It was only last night that I brought Christmas to Harry and Ron. Today, the outside of the room was fluttering and swaying.

This year’s first snow seems to be a bit late, but perhaps because of the long-awaited reason, this snow seems to be amazing.

Only in the morning, the young wizards got up, and the thick snow on the outside of the lawn had already accumulated. And it seems that it will not stop for a while.

Standing at the edge of the window and going out, it was all white, it really didn’t look far.

The corpses of spiders that almost filled the court yesterday were now cleaned up.

Believe me, Professor McGonagall will not delay the cleanup work for too long, because the valuable materials will be stored as Hogwarts’ additional activity funds.

Marx thinks this is not bad. He only hopes that Professor McGonagall can remember that only Venom needs to collect it in the first place. Because if they don’t care about it after death, they will quickly get rid of themselves.

Just as Marx stretched out and tried to check the class schedule and then fulfilled his duties as a professor, he found someone in the corridor outside the door coming to him.

There must be a lot of people coming to the floor where his office is located, because going out from here is a library. However, there will be no more people passing by in front of his office.

“…It seems that I am destined to be a good Teacher.” Marx couldn’t help but shrugged as the knocking sounded, and whispered to himself.

“Please come in!”

After he responded, the door of the office quietly opened with his hand, and Professor McGonagall walked in from the outside corridor.

“McLorne, I think you should sort out your office.” She glanced around and found that she couldn’t even find the location of Marx. She couldn’t help but remind her.

“Oh – of course, I will.” Marx circumvented the data pile from the back of the desk and came to Professor McGonagall. “Sorry, I am going to teach them today! Well, that’s right.” ”

“No, no need -“

Professor McGonagall licked his lips and put on a look that “does not expect you.”

“There are other things that you need to help today…” The serious agent headmaster has not changed much today. “Although it may be a little earlier, since the documentation of Ministry of Magic has come down, we should be prepared too. ……”

“…Dolores · Umbridge’s professor appointment will end at the end of the school year, we have to prepare for the next semester, I believe you understand.”

Umbridge was reclaimed and Marx was naturally expected. It would be better to say that he controlled Umbridge with Imperius Curse, the only cause of this.

“Would you like to ask a new Defense Against the Dark Arts course professor?” Marx was a little surprised. “It’s a bit early to say it’s early?”

“No, it’s time to get ready,” Professor McGonagall said slightly. “It’s not easy to find a wizard that is both capable and willing to take up this position! Previously Albus…唉, Albus’s contacts are vast I can always find the right person, but I don’t know that many people.”

“Is it?” Marx wondered. “Is it possible for Professor Snape to take up this position soon? I remember he has always been obsessed with this class!”

“Severus is best at potion,” Professor McGonagall shook his head. “This year, looking for a potions grandmaster to serve as our Potions’ Professor, it would be more difficult than finding a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.”

“Well… I remember that the Slughorn professor who used to work for Hogwarts was not a very good potion scholar?” Marx thought.

“Hey – don’t mention him!” Professor McGonagall decisively denied this sly idea. “Since Voldemort got the momentum, he immediately resigned and found an excuse. Albus personally tried to persuade him, but that was useless! ”

“… is this the case?” Marx thought nodded.

Did Dumbledore’s early death make “Horace Slughorn”, a very important person, unable to appear?

No, maybe let Slughorn go back to Hogwarts, it’s not that difficult!

“Professor,” Marx thought. “Do you know where he lives? Maybe I can visit him… In fact, if you come to me this time, I want to ask if I have any good candidates. If… I can only say, I am sorry.”

“Well…” Professor McGonagall indulged for a moment, and then he sighed. “Well! If you want to talk about potion, Slughorn is indeed a candidate who is no worse than Severus – he should still live in Devon now. Badle Barberton Village…”

After some reluctantly telling Marx about her location, she shook her head again and didn’t seem to be optimistic about Marx’s trip.

As a former colleague, she knows very well what the Slughorn is… well, how to “slurry the oil” and love the vanity of the old man.

Of course, and not to mention the slightly frivolous behaviors of his youth, as he gets older, his attention has basically shifted to creating a good social circle.

Although the act of “putting the achievements of your own students to the mouth and showing off to others” is also a teacher’s self-confidence, if the show is over, the nature will change a bit.

“… In short, come back as soon as possible without any hope!” Professor McGonagall finally warned repeatedly. “You can still have classes in the afternoon! Don’t forget the duty as a teacher!”

After Marx’s consecutive nodded delivery, she turned and hurried away.

“I remember that the old professor seemed to be a very interesting guy,” Marx pondered, packing things and preparing to go to visit each other immediately. “With him, Hogwarts should be more lively.” “”


The time is actually quite early, and the heavy snow has not stopped for a long time. The road has accumulated a thick layer of snow.

Marx walked on a straight, narrow street, and the houses on both sides were neatly arranged, not clearly seen in the snow curtain.

In the distance, you can also see the outline of a towering building, which should look like a church with a clock tower. It’s just that the field of vision is a bit ambiguous, and people can’t tell if their guess is right.

Marx passed by a small pub that had been closed and closed. The remaining swarf footprints in front of the pub were not covered by snow, and they continued to extend forward. It seems that some people have just come out here.

After looking for a while, Marx turned to the front corner, passed a telephone booth and a bus stop, and found himself in another sustainable area.

When he continued on for a while, it was not long before he stopped in front of a snow-covered garden iron gate. In the garden, a neat and tidy house stands in the middle.

Marx glanced at the iron gate and found that Slughorn didn’t seem to have the habit of locking the door, so he simply slammed the iron door and walked in.

The lawn of the front yard garden is covered with snow, which makes people a little confused. Where is the road and where is the grass. He is here to invite people, can’t he sneak up on the lawn of others?

After looking around, Marx reached for a wave, and a whirlwind swept up immediately, stacking the snow from the front garden onto the road outside the garden.

After the front yard was cleaned, he went straight to the gate along the path that the garden saw.


Marx stood in front of the door, no one should knock on the door for the first time, and when he knocked on the door for the second time, his face showed a little funny expression.

He did feel it. There was someone in the room, but the other party didn’t seem to want to open the door to meet his temporary visit. And more than that, the most interesting thing is…

Marx’s foot moved, swiftly passing the garden, bypassing the side of the house and coming to the back door of the house. And just as he was able to stop in front of the back door, the door was hurriedly opened from inside.

“If the anti-Disapparation curse is not permanent, it basically has no meaning; but if it is permanent, sometimes it is not so convenient!” He looked at the bald fat old man who appeared at the door and smiled. “…I’m right, Mr. Slughorn?”

“…is really right!” The fat old man mumbled.

“Good morning, Professor Slughorn,” Marx officially gave a courtesy, courteously, “I am currently a professor at the Hogwarts as a Professor of Ancient Runes –”

“–Marx McLorne.” Slughorn took his words. “Yes, I know you! Or, the Britain magic circle is a potion, who else won’t know you? The youngest genius in history, Potioneer Mr?”

“Oh – it’s a good reputation,” Marx said humbly. “In front of your potions grandmaster, my achievements are not worth mentioning – you have taught a lot of excellent wizard talents!”

“Well haha… is this also known to you? It seems that although I have been in seclusion for a long time, my reputation is still widely circulated in the Britain magic circle!”

Are you still “reclusive”?

After Voldemort’s defeat, the fat old man immediately re-opened in the magic circle. In addition to always refusing to return to Hogwarts, what other things are doing less?

Not to mention participating in various activities with political and economic nature, even private banquets held by various celebrities have never been less, and have been working tirelessly to expand their “excellent” communication circle.

“Of course, of course!” Marx said with a smile. “It’s because your reputation is widely circulated in the world.” I took the initiative to invite you to visit you! I know that as a junior who loves potion, I am But admired for a long time -“

“…I wonder if I am fortunate enough to be able to go to your home?” He gestured to the back door and smiled calmly.

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