagrid was wondering, a sturdy Centaur came out of the crowd and came to Firenze in the respect of other Centaur gestures – in front of Hagrid.

“Delphiros.” Firenze turned and solemnly performed a ceremony.

Since Marx last went to the Centaur tribe, Centaur’s previous generation of patriarch stayed in that huge cave forever, and the young Centaur is the newest Centaur patriarch that Marx finally saw.

This is the new Delphiros.

With Hagrid’s knowledge of the Centaur family, you don’t know anything about this slightly stranger. But even if he didn’t know, after seeing the attitude of other Centaur, he almost understood it.

“Oh – how are you?” Hagrid said with some hesitation. “So, you left the tribe this time…what is the reason?”

“My family has been inspired by fate,” Delphiros said solemnly. “The star of Venus is a hidden mess, and the trend of change is inevitable… I will wait to move the Horde.”


Hagrid repeated it in surprise, but before he could think about it, there was a sudden and far-reaching footstep in the woods behind him.

The Centaur immediately raised the wooden bow in their hands and the feather arrows were put together.

“hua la ——”

When the bushes behind him swayed, Harry suddenly got out of the gap.

“Hagrid, is it okay?”

He saw the huge body of Hagrid at first glance, and then found a lot of Centaur, and the arrows in their hands made him stand up.

“How come you? I didn’t let you take them back?” Hagrid said angrily, and then he turned back and shouted at the Centaurs. “Let’s put down, let go of the weapon! He’s just a child!”

The Centaurs were completely motionless and didn’t care what he meant.

Delphiros looked at Harry and waved his clansman to temporarily press the warning.

“The giants and the sons of the wizard don’t have to be nervous, so they don’t want to move immediately… The fate tells me that the migration of the tribes will be difficult, but the turmoil and the crisis are unstoppable, and the move is imperative… I wait for this trip, I want to seek help from the wizard…”

When Delphiros said such a word, Hermione and Ron had successfully returned to the castle.



It was probably anxious for a moment, and the strength was too great. The door of the transfiguration classroom hit the wall and made a loud noise.

“Professor McGonagall -“

“Miss Granger?” McGonagall, standing at the desk, turned his head and asked strangely, “Are you supposed to be on the Care of Magical Creatures now? What happened?”

“Professor…” Hermione was trying to say that after a glance at some of the students in the classroom, the voice turned and said, “Professor, please come out, Professor Hagrid is in a hurry to find you.”

“Hagrid?” Professor McGonagall paused, and looked at the seemingly impatient Hermione, and even turned to the young wizards in the classroom, “Preview the contents of the next chapter, don’t talk!”

After all, she immediately walked down the stage and followed Hermione to the outside corridor, and took the door with her hand.

“Miss Granger, what’s the matter?” McGonagall asked with a squint.

“It’s like this…” Hermione gasped for breath in the air, and explained to McGonagall while he was finishing his thoughts. “Professor Hagrid took us to the forest for a lecture, but it didn’t take long. There is an unknown commotion in the depths of Forbidden Forest, and Hagrid will let us come back to inform you -“

She thought about it and added: “Hagrid said it is Centaur, and it seems to be a lot!”

“Centaur?” McGonagall flashed a trace of doubt in his eyes. “I know, you are doing very well. Now you have to let the students go back to the common room, understand?”

“Got it!”

Hermione was about to turn and leave, but she just started to stop and stopped again.

“Professor,” she said with some hesitation. “That… Harry also followed.”

McGonagall, who was rushing toward the stairs, suddenly turned back, and some angry expressions made Hermione’s neck stiff.

“Potter? What is he going to do?” McGonagall squinted, “Noisy!”

“Professor! Harry is also worried about Hagrid, he–” Hermione hurried out of Harry.

“You don’t have to explain,” McGonagall interrupted Hermione. “I know, I will pay attention to the whereabouts of Mr Potter when you get there – you should do what you should do now, always remember that you are now Gryffindor’s Prefect!”

After that, McGonagall immediately turned around and continued to rush to the direction of the stairs.

Looking at the back of Professor McGonagall’s departure, Hermione stood in the same place and snorted. It can be seen that she is somewhat confused about what she should do.

She is a strong female child, and she is very smart – it is a very smart one in the wizard, but she also has shortcomings that cannot be ignored.

In the event of an emergency, her “smartness” will turn into an obstacle, and complex and pursuit of perfect thinking will entangle her actions, so that it is always not decisive.

At this point, Harry, and even Ron, whose brains are not enough, will be stronger than her.

Now she is very hesitant – is it going to fulfill Prefect’s obligations step by step? Or follow your own heart and catch up with Harry’s pace?

For her, both sides are important.

What Centaur is doing is still unclear, so it may be a harbinger of the Voldemort side’s actions. Her inability to get rid of Forbidden Forest’s commotion is just a bait, but she is really worried about the situation at Harry and Hagrid’s Forbidden Forest.

Basically, her most troublesome thing is her own powerlessness.

No matter what kind of possibility, she has no ability to change the situation, this is the most troublesome place for her.


When she was hesitating, Ron’s voice passed over the other side of the corridor.

“Ron?” Hermione was busy sorting out her own thoughts so as not to infect uneasiness to others. “How are you going back?”

In fact, without the reminder of Professor McGonagall, she first asked Ron to persuade the Gryffindor students to return to the common room.

Of course, Slytherin is not in her possession.

“Well, everyone has returned to the common room.” Ron walked around and said casually, “What about you? See Professor McGonagall?”

“The professor is rushing over,” Hermione pondered, and then continued. “No, maybe she is now informing other professors?”

Not to mention Snape, who hasn’t talked so much, at least Flitwick is definitely a big boost.

Don’t look at Professor Flitwick, who has Goblin bloodline, who is short and strong, and when he was young, he had the power of matching the title of “Duel Champion”.

“Then let’s go now!” Ron urged, “Harry is still there!”

“But…” Hermione grinned, not so firmly retorting, “We are Prefect! We are responsible for the students if we are not sure if it is a bait-“

“The bait?” Ron said awkwardly, but then he slammed his head again. “Don’t care what bait is not bait. Now it’s an accident in the woods – shouldn’t we help them?”

“Professor McGonagall is gone!” Hermione is stubborn on the surface, but her heart is struggling. “Moreover, if we go there, what can we do?”

“Insufficient strength can’t be the reason for not going,” Ron frowned. “We just want to help our friends!”

“That’s right!”

Ron’s words were just spoken, and the two heard the third voice here, and they came out a little.

“If I don’t mind, I also want to make more friends.”

Ron and Hermione turned their heads at the same time, but saw a thin silhouette on the corner of the corridor—the new student who was assigned to Slytherin, a boy who called himself “Sokas”.

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