“…the whole magic circle thinks that my Patriarch people have been missing for years, and there are rumors that he is reclusive in your Britain. In fact, he spends a lot of time in the same place, that is his laboratory.”

At this point, it has already reached the night. Marx and Mr. Old Steard walked together on the dim street, and only the street lights lit at night were illuminating them.

In fact, Madam Maxime is also coming together, but she is the headmaster of Beauxbatons. There are still things to be busy at the moment, and it will take some time to come over.

Marx and old steward walked side by side, talking from time to time, and the content is naturally the destination tonight.

“Oh, I heard this rumor and I heard it…” Marx thought. “I remember, Dumbledore wanted to mention it, saying that Mr. Flamel had lived in Devon for a while?”

“Yeah, it’s been a short time,” Old Edward nodded. “But it’s only a couple of years – when the main family visited Mr. Dumbledore, they both exchanged some ideas about magic.”

“That…” Marx curiously said, “Sir, do you know why Mr. Nicholas Flamel wants to give up eternal life suddenly? As far as I know, he made this decision before he loaned Philosopher’s Stone to Professor Dumbledore. It is.”

He also died with his 658-year-old wife. Marx didn’t ask this question, but what he wanted to know most was this determination. Is it true that he is as speculated by other wizards that it is boring to live too long?

“Oh, I don’t know,” Old Edward loved this, and shook his head. “The idea of ​​the main house, I didn’t understand much from the time I was young, let alone the age. But I was thinking.” With the temperament of the main family, most of the deaths can help him go further in alchemy research?”

As we all know, Nicholas Flamel is also a famous research madman, who lived 665 years, and most of them spent most of their time researching. Although he did research, he also donated a lot of magic circle, and even the infrastructure of muggle World, but most of them were done by his wife, but only in his name that’s all.

Nicholas · Flamel is not the so-called “great good man” is not known, anyway, his wife is definitely a big philanthropist, this is always wrong.

“Mr. McLorne, go here -“

As he passed through a junction, old steward reached out and told Marx that he had turned.

“Sir, just call me Marx,” Marx followed him and turned to walk into a winding road, waving his hand. “You know, my age is great for your grandson. You don’t have to be so polite to me.” ”

But the old steward shook his head, apparently he still had some different insistence.

“I am Steward of the Flamel family. Since my family saved me in the desert of Egypt, I have been a steward in my life. Steward should have the rules of Steward. You don’t have to be too Mr. McLorne. I care too much…”

“Well?” Marx shrugged, no longer tangled for a title.

“…well, we are here!”

After waiting for two people to walk along the stone path on a muggle town for a little while, soon the old steward stopped in front of an ordinary house.

Marx found that this is still a very old red-brick brick house. There are some large flower pots on the ground near the roadside, and there are some lush plants inside. The bricks on the walls are uneven and covered with the footprints of the years.

Of course, this is certainly not as old as Nicholas Flamel. The house is estimated to be just over a dozen or twenty years old.

In this residential area that extends along the path of the lane, this small house is extremely inconspicuous. No one would think that it would be a great Alchemist home.

“Mr. Flamel has lived here all the time?” Marx looked at the house and asked casually.

“No,” old steward laughed. “This is actually where I live, but my Patriarch’s laboratory is only here to find the entrance. If I have to say it, I am going to stand for the Patriarch.” “”

He said, pulling out an ordinary key to unlock the door lock, and then walked in quite nostalgic.

“After the death of my autonomous person and my wife, I have not been back for a while,” old steward greeted Marx and entered the door. He said, “It’s a bit strange to think about it. The master and the wife went one step ahead of me. … If this was a few years ago, I couldn’t believe it.”

It can be seen that what he misses is not the memories he lives here, but the years when his master, Mr. Nicholas Flamel, is still there.

“The owner often said that he would go out suddenly, and then I had to stop the busy work and pack the baggage with him.”

Old steward remembers his past, and his life is almost always around Nicholas Flamel. So much so that his most memorable things are related to his Patriarch people.

“You don’t know, the main family never looked at the time, and many times I called forcibly in the middle of the night. It was his age, and he was full of energy, like a 20-year-old. The big young man! It’s incredible to think about it…”

Marx didn’t know if this kind of life was a blessing. Looking at the old steward’s expression, he felt a sincere peace.

Perhaps some people’s lives don’t need to be too grand, as long as they can survive, it is usually enough.

The house that the old steward lives in, whether it is seen from the outside or from the inside, is actually not a big space. In fact, this is simply a common housing on the muggle town that’s all. Followed by Edward all the way through the living room, walking through the stairs, the ceiling on the second floor looked a bit low – this is a bedroom.

But Old Edward did not stop here, but reached out and grabbed an old twine hanging from the wall. With the “ka-cha” a light sound, a piece of wood on the ceiling is pulled open, which is a trapdoor that leads to the attic.

“Help me reach out!” old steward looked up. “I should have pulled the stairs down with a hook, but since you are here today, I can enjoy the benefits of the elderly.”

Perhaps because of Marx’s previous mention of age, old steward also made a small joke. But the fact is also true, to say that the age of the old steward is also great, at least seventy-eighty years old.

Of course, the most important thing is to be cautious. You must know that there is a risk of being discovered by the curse. Tonight, they avoid people and people, and naturally do not want to let others know.

As I said earlier, the second floor of this house is relatively low and the ceiling is almost within reach. After glanced at Marx, Marx just jumped a little and grabbed the wooden ladder resting on the door of the attic.

“hua la – oh!”

The wooden ladder slides down the edge of the trapdoor and steadily hangs between the floor and the ceiling. Can you go up and see what?

“Mr. MrLorne,” old steward spoke. “Before I went up, I still want you a word – please tell me, you really will help us, open my Patriarch heritage to the full magic circle, right ?”

Marx hearing this , as it should be by rights location nodded.

Tonight’s action was that he had previously discussed with Madam Maxime, and old steward Edward was negotiated by Madam Maxime. In fact, there are so many people who have this alchemy heritage. Just look at how many people gathered in Beauxbatons to know that this pool will be completely smashed sooner or later.

In this case, only the old Edward is left to act to fulfill the owner’s wishes. Well, maybe you can count on Madam Ma Max, the female headmaster whose mind is all on education, but no one else can trust it.

However, the alchemy heritage of Nicholas Flamel is not something that both of them can touch. Madam Maxime has already come here to see it, but it seems that even the door can’t get in, let alone get the inheritance.

To blame, you can only blame Nicholas Flamel, who is full of research. It seems that he has not moved too many brains in the distribution of the inheritance, so he left a rather contradictory problem for the old steward.

In short, they need a wizard with enough knowledge to hold the legacy in their hands. Only by mastering itself can we talk about finding a reasonable way to distribute in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

Originally this task should be on Dumbledore, but it is clear that he has also died. Therefore, this task of great responsibility eventually reached the head of Marx.

“Sorry, this fact is too important. I just want to make myself more reassured.” After hearing Marx’s decisive answer, the wrinkles on Old Edward’s face gradually spread out, “Mr. McLorne – -please!”

Under the direction of the old steward, Marx solemnly nodded, and this was the first to climb the wooden ladder.

With the embarrassment of the old ladder, Marx quickly climbed into the top floor of the house. The head was quite dim, and he glimpsed some piles of debris by the light rays that came in through the trap door.

He didn’t hurry to look around, but turned back and reached out to the trap door, pulling an old steward.

“It’s really old…” Old Edward sighed. “Mr. MrLorne, there is an oil lamp on the pillar next to it. You can pick it up and get some light.”

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