In the minds of most of the Fifth Year and Seventh Year students, this year’s Easter holiday is like sitting in the muggle movie theater to watch an unrecognized old movie. While feeling that it is stinky and long, you have to sit in the seat and read it, because you are not willing to waste money.

After all, the holiday is a holiday, and it will be slightly more relaxed than the usual days of class. Even if Harry and Ron were both tortured by one of Hermione’s schedules, they had plenty of time to sleep well.

But in any case, people who have something to do will always feel that time passes quickly. When the Easter holiday arrived on the last day, everyone looked back and found that the whole holiday had come to an end.

“Harry -“

The next morning, when everyone settled in the auditorium and prepared to welcome the last part of the school year with a new look, a voice full of joy suddenly came from the side of the gallery.

Harry, who was applying jam on his bread, heard the familiar voice and immediately looked back.

“Oh, Ginny?” He put down his knife and waved at the shadow that was running towards him. “Good morning, I was so happy in the early morning, what good things happened?”

“Harry, I have good news,” I don’t know where her lady’s gestures are going. When she ran, she rushed to the ground. “A bad news!”

“Good news?” Harry wondered. “I think I should congratulate you first… but what good news?”

Ginny sat down beside him, first and foremost, and then carefully approached him. Her little cautious look made Harry more curious.

“…Harry, Angelina said, I will welcome my debut in the upcoming finals!” After she said this, she smiled happily again. “This is great.” I think, I will remember it all my life!”

“Hey! Is this true? It’s so cool!” Harry even put on a surprise expression even if he clap his hands, but in a blink of an eye he was puzzled. “So, who are you replacing?” Why didn’t I listen to Angelina?”

“She said it should be kept secret,” Ginny whispered. “No wonder that after training for your regular players, the training for our replacement team members has not been broken. Angelina is always ready to adjust the team. She just said, I am the secret weapon selected from the three substitutes!”

“So?” Harry nodded gestured.

“It’s Andrew, Angelina thinks he’s afraid he can’t cope with the finals, because he’s been worried about whether he will lose the Quiddich Cup because of his mistakes.” Ginny quietly explained, “But no one would think of it – – I would actually replace Andrew’s team member!”

As soon as Harry heard it, he suddenly shook his head in surprise.

“Yeah! Who can guess?” He stared blankly at Ginny, and then lowered his voice. “You will become the Keeper of the Gryffindor team? Even I was shocked!”

“What shocked you were?” Ron, who chewed the sausage on the opposite side, vaguely asked, “What are you talking about?”

Ginny saw Ron talking, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately. After glanced at Ron, she quickly turned away from her head and put on a look that she didn’t want to pay attention to.

Ginny always felt Ron’s problem for the farce that was tossed by Lavender and Neville that day. Although she didn’t like Ron and Lavender together, when Ron asked Neville to lie to Lavender once, she turned back and blamed Ron.

The female child’s mind is always difficult to guess, and if it is a younger sister, it is easier for people to understand.

Opposite the dinning table, Ron looked at Ginny in a foggy way. After a while, he swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Harry wonderingly.

“La – Wen – Germany.”

Harry made a few mouthcuts for Ron, and then he couldn’t help shrugged. After seeing it, Ron glanced at his eyes first, then raised his hand and scratched his scalp. He finally picked up the fork and picked up the last sausage in the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Well, I have to admit, that’s true… oh… it’s my fault.” He was vague again. “But even if I want to apologize, the object will be Neville, not Lavender…”

When Ron and Ginny once again made a small contradiction, Hermione was still looking at her new issue of Daily Prophet. No matter who Ron will apologize to, this is not her concern. What I care about most at the moment is a less eye-catching article published in the newspaper.

Yes, the name of Marx is once again in the newspaper.

Since Voldemort was defeated again, over time, things about Marx have no longer been made a fuss about nothing.

Even when it was the hottest before, every day you open the newspaper, you can see at least two large reports about Marx. From the business to the gossip, everything is indispensable, and the real and fake are mixed together, so that these little friends who know Marx are looking at the side and want to laugh and tear off the newspaper in their hands.

Until recently, even though the fire was finally a little retreat, Marx’s name is still very common in newspapers.

However, the essence of this small text that Hermione is reading at this time is very different from the blinking reports that are extremely exaggerated. If you want to pick the biggest difference, let’s say it is – this is a small article using the letter from the “Daily Prophet” reader.

In that paragraph, I was very keen to point out a question that many people ignored. After the end of Marx’s transfer period, will he end his communication task and return to the Durmstrang magic school?

This can be said to be a very real problem.

Because by convention, professors from other schools usually return to their school after the expiration of their dispatch, because they are affiliated with the dispatcher. Only the special case of Marx will be transferred directly to Hogwarts with just a name in Durmstrang.

At the end of that little article, the writer who wrote the letter specifically added that he was actually a student at Durmstrang and was very much looking forward to Marx being able to go back to class.

The information contained in this short text is undoubtedly quite eye-catching and a rare topic. The newspaper “Daily Prophet” after all is Britain magic circle, although the newspaper editor is extremely reluctant to such an extremely attractive article, but still has to put it in an inconspicuous position.

Again, Hogwarts is also the pride of the Britain magic circle, and Marx, the hero who wipes out the Dark Lord, is better to stay in Britain, isn’t it?

After reading this little text over and over again, Hermione folded the newspaper and threw it aside, taking a swig of milk.

Although Marx is determined not to leave Hogwarts, it is related to the decision of the International Wizard Federation Education Department. In theory, it is not Marx who can do what he wants.

“Hermione? What happened to you?”

Probably found her decent look, Ginny suddenly asked.

“en?” Hermione stunned for a moment, and it was laughed. “No, nothing… I was just thinking about a topic that might be tested.”

She arbitrarily coped with one sentence, and she shook her head in secret – yes, no problem, Marx can find a way to get himself to Hogwarts to be a professor, then there is no way to let himself stay?

But although her heart comforted herself so much, her eyes couldn’t help but look at the newspaper again.

“The letter from the reader was really written by a student at Durmstrang?”

There is no evidence to answer her question.


The exam is only less than two months away, with Hermione’s inertia pre-test anxiety, even if her grades are good, she can’t get rid of it. Now, in the constant review, this inexplicable and worrying worry is interspersed, which makes her feel that she is not in the state all day.

So, bad luck is Ron and Harry.

Next Saturday is Hufflepuff’s Quidditch match against Slytherin, which is the last second match of this Quiddich Cup. If Slytherin loses to Hufflepuff by then, the Gryffindor’s winning face will increase, so the pressure on Ginny will be smaller.

Unfortunately, Harry had no time to cheer for Ginny, because Hermione’s urging made him tired, and all his spare time was spent in the textbook. As soon as he thinks he must play in the finals, he can’t help but feel that his pressure may be bigger than Ginny’s debut!

In the past few days, he has been doing several nightmare about the exam and Quiddich. You know, since he practiced Occlumency with Small Accomplishment, he almost never dreamed at night!

Seriously, he really appreciates Marx about this. Because after that, no matter how busy during the day, he can restore his spirit with a good dreamlessness.

But recently, the huge sense of exhaustion seems to have made it difficult for him to maintain Occlumency during sleep.

And just in the early hours of the morning, Harry slammed his eyes and sat up, and in the cold sweat, he touched his forehead with a look of confusion. There, a lightning-shaped scar screamed for a long time, silently stimulating his nerves.

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