As the saying goes, “Breakfast eats like a king, lunch is like a gentleman, dinner is like a poor man.” This sentence was originally used to discuss a healthy diet, but it can be placed in Britain’s three meals a day without any violation. sense.

It is said that the dishes of Britain will make you think that you have entered a dark country. In fact, the breakfast of Britain is not terrifying as foreigners know. On the contrary, even the muggle writer Maug, who was born in Paris, France, once said that if you want to eat well in Britain, you might want to have breakfast three times a day!

Of course, Marx feels that there is no harm without comparison.

“…come, try this roast,” Slughorn diligently forked a group of dark, dry things into Marx’s plate, and eagerly said, “You know, although Hogwarts’ food has always been very popular. But that’s still too greasy for our seniors. These roasts are made by myself – I haven’t been to the kitchen for a long time, and the elves are so intimate!”

That’s right, if it’s a normal breakfast, like a bacon, an omelette, etc., it’s really OK, but the old man’s roasting roast is not so easy to accept.

Marx ordered nodded at him, and then smacked the sneaking side to the side without any trace, lest it baring fangs and brandishing claws to block the cream cheese mashed potatoes he was eating.

Fortunately, Slughorn didn’t keep staring at him, but forked another roasting hoe and pointed it at Harry’s plate.

This breakfast is actually quite rich, except for Slughorn’s ingenious roast, which is something that looks appetizing. It’s just that the atmosphere on this dinning table is a bit weird.

Ron was staring at Draco with a heart, and Draco was concentrating on a roast sausage; Hermione’s fork was smeared with a single-sided omelet, but his attention was clearly on Luna in the corner of his eye. The semi-solidified egg yolk came out and was not found.

Neville, opposite the dinning table, looks like he hasn’t slept enough enough, and he can take a nap while he is holding half a piece of toast.

In the end, there was naturally Harry, who was trying to cope with the enthusiasm of this Slughorn to avoid the last roasting into his plate.

The meaning behind Slughorn’s hiding behind this meal is already obvious. Before Harry came here, he put his attention on Marx. And when Harry was seated, he moved the goal of trying to gain somebody’s friendship to the sad reminder of Harry.

“…McLorne’s performance at the Quiddich World Cup scene was really wonderful, isn’t it?”

Slughorn was talking to Harry about the Marx’s World Cup, and the cognac on the tip of the fork was trembled by him, as if he had died.

“None of the time, no one knows that he is acting. The flying technique he showed is really good! Do you know? I was at the scene at the time – well, as long as I am willing, Gwinog will help me get it. Tickets that don’t cost money. Of course, I mean Gwinog Jones, who is the Captain of the Hollyhead Habib team. He is also a student I have taught before…”

Show your conversations anytime, anywhere, that is Slughorn’s masterpiece. He can put the famous characters he knows into the dialogue, and then naturally tell others to know.

“Really, I mentioned that in the letter and Gwinog,” the old man continued to sing highly, regardless of whether Harry had heard it or not. “At the time, McLorne had not announced him and Albus. The plan, so Gwinog in the reply to McLorne can not say how much good -“

Having said that, Slughorn turned his head again and laughed at Marx. Marx, who is chewing on the sausage, doesn’t care shrugged, indicating that he doesn’t care about it.

“…oh, but she was a little angry at McLorne’s move to disrupt the World Cup at the time, but she was highly appreciative of the Quiddich technology that McLorne showed on the scene. She said that it would be shortly after the start of the whistle. The player who grabbed the gold snitch, except for absolute luck, was absolute strength – and McLorne’s situation at the time was obviously the latter!”

He said, a little paused, followed by a sensation: “I think McLorne wouldn’t want to be a professor in the future, maybe he can go to Quidditch match – it must be World class! He must be his own team. Take a series of championships!”

Most of the children like Quiddich, which has been the case since Slughorn was a young man. He guessed it right, even now, the sport is the favorite of most young wizards.

“Oh! Sir, you just said that you know Gwinog Jones?” Ron no longer stared at Draco, who was surprisingly silent today.

“Yes, that’s right!” Slughorn ordered nodded and pretended to be a reserved figure. “You heard, I taught her before – potion class, you know.”

Ron got his confirmation again, and he was surprised to see Marx.

“Last time at my house, you and Ginny said that someone can help her get the signature photo of Gwinog. Are you talking about Mr. Slughorn?”

He said that the three-on-three match that was played in The Burrow before, before the game, Marx did mention this to Ginny. See Ron at this point, Marx is simply nodded.

“Signature photo?” Slughorn is like finding a breakthrough point, and actively inserting it in a hurry. “It’s easy—believe me, it’s no easier than that! Ginny? Is it your little girlfriend, Mr. Weasley?”

“Oh, no…” Ron waved again and again, “Ginny is my younger sister.”

“Is it?” Slughorn didn’t care what it was. He only needed to know that the relationship between the two was very close. “You let Miss Weasley wait, next time I can invite him to join my private small. Activities, I can give her signature to her by hand!”

“Oh! That’s really good,” Ron looked very happy about everything that made his baby younger sister happy. “Ginny, if you know it, will be very happy! But…”

He said, but asked Marx: “Why did you say that it was the next school year? I heard it in the broom, you let Ginny look forward to the next school year…”

Marx hearing this, looked over Slughorn and signaled if he wanted to announce it himself.

Slughorn sees Marx with his eyes to ask himself. When he thinks about it, he directly removes the back chair under his butt and stands up with a smile.

“McLorne didn’t make a mistake, just because of some circumstances, this time needs to be slightly advanced.” Old man pulled his collar and tried to make himself look more solemn. “Young people here.” Miss Mr. is not an outsider, so you can know earlier than other students – starting today, I will officially return to the Hogwarts magic school and re-open as the school’s Potions’ Professor!”

For a time, Harry and the others were kneeling in their seats, and only two people slammed their hands. One of them is naturally Marx, and the other is Draco. It seems that he knew this before.

“So… Snape?” Harry made his first voice.

There is an old saying in Britain that “the one who cares most about you is always your enemy”, and this sentence is vividly and thoroughly on Harry’s body.

“Professor Snape will replace Dolores Umbridge, who has resigned, as the temporary vacancy of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.” Marx explained casually. “Don’t rush to open your eyes, believe me, he is at least better than the Umbridge.” More… As for how strong, you will experience it yourself!”


Even Marx’s comfort could not stop Ron and Harry’s sincere mourning. Even Neville, who was dozing off, was awakened by the name “Snape”, and the half-baked tomato in his mouth fell back to him. In the plate.

“…so, I will teach you the wonderful course of “potion learning” in the future!” Slughorn’s attention is not at Snape’s attention, he is still making his own speech, “Maybe You haven’t been able to feel the charm of this course before, but I will let you really be interested in it! By the way, tell you an exclusive good news – your McLorne professor will be in my As a special guest in a class, I will show you the brilliance of potion together with him!”

Perhaps because the breakfast time mentioned too many names of “McLorne”, Draco finally pulled his eyes out of the sausage and hesitantly swept in the direction of Marx.

Since Draco was sitting next to the Slughorn, it made Slughorn even notice Draco’s sight. I don’t know what it is. Slughorn, who had a special liking for this kind of windy moment, ended his inauguration speech and suddenly led the topic to Draco.

“Mr. Malfoy, don’t you have something to say to McLorne?” His face showed a kind of good taste, and it seemed like a moment to become a harmonious Master. “I think it is a good time now.” What do you want to say, you can say it now! Look at my face and believe that McLorne will listen to it… is it?”

Slughorn’s last “Yes?” is obviously what Marx said. Not very interested in his “face” Marx, but what Draco wants to say, he would like to know.

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